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No Regretz

I had pretty eyes? That's what she'd said. I couldn't believe that, Dru, who had not too long ago called me repulsive, had said that I had 'pretty eyes'. Unsure of what to say next, I just dropped the subject entirely, "Hey, I've got an idea, why don't all of us go to the beach to celebrate? We can bring a picnic and everything!"
She looked relieved and nodded, "Sure, you go gather the troops."

I watched him walk away and then fell backwards, collapsing onto the bed. I just knew things were going to get confusing, and it was starting already.

A few weeks later, it was time for the other singers and bands to join us on the tour, so we were having a small 'party' to 'welcome' them. Everyone spent the whole day getting things ready, while Nick and I sat on the bus, refusing to participate.

"I can't believe they're doing anything to welcome them here," I whined, for the hundreth time that day.
But Nick didn't mind, because he just whined back, "Yeah I know, I can't believe we're even letting them on this tour."
I laughed, "I'm guessing this was the same conversation you guys were having before we came here?"
He grinned, "Well, a bit worse, but--"
I was giving him the look.
"--but now we're so glad you're all here! Heh heh, we'd be lost without you!"
"Of course you would, because without us, who would come to your stinky concerts?"
As soon as I said it, I jumped off of the couch and took off. I raced through the kitchen, and off the bus, with him hot on my trail. When I thought I'd lost him, I turned back to look, and ran right into someone, falling smack down on my ass.
"Ugh, dammit, watch where I'm going!" I said, then looked up.
"Oh, shit, figures..."
Just then, an out of breath Nick caught up, only to realize, like me, who I'd run into.
"What are you doing out here? Aren't they having a party for you, that you should be at, instead of here, in there, away from here--"
"Nick... he gets the point," I whispered, my eyes glued to the muscular chest of the new comer.
"Well, Tilly spilled something on my shirt, so they told me to come and get one from you Nick," Justin said with a smile, at me.
Nick rolled his eyes, grabbed me by the arm and yanked me up off of the ground. "Fine," he said, taking his shirt off, "take this one. Just get lost."
Justin took the shirt, winked at me, and walked back inside.
"Damn Dru, could you be more obvious?"
I gave him a sly smile, "Well, I don't often see a chest like that around here."
He gave me a light shove, "Hah hah, you're hilarious, it's so funny that you enjoy laughing at my non exsistant muscles."

Oh, little did he know, that ever since he'd taken off his shirt, his 'non exsistant' muscles had been making me very squirmy.

Chapter 8
Chapter Index