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UFO Research: Home Sapiens Hybrid Theories

Compiled by Montgomery


The UFO Resource Center has been studying the surface of the red planet for many years. We realize the significance of this find early on. The field of archeoastronomy is currently being conducted by armchair astronauts with a computer at their fingertips. We are in persuit of the truth about Mars. We believe that there is more to this story than our governments want to admit. At this point, we must leave this exploration for those brave souls who dare tempt a mere morsel of information surrounding this mysterious planet.

In the presence of numerous witnesses, we continue to make discoveries about Mars. At present, we have numerous files filled to capacity with supportive evidence, which suggests that there may have been life on Mars at one time. The opinions and viewpoint expressed here are not the only ones to the material, which we shall examine...

The UFO Resource Center thanks Paranormal and Michael Paine for this report:

"Your Ancestors May Be Martian"

By Michael Paine

Suppose that billions of years ago life developed on Mars. Primitive, tiny organisms that thrived deep within rocks and made a living from water and chemicals seeping through those rocks. Now imagine that a huge asteroid collided with Mars. Millions of martian rock fragments were thrown into space by the force of the impact. Tough martian organisms hitchhiked on some of this ejecta. Many pieces went into orbit around the sun and, after hundreds of thousands of years, some of these collided with the Earth. Of those rocks, a few reached the surface. Some hardy martian organisms survived the journey, colonized the Earth and eventually evolved into the huge variety of life that we know today. Just a few years ago this scenario would have been dismissed as wildly imaginative and highly improbable. Though still highly speculative, recent discoveries in several fields of science have shown that it is far from impossible -- our ancient ancestors might have been martians. Enter the nanobes

It is not every day that a scientist discovers a possible new life form. Dr. Phillipa Uwins works in the Center for Microscopy and Microanalysis at Queensland University, Australia. Last year she was asked to analyze some rock samples taken from several miles under the seabed in a drilling operation off the coast of western Australia. The temperature at this location was around 300 Fahrenheit (150 Celsius) and the pressure was an incredible 2,000 times normal atmospheric pressure at sea level.

During an electron microscope examination, Uwins found what appeared to be tiny, dormant organisms only 20 nanometers across. (A nanometer is one -billionth billionth of a meter.) She named them "nanobes." To Uwins' surprise, filaments grew when samples of the nanobes were given some food and exposed to normal temperatures and pressures. She was also surprised because the cell walls of the nanobes survived the intense radiation and vacuum of the electron microscope.

Uwins teamed up with two microbiologists to further investigate the nanobes. A range of chemical tests indicated that the tiny objects contained DNA. This finding challenged the notion that a "cell" 20 nanometers in diameter was too small to have room for this essential ingredient of life as we know it (it is also one of the arguments against the "nanofossils" in martian meteorites -- discussed below).

Here was a tough little critter that was able to survive the heat and pressure deep underground and, possibly, the vacuum and radiation of an electron microscope. The Queensland team may have found an organism that can survive a ride between the planets aboard a meteorite.

Creatures don't have to be as small as nanobes to survive space-like conditions. Several other examples of "extremophiles" (organisms that can survive very hostile conditions) have been found by other researchers in recent years, including bacteria that live inside nuclear reactors.

Meteorites from Mars

Rocks from Mars have made it to the Earth. Remember the fuss in 1996 when NASA scientists claimed they had found possible fossil evidence of ancient life in a meteorite from Mars? (That debate is still not settled.)

After being blasted from the surface of Mars, one small chunk of rock spent 16 million years in orbit around the Sun. Then some 13,000 years ago it collided with the Earth and landed in the icy Antarctic. In 1984, scientists searching for meteorites found it and named it ALH84001. Ten years later researchers figured out that ALH84001 had come from Mars. This was based partly on an analysis of the Martian atmosphere by the Viking spacecraft in 1977 -- but that is another detective story.

A dozen or so other meteorites are now known to have come from Mars. In 1911 one of them fell to Earth in Egypt and killed a dog. It took almost 80 years to recognize that the unlucky dog had been killed by a rock thrown from Mars. Planetary scientist and crater expert Dr. Jay Melosh, from the University of Arizona, has estimated that about half a ton of martian material falls to Earth each year.

Melosh observed that some of the martian meteorites showed no evidence of a violent shock when they were blasted into space from the surface of Mars. This meant "back to the drawing board" for theories about rocks ejected into space by impacts -- they were supposed to be partly melted by the intense heat from the shock wave.

Melosh worked out a theory that rocks near the surface could be launched into space without "shock heating." The effect is something like crumbs being flicked from a shaken picnic blanket.

The discovery meant that organisms hiding within ejected rocks could survive the blast from a nearby asteroid impact. There are, however, many other hazards in a flight from Mars to Earth. Melosh investigated these hazards and was able to show that some organisms had a fighting chance of making the trip between the planets. Surviving space flight

In his classic 1865 novel From the Earth to the Moon, science fiction writer Jules Verne wrote of a piloted space capsule being launched by a gigantic cannon. Verne was aware of the scientific error with this idea -- the astronauts would be crushed by forces thousands of times greater than the pull of gravity (1 G or an increase in speed of 32 feet per second every second). Verne knew that the steady and comparatively gentle rocket was the way to reach space, but his audience of the day was more likely to believe the cannon story.

For most creatures on Earth, exposure to several hundred Gs would be fatal. They have no hope of surviving the Jules Verne cannon blast, or a ride on a rock blasted into space by an asteroid impact. But some very primitive forms of life are so small and simple that they can survive enormous accelerations -- 10,000 G or more.

One way that scientists can test the ability of organisms to survive very high G forces is to fire them out of a cannon. This was recently done in Sweden and a substantial proportion of dormant organisms survived the launch conditions. Jules Verne had the right idea but the wrong organism.

Of all the rocks blasted from the surface of Mars into orbit around the sun, about one in 15 will eventually collide with the Earth. Some make it in thousands of years. Others may take millions of years. For organisms aboard these rocks the journey would be extremely hazardous, with freezing temperatures, deadly cosmic rays and ultraviolet radiation. But the rock spaceship provides some protection from radiation and cosmic rays, and the deep freeze may actually help some organisms survive the tough conditions. Next, the organisms would have to survive the rigors of colliding with the Earth. The outside of a meteorite glows white-hot as it plunges into the atmosphere at 25,000 mph or more. Many burn up completely and never reach the ground. However, a small percentage survive and make it to the surface. The inside of a meteorite is protected from the heat of re-entry because rock is a very good heat insulator. People who have come across a freshly fallen meteorite sometimes report that a layer of frost has formed on its surface. The inside remained at the freezing temperature of space even though the outside glowed white-hot during reentry. Any organisms within the meteorite could therefore -- in theory -- survive to reach the surface of the Earth. Finally, the organisms would have to make a home for themselves on their new planet. Billions of years ago the conditions on Earth might have been similar to those on Mars, so colonizing this planet may not have been difficult, compared with the hazards of getting here.

Of course, this scenario all depends on Mars having some tough forms of microscopic life billions of years ago. Maybe the exciting space missions to Mars planned over the next few years tell us whether this was the case or not.

Lifeboats in space

Another intriguing possibility is that meteorites may have acted as lifeboats ("escape pods" for Star Wars fans).

Giant asteroids and comets bombarded the planets up until the time that life is first thought to have arisen. Following some of these impacts the surface of the Earth would have been sterilized by temperatures much hotter than an oven, and any oceans would have boiled away. Perhaps the only escape for organisms was to be blasted into space and the really lucky ones returned to the Earth when things cooled down. The same rescue system could have worked for any life on Mars.

Maybe martians came from Earth Even if the scenario of Mars life seeding the Earth is not correct, the reverse seems quite likely. Rocks all over the surface of the Earth have been found to contain microscopic life. It is hard to find places that don't have life. Hundreds of huge asteroid impacts have occurred on Earth since life first began. Without doubt some of these impacts would have launched rocks bearing microscopic life.

In his book "The Fifth Miracle," physicist Paul Davies discusses the origins and development of life on Earth. He pays great attention to the possibility of life being exchanged between Earth and Mars and concludes "It is therefore inevitable that life from Earth has reached Mars ... that is why I am certain that there was life on Mars in the past, and may well be life there today".

Paul Davies also notes that, 4 billion years ago, Mars may have been more suitable than Earth for the development of life. He argues that we should be prepared for the possibility, remote though it may seem, that we are descended from martians.(Reference#1).


Aliens, Angels, Drugs, and Fasting

Written By: Jeff Behnke (

Everyone has questions that they would like to ask God. Children, before they are out of elementary school, say some of the most profound things that we can never answer. They are questions that we have had and that we have learned to merely shut off. What else are you going to do? Some of the prophets, however, never gave up these questions, and considering their position, they wanted answers. Ezra was one of them.

In the Apocrypha, there is a book entitled '2 Esdras' where Ezra, a prophet of the Israelites, is deeply troubled over God. God makes no sense to Ezra, he's mad, and he wants answers. As a result of his complaints, he is visited by one of the angels who calls himself Uriel. Uriel agrees to answer Ezra's questions, but in return, Ezra has to fast for seven day intervals. Ezra agrees to this as well, considering that there are things that the Israelites have been asking that he cannot explain. What is a prophet of God good for if they can't tell the people what they need to hear?

According to the Apocrypha, Ezra goes out onto a mountain and begins his fasting. He doesn't want to be disturbed by the Israelites--he merely wants to work out what is going on in his head and sort out what God is thinking. Uriel finally arrives, and Ezra begins to explain his concerns.

For Ezra's first question, he gives Uriel a rundown of everything that has happened since the creation of earth to the time of the great flood which killed the ungodly--except for Noah, from whom we have all descended. Ezra then asks why God did not take the evil out of the hearts of men. Why destroy the wickedness and kill everyone through a great flood yet keep the evil? What point is that? He also explains that he is a great traveler and that the supposed 'good' which should befall those who worship God does not happen. In fact, it is God's chosen that suffer the most while many others who do not know God are doing just fine.

Now the response Ezra gets does not really answer this question. At first, Uriel says that Ezra's understanding has utterly failed regarding the world, so how does he think he can comprehend God? Ezra ignores this and says he will understand just fine if Uriel will just tell him the damn answer. So Uriel says he will tell him the answer if Ezra himself can answer one of three questions. Ezra says okay, fine. The first question: "Can you measure the weight of fire?" Ezra says hell no. Another question: "Can you tell me the number of beasts in the sea?" Ezra says hell no. So Uriel asks, how then can you know the way of God?

This episode seems to dumbfound Ezra and he falls down and says, "It would have been better for us not to be here than to come here and live in ungodliness, and to suffer and not understand why."

Uriel senses that Ezra is extremely upset, so he rewards him with a parable that breaks down why humans do not understand God. "For as the land has been assigned to the forest and the sea to its waves, so also those who inhabit the earth can understand only what is on the earth, and he who is above the heavens can understand what is above the height of the heavens."

In other words, you can't understand God because you're human, so drop it.

But Ezra doesn't drop it. He then asks why he has been given the gift of being a prophet when he really doesn't care, and all he wants to do is live his life and be a normal human being. He states that it makes no sense for the Israelites to have been recently destroyed and all of their old books destroyed. In other words, "We're God's people aren't we? Then treat us like we're God's people." He then explains to Uriel what it is like to be a human. "We pass from the world like locusts, and our life is like a mist, and we are not worthy to obtain mercy. But what will he do for His name that is invoked over us? It is about these things that I have asked."

Uriel then says that it will all make sense when the world ends. The end is coming, and evil is all over the place. When the end comes, the good people will live and the evil people will be thrown in hell.

So Ezra asks, when will this happen? Why are our years few and full of evil? What's the point?

Uriel answers and says when the number of good people and evil people are reached, then God will come and usher in the new world. Until then, we must wait. And it might, just possibly, come during the lifetime of Ezra, so beware!

So when will the time come? Ezra asks again. He really wants an answer. Uriel then gives him a vision of a flaming furnace and violent rains where the evil on earth will be greater than it currently is. He tells him that the stars will fall, the moon will show in the day and the sun will show in the night, and blood will drip from wood. The birds will fly away and the fish in the Dead Sea will float to the surface and mothers will give birth to monsters instead of children.


Now, you could interpret this as an eclipse, the death of Jesus, a polar shift, a meteor shower, even a nuclear explosion where radiation causes mutations in children. Ezra still doesn't have a clue, so he decides to appeal to God once again by weakening himself further--by fasting yet another seven days in hopes that in his weakness he will be shown even more answers, since he doesn't feel that he has been given a straightforward response.

Upon Uriel's next visit, Ezra surprisingly states the same type of question: Why have you let your people be turned over and punished at the hands of foreigners? We're all dying here. If you hate us, why don't you just come down and punish us yourself?

Uriel responds and asks Ezra if he loves Israel more than God loves Israel. Ezra says no, probably not. Uriel says, then how can you understand what God is doing?

Ezra doesn't like this at all and says, fine, it would be better if I was never born. There's no point. I don't understand, I'm stupid, and I can't even explain you to people because you make no sense to me.

Uriel then tells Ezra he will show him even MORE visions of the end of times if Ezra fasts for yet another seven days.

Cool beans. 21 days without food. Weaker than ever.

After the next period of fasting is over, Ezra continues with Uriel by giving him a run down of the creation of earth. Ezra then says, " All this I have spoken before you, O Lord, because you have said that it was for us that you created this world. As for the other nations that have descended from Adam, you have said that they are nothing, and that they are like spittle, and you have compared their abundance to a drop from a bucket. And now, O Lord, these nations, which are reputed to be as nothing, domineer over us and devour us. But we your people, whom you have called your firstborn, only begotten, zealous for you, and most dear, have been given into their hands. If the world has indeed been created for us, why do we not possess our world as an inheritance? How long will this be so?"

What a question. And how does the angel respond?

Uriel says we should concentrate on the next life as opposed to this life, and we shouldn't concern ourselves with being destroyed on earth. We will be given the gift of immortality if we hold on, and all those who are not God's people will die.

Ezra then goes on. "O sovereign Lord, you have ordained in your law that the righteous shall inherit these things, but that the ungodly shall perish. The righteous, therefore, can endure difficult circumstances while hoping for easier ones; but those who have done wickedly have suffered the difficult circumstances and will never see the easier ones." In other words, the evil people suffer too and they get nothing. What for?

Uriel then accuses Ezra of thinking he is a better judge then God. Everyone was told how to act, they didn't listen, so they get what they deserve.

Ezra says that we're all full of inequities, we're all bad, and what does it profit anyone to live a life of torment and then die and get nothing? And when we die, do we have to wait around until God makes a new earth before we can enjoy ourselves?

Uriel decides to show Ezra what will happen to souls that do not obey God's word. He mysteriously adds, "but do not include yourself with those who have shown scorn, or number yourself among those who are tormented. For you have a treasure of works stored up with the Most High, but it will not be shown to you until the last times."

I'd just like to add something here. We've been told forever that God is the one to give judgement on man, yet here is an angel telling a servant of God that he will be saved. Angels do not judge man, but Uriel says it to make Ezra feel better, to make Ezra feel saved. Intentional? Of course, because it will make Ezra feel all that much more comfortable in spreading "God's word" that was given to him through Uriel. There's quite a bit of underlying psychology going on here. Uriel is trying to get Ezra to speak of the visions he has seen to others, but Ezra continually refuses to do anything or speak about it until he understands and is comfortable with the answers.

In a final plea, Ezra says, "This is my first and last comment: it would have been better if the earth had not produced Adam, or else, when it had produced him, had restrained him from sinning. For what good is it to all that they live in sorrow now and expect punishment after death?"

I love this question. Why did God create man if all he's going to do is torch them when they die?

Uriel says that all men have this problem. They are defeated for not obeying God's word, so no one will give a crap that they're in hell.

Ezra doesn't like this. He says that if God is supposed to be merciful and kind and caring that he should save people who don't deserve it. The multitude will die and be burned forever and ever. Ezra doesn't want that to happen. However, despite Ezra's pleas, Uriel stays with his original comment that many will be created and only a few saved.

Ezra thus does not get what he wants, which is the answers to his question. He doesn't want to see friends and relatives going to hell. He wants everyone to be saved, and he doesn't understand why a merciful God would only save a few. He again makes an appeal to save man. "But what are mortals, that you are angry with them; or what is a corruptible race, that you are so bitter against it? For in truth there is no one among those who have been born who has not acted wickedly; among those who have existed there is no one who has not done wrong. For in this, O Lord, your righteousness and goodness will be declared, when you are merciful to those who have no store of good works."

Don't you love this guy? He's trying to save the world from damnation by appealing to God, telling him not to judge people. They are nothing. Why be angry with them?

As is expected, Uriel continues to state the same thing. Many will die and only a few will be saved. Follow God's word and all will be well. Ezra, however, keeps trying to point out that man is NOTHING and CANNOT follow the law, but the angel will not budge an inch.

Let me spare you the rest. Ezra does not give up in his appeal. He continually tries to tell this angel that no one deserves to go to hell, and no one can do what is asked. And time and time again, Uriel states that the Lord will only save a few, and only those who obey his commandments will be saved.

Because of Ezra's continual protest against this rule and his refusal to cave in to what Uriel tells him, Uriel finally tells Ezra to wait for yet another seven days for more answers---only this time--get ready for this-- "go into a field of flowers where no house has been built, and eat only of the flowers of the field, and taste no meat and drink no wine, but eat only flowers and pray to the Most High continually, then I will come and talk with you."

This is possibly one of the most fascinating accounts in the entire book. Here you have a man who has not eaten in almost a month, and he is told to eat only flowers. A religious scholar might come up with a reason for this, but really if you look at it from a 20th century perspective, you will see that the flowers that Ezra is commanded to eat more than likely had some type of chemical substance in them. What OTHER reason would there be for Uriel to tell him to do this? And what proof do I have to show that this is the case?

Wouldn't you know it, Ezra does as he is told and eats the flowers and starts having 'visions,' one of which is a weeping mother, who he is later told by Uriel, represents the city and the people he is mourning for. So here we have an angel of "God" resorting to drugs for Ezra to finally cave in! But does he cave in?


He has vision after vision. Visions of a lion, an eagle, a man coming from the sea. If he is told to eat flowers for seven days and those flowers did have some type of chemical in them, he WOULD have visions, and one hell of a lot of them, to which Uriel not-surprisingly "interprets" for him.

Give me a break.

And as a final gift to Ezra for eating the flowers, Uriel helps him 'restore' the books that have been destroyed by Israel's enemies.

Feeling a little better, Ezra goes back in town and gathers five men and brings them back to the angel to record the words that are given to them. But since Ezra is so weak, Uriel tells him to, "open your mouth and drink what I give you to drink."

And does he? Hell yeah!

"So I opened my mouth, and a full cup was offered to me; it was full of something like water, but its color was like fire. I took it and drank; and when I had drunk it, my heart poured forth understanding, and wisdom increased in my breast, for my spirit retained its memory, and my mouth was opened and was no longer closed. Moreover, the Most High gave understanding to the five men, and by turns they wrote what was dictated, using characters that they did not know."

So not only does Ezra drink this liquid that gives him 'understanding,' but Uriel gives it to the five men as well, who now seem to understand 'everything' and begin to rewrite these books using symbols that they did not know.

Timothy Leary would be so proud.

What are we to make of this? Here we have a man named Ezra who is considered a prophet throughout the land because he speaks with 'messengers from God', yet the man just wants a simple life and to be normal. He never gets a satisfactory answer to his questions which obviously took the entire week to word properly, and they are questions that even preschoolers have when taught from the Bible. The angel that is sent to him gives him riddles where Ezra just wants the truth. And at the end of it all, the angel seems to resort to drugging Ezra to get him to shutup and quit fasting and go spread the word, even if it doesn't make any sense.

And are events such as these only true with the Jewish and Christian faith? No. The Islam religion itself is founded upon the belief that 'Gabriel,' who is yet another angel, came down from heaven and spoke with Mohammed, who then believed he was enlightened. The Mormon religion is founded on visions that Joseph Smith had of two beings coming through his window who told him, "This is my son, who I am well pleased." John, from the New Testament, before recording the book of Revelation, was told be messengers of God to 'eat a scroll' before writing anything. More drugs? More visions?

The only thing these beings seem to be capable of doing is founding new religions and mentally tampering with us. What for? Who are we to believe? Can any sense be made of it all? And what good does it do to have thousands of beliefs on earth and billions of people running around trying to convert one another?

"But what are mortals, that you are angry with them; or what is a corruptible race, that you are so bitter against it? For in truth there is no one among those who have been born who has not acted wickedly; among those who have existed there is no one who has not done wrong."

Ezra never obtained a satisfactory answer. And until we all begin to compare our religions wholeheartedly and discover the true universal origins of it all, neither will we.

Who are these 'messengers of God' who keep telling people different stories? Science likes to say that man 'invented religion,' but it seems as if it is not man who has invented it, but the beings who have visited him.

I personally think these supposed "angels" should shutup and leave us alone.

--Jeff Behnke




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