So, interested in adding a link to me from your site? It would be greatly appreciated! You can choose from one of the banners below, or add a text link to me if you wish. The banners come in various sizes, so don't get too nervous!

If you are interested in a banner exchange, send me your banner and URL along with any helpful info. You must add one of my banners to your site! Once that is done, let me know, and I will add your banner to the home page of the site under Weird USA Supporters.

If you do not have a banner, please add your URL to the free-for-all links available in the drop down menu on the home page.

Please use the address below to link to me:

To save graphic: Right click on the picture you want and hit save. Right click is NOT disabled on this page, as it is on the others. :) DO NOT link directly, Angelfire does not allow it! You will end up with an Angelfire logo on your site instead.









Let me know if you take one so we can do a banner exchange!

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