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HELPFUL TIPS WHILE SURFING ASHMONTS: You can insert hyperlinks within images to jump to more information. When you see the white glove appear over a picture, that means it is linked to another web page!
CANINE FIRST AID: Your pet does not sweat like people do. They cool off by panting rapidly. Therefore, never leave your dog in a hot car with the windows rolled up on a sunny day. Their bodies may not cool off fast enough, and could lead to heat exhaustion or even death
I'M HUNGRY! It's hard to believe that a dog who tucks away one or two good meals a day will devote so much energy to mooching. Every dog needs different amounts fo food, and it's posssible that your dog is merely hungry! You may want to try moving the dinner hour forward an hour or two. Or you can devide her usual amount of food into three or four servings and dish it out more often. -DOGSPEAK from the editors of "Pets, Part of the Family"
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