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This is a site
designed for the healing
of wounds. Grief sometimes too deep for speech
is extremely important to write of, while
surviving through our pain.

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There are many ways
and times of losing children; from
the death of a newly conceived baby, or
an unborn baby, an infant born still,
an older child, or an adult
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From the perspective
of a newly disabled parent going into a
nursing home; to divorce, an adoption fallen through,
to government ways and means, (which no one dares speak of,
because of social ostracism), to a kidnapping, or to endless varied personal
dilemmas and catastrophes; people can lose their children.
But in any given case, one anguish can be as great,
in its own way, as another.
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We are all human,
and we all know sorrow. Too
many, caught in their own pain, try
to discount another’s, because it is not the same
as their own. No one’s heartache is ever exactly
the same as another’s. But in care and truth,
no one in all honesty, is able to, or
ever should gauge another’s
suffering; judge it,
or measure it.
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Grief is grief, purely and simply,
without prejudice.
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This site is a challenge for all of us
who have lost a child, or children, by any means,
to join hearts, and share our memories
of our dearly loved children,
and our deepest griefs.
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This site is designed to recognize
sorrow without cruelty; to acknowledge tears
without discounting their source. This site is for healing.
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by Rosemary J. Gwaltney

Backgrounds By Marie

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