blogs-- a definition

The other tentative title for this page was: bitch, bitch, bitch.

Now that Broke Kitty has an audience, both real and imagined, I feel an obligation to produce pages on a daily basis. The dilemma at present is the zine is slowly but surely morphing into a Blog.

What is a Blog, you ask? Well, in the words of my dear friend KVW, the term Blog is a euphemism for an online journal. The aural similarity to the word "blah" should be taken seriously.

As we all know, there are many self-obsessed, sickos out there, myself included, who get a kick out of reading about the personal lives of other el-lame-oes (a derivative of the word "lame," for those of you who are curious).

Suffice it to say, Broke Kitty will not be the next JennyCam. Members do not have to pay a fee. And in the future, if I develop the long-anticipated paper version, I'll keep the subscription price reasonable. Hell, send me a meal ticket, and I'll send you an issue.

I'm still fixated on the idea of assigned vs. unassigned work. In general, I'm finding myself to be remarkably adept at getting tons done that is unrelated to what NEEDS to be done. If I were a philosopher, I could create macrotheory out of this arse-atory conduct. I could say something like: Rational man takes great responsibility for the trivial. Existence precedes essence. Who stank up the bathroom? Or something to that effect, perhaps in a different order.

-Kat La Chatte, philosophe
12:12AM, 11/17/00


keepin' it real
