broke kitty-- keepin' it real

For those of you interested in wading in the gutter of the male imagination, go rent the film Crash. Who else but a self-obsessed prick could eroticize automobile accidents? Not to sound like Tipper Gore or anything, but even tried and true porn enthusiasts may find this film revolting. In fact, this film will drive you straight to the porno racks looking for relief. While sifting through Sextrek: The Next Penetration and Colossal Combo, you'll be thinking, Gimme something wholesome, dammit!

Anyway, late nite T.V. ain't much better. While channel surfing last night, I stopped on a program where one of the characters said something about "dropping knowledge" on someone else. I'm telling you, sometimes when programs try to be hip it's a major failure. You can't get some cheesy, bourgeois foolio to say "dropping knowledge" without calling attention to the lameness factor. No one on any T.V. program right now is hip enough to say "dropping knowledge." My recommendation-- leave that shit on the streets, where it sounds right.

That's all for now, folks!

--Kat La Chatte 12:02PM, 11/15/00


a brief historiography of arse
