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Day 5 - Orbit Billiards, Charlottesville, VA

Don't ask

2/25 - We had more soup at the Vietnemese restaurant today, before heading down to Charlottesville. Yet another example of how strange people's senses of humor can get when they spend too much time together: during lunch, we started joking around about a fictitious TV clown that likes to de-pants kids. Bad enough. But then, Greg got excited and said "yeah, he depantses you, then he licks your legs! ... (uncomfortable pause) ... i'm always taking it one step too far, aren't i?" Yes you are, Greg.

Today, i almost bought a bass case shaped like a coffin.

I should mention how appropriate it is to listen to The Birthday Party while driving through brown fields with dead trees in Virginia at dusk. Stated James, "Appalachian music for people who don't like bluegrass."


We also wondered what Monsoon or that band from Delaware listened to in their tour vans, without really coming up with an answer. I'm thinking of the time the Denver Zest went to Philly with Palomar, and we had a rental van that didn't have a CD or tape player, just a radio. So instead, we ended up conversing the whole time, both ways, and that was actually quite nice. I'm also remembering traveling to Pennsylvania in August, when Rachel was still in the band, and how we listened to Led Zeppelin and Duran Duran about 20 decibles too loud the whole way. I hated that.

Conversation yesterday turned to the idea of crashing clubs and trying to get gigs, as we have none between tonite and Friday nite. We also talked about playing acoustically on campuses and such, and talk of this turned heated when i said i adamantly refused to play any Beatles songs. Taking such a hard line on such a trivial matter does seem like a divisive thing to do - even i admit that - but i can't help it. Everytime i see some fuck-o playing a Beatles song on an acoustic guitar in the park or at the Bedford Ave. station, i really REALLY just want to hit them and smash their guitar. Really. I hate that shit so much it's mind boggling. The only people i can accept playing an acoustic guitar are Frank Black, Johnny Cash and Hasil Adkins. Everyone else sounds like a jerky hippy. I bet that bartender in Philly plays Beatles songs on the acoustic guitar when he's trying to pick up on girls. I want no part of it. I can see playing our own songs, as it advances a cause of some sort, plus i am interested to see how they would sound. Playing other people's stuff, tho, esp. the Beatles, just sounds wincingly cheesy. We finally agreed that they could play the Beatles songs, and while they're doing that, i'll just run around and harrass people, or pick up some orange drinks. It's also funny how increasingly within the band dynamic, i'm seen as the hateful contrarian. A charming one tho. I hope.

Last night, we were treated to a fantastic dinner cooked up by one of Mr. Sparber's interns, Michelle and her roommate, Natalie, who went to culinary school. A splendid meatloaf, polenta, a gigantic salad, and the best cookies in the history of anything. We ate like royalty, only royalty doesn't have to discuss why they hate the Beatles and why they really hate Crosby, Stills and Nash, during dinner. But i digress. I was also treated to a tour of Mr. Sparber's collection of fine scotch. Some of the bottles were around $200 a pop, if i remember correctly. I bet that thing was guarded like Ft. Knox when James was living there.

Some shots from Orbit Billiards
Our booker Blake took these photos. And what a job he did! ...

GIRL HARBOR rocks, and tells you about our specials.


Yours truly

Finally, a rock action photo of Greg

Editor's note: Over the course of the tour, i lost a few pictures to disk errors on my camera. There's only one i really regret not having, and that's of Carlos, the extremely funny, extremely stoned guy we met at what seemed to be the only decent bar in Charlottesville. As a way of promotion, we were writing in Sharpie on the backs of GIRL HARBOR stickers where and when we were playing that night. We were also coming up with slogans like "our drummer thinks you're cute" and "NYC fuck-rock." So, we gave a sticker to Carlos, and he got excited and said, loudly, "this looks like you're saying 'New York City? (disdainfully) Fuck rock!'" and then he told us our next album should be called "Sneak Attack." He also guessed we were in that bar to "scope some leg" before he predictably went on his pot-fueled discourse about the universe. Anyway, i got the perfect, stunned-looking picture of him talking while eating a big mouthful of tater tots, but it was sadly lost. Maybe next time ...

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