The Immortals

A word of warning before you start this is very different from Song of the Lioness. Some people like it more, some less. I, personally, think that they are pretty good, although the main character, Daine, is not nearly as cool as Alanna.

But the books make up for that with awesome plots and a lot of other great characters...George, Alanna, and Jon all make appearences in these as well as a few new "people..."

Anyway, the thing most people seem to dislike about this series is that "it's just too weird." The Immortals - Spidrens, Hurroks, Stormwings (!) and the like, are not at all like most of the creatures faced in Song of the Lioness. And Daine's wild magic gets a little ridiculous...I mean, that's just too much power in one girl!

Oh well. Enjoy the books, they are an awesome addition to the Tortallan saga.

Wild Magic/Wolf-Speaker/The Emperor Mage/The Realms of the Gods

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