These were inspired by various things, mainly the monotony of Mrs. Michael's writing class. Good luck understanding them, God knows I don't!

My Grandmother
written on 3~1~00

One person that I really look up to is my cat, Alfred. But that is getting off the subject. We will return now to the "subject". And the "subject" is Spiral Binding. Now you may not think that this is a quality "subject", but I think it is very necessary to warn the young bees of today that this "subject" is VERY harmful. Now you may not think that this is harmful, but my my are u WRONG!!!!!! THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO KNOW: THE COLOR PURPLE IS NOT A COLOR IT IS A MOVIE!!! PLZ REMEMBER THIS, IT WILL HELP YOU IN LATER LEARNING.

Jaguars are not animals. They are cars. They come in a wide variety of colors. a horse is a horse of course of course. There once was a guy that I knew and his name was Darrel. He had 2 other brothers and they were named Darrel as well. Oranges are choking hazards, so don't try to stuff a half of one in ur mouth and eat it. if a slut said to u one day that she was Magically Delicious, turn around and walk away fast. Guys that are Capricorns do like it when ppl get in there cars, and they "get to no each other."

There is a certain time in every toes life when the higher anarchy toe becomes a rememnent reader. The next toe must step up and take this toes place, and so on until they are all remenent readers. There was this one time when I was looking at my feet, and my toes were battling it out, and I looked at them and exclaimed "MY FEET LOOK LIKE SWIM FINS!" That was the last time they talked to me.

Have u ever wondered how twizzlers looked the way they looked? Well ur wrong Billy! Twizzlers got there spiral spin things from the grazing antelopes in Antarctica, where they were all abducted by wretched pen eating wizards. The antelopes had nothing to eat or survive on so the wizards gave them magical wires for them to make things that would be like string that they could harvest in the winter, well they made twizzlers, but they were not eaten at first. They were used in floor tiles and chalk boards. But one lonely cantelope tried one one day and he thought it tasted awful, Si ge got a bunch of other cantelopes and they burned them all. Seeing they made great burny things, they manufactured them like this instead. And that is how the twizzler got to the way that it was.

Nothing is as loverly as a tree, Judy told me one day, I thought that was extremely deranged. There are many things more loverlyest than tree. Take foggy windows for instance. They are beautiful!

Honey ditching class to go cow tipping doesn't make you a detective. Use time for defogging things mister. Well im signing off for today. have a lumberjack day.

This essay in no way intends to infringe on the rights of antelopes, or cantelopes, or wizards, or Spiral Binding(TM).

Cat Food
written by "Bobo Frank", Day 1st (5-1-00)

There was an old refill that lived like a hoe, his name was Bobbo. For a living he worked at a golf hitting place and road one of those golf carty things w/a cage for the top. One day however the cage got lost and his foaming flarifull meannessosity boss made him still pick up golf balls out he went, and ppl were hitting the torists over the ankels with mini pretzel sticks. This was amusing thought Bobbo and this made him feel mellifluent. There had never been a time in this young keyboards life where he had been so curagous.

In all my life there has never been a time where I could sut and stare at the ostriches doing there home coming dance at the new bowling alley. I always heard that it was some great stuff, but I never woudl have gone unless it had been for the little ant that told me about it cold summer evening while I was sipping hot tamales. I had realized that if this ant had been a person, I would have squashed him with my smelly swim fin feets.

I think in a year soon to come there will be a little bit of chaos concerning Pentiun teensy flies. It will be a disease carried by wires named Curtsy. The disease will take over ur body and eat up ur dogs and cats. Yes Steve, cats. It is an awful disease but it is coming and I m warning you now, so u will be reliable in the future.

There is also this other John Deere guy that I no. He enjoys wearing tractors for breakfast, everyday I will wear a tractor pleaz!! No sorry no tractors around here u smell bag john deere wanna be!! O oh well, I will call up my wife then!! His wife was named 42 he had always told me, 42 and just plane that. There is nothing more lovelyer than tree.

Ever since the break out of leaky gas tanks in 1952 there have been some rememant things going on. Remenant, yes i would say so myself.

There was a man from india, Kukamunga would always say, indiana is where the pancreas is. I didn't principally like Kalamazoo for he was not a generous bearded cow-like sea beast w/hairy fangs. Koo Koo Ka Joo.

Once again, no offense meant.

Okay, reading over this it reminds me more than anything of some bizarre religious text. Don't get any ideas.

The calliflowered peyote plant
he 2nd day of Tuesday

Menilla Paper

Messageing Stubs!! Messaging Stubs!!I was looking out my tree one day and I saw a yellow blue jay flop by and I was wondering to myself, woman if William Wallace wanted to do crunches, the hell I will too!! Yep and that's exactly what I did not, instead I went slooshing threw the orange soda oil and watched the cows float by, this was indeed very relaxing. BUT DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT, PLAY W/ THE PINK FLOOGANS, OR THE BO LOG NA!!!!

For now on I think I will write in caps, because I feel that u will get a better perspective or catch of things, and it will help you in ur future knee cap stubbing, yes it will yess it will.

Have you ever had to belt so frump and clow that it farted like torch holders? Well waffle crisp lady #1 had this same experience. We were out on the heffalumps and woozels and we were pacraticing our milk eyes. And all of a sudden Jack came riding on his Zamboni carring a purple bongo and screaming "BYE, BYE, BYE, O WORLD WHY DOES MY FLY ALWAYS CRY????"

O dusty dustmeister y is ur clothes always done? Yep that's what we sung in our college days, u too? How come y is such a long giugle? Well I will tell u….. it is so long because the inner core ot the earth made it that way, see when it was not made of hair it was made out of glumpkies, and they were finaly turned into flying turning bubblingnessosityness and flew left and right untill the smashed into someones face, and that is y, y is so long.

for the love of God, get me out of here!