Chapter Two: Reagan

Later That Night...

“Don’t make me close one more door. I don’t wanna hurt anymore. Stay in my arms if you dare. Must I imagine you there? Don’t walk away from me. I have nothing, nothing, nothing! If I don’t have you. You...” Reagan steps out of the shower, while her Bodyguard soundtrack play. “I’m every woman, it’s all in me. Anything you want done, baby, I can do it naturally...” She sings at the top of her lungs, totally forgetting that she was in a hotel. She combs the knots out of her freshly washed hair, and turns off the stereo before walking out of the bathroom in her jeans and Titans football jersey. Kiara looks at her niece smiling, and shaking her head.

“You go Whitney!” She exclaims, snapping her fingers sassily. Reagan feels heat rising to her cheeks as she puts on her glasses. It wasn’t that she was nervous about performing for people. It was the compliments that got to her. Reagan walks over to the dresser, and starts to blow-dry her hair. She then takes a scrunchie and puts her hair up.

“Don’t we need to be leaving?” Reagan asks, tightening the scrunchie. Kiara looks at her watch.

“Yeah, come on, let’s go.”

“Justin, just get your ass up!” Kiara exclaims. “You and your hair! Why?!? I can’t do anything with that brillo pad!” She exclaims, jokingly. “Besides, you did a nice job on your own. C’mere, JC, you’re the last one.” Kiara says, pushing Justin out of the chair. JC looks over and points to himself. “You’re the only JC in here.” JC gets up and saunters over to the chair and sits down. Kiara starts to play around with his hair.

“So, you decided to join us for another tour, huh?”

“Me? Oh, no. I didn’t decide anything. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t be on tour with you guys at all. I’d be on another tour.”

“Oh yeah? Who’s?”


“Reagan? Who’s- -oh yeah, your niece.” JC says. “You know you love us, Ki. You don’t wanna miss our tour.”

“Wanna bet?” Kiara jokes. “You know I love you guys.”

“I know. Makes us all feel warm and toasty inside knowing that you love us.” JC jokes.

“Yeah, JC. I bet you do. What are you guys doing after tour is over?”

“Um, we have about a month off.”

“Ooh, nice. Time off.”

“Believe me. By that time, it will be much needed.” JC says as Kiara sprays something in his hair. She sometimes helped out with the hair when she didn't have much to do.

“Okay, you’re all set.”

“Thank you, KiKi.” JC sings, and jokingly skips off towards the guys, who are laughing at his actions.

“Haven’t changed a bit, huh?” Tonia says, walking over to Kiara. Kiara shakes her head.

“Not a bit.”

“You having fun so far?” Tyra asks Reagan. They are sitting out where the audience sits until they start to let the crowd inside.

“Well, nothing had really happened yet. Justin seems really nice, though. I haven’t really been around them too long.”

“You’re going to have tons of fun. Trust me. We’re even going to a video shoot with them also.” Tyra says excitedly. Reagan smiles and puts her feet up on the chair in front of her.

“I hope you’re right.” She pauses dramatically. “Because you’ll be apologizing to me a million times straight if I don’t.” Reagan jokes. Tyra gives her a crooked smile, and rolls her eyes playfully.

“You just give off that impression that you’re shy. You’d probably bitch off someone in a second.” Tyra jokes and Reagan laughs loudly. Chris walks out on the stage. He says something into the microphone, but no one could hear it because it wasn’t turned on. He walks off the same, and all of a sudden a loud screeching noise roars out of the speakers. The two girls cover their ears as Chris runs on the stage moving all the microphones away from the speakers.

“Sorry about that.” He says into the mike.

“What’d you say, Chris?” Tyra yells out to him.

“The mikes are on. You did hear what I just said.”

“I mean, just a second ago.” She yells.

“I said, what’s so funny?”

“Nothing!” Tyra yells.

“Hey Reagan.” Chris sings. She smiles and gives him a small wave. Chris shakes his head. “I said, hey Reagan.” He repeats.

“Hey Chris!” She yells.

“Well, since everyone knows each other now, I’m going to do a concert for all you people.” Chris says.

“Oh no, here it comes.” Tyra says to Reagan. He turns around and sticks his butt out at them.

“I like big butts and I cannot lie. All you other brothers can’t deny. When that girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung...” Chris raps. He keeps going on while Tyra and Reagan are holding their stomachs from laughing so hard. Justin comes out on the stage.

“Chris, what are you doing?” He asks, taking a microphone.

“I’m rapping about my new obsession. Girls with big butts that you can’t lie about.” Chris answers as he stops dancing. That gives Reagan and Tyra enough time to calm their laughter.

“Chris, how would you feel if you were a girl, and...let me act this out for you. Let’s say I’m a girl with a” Justin says and Reagan and Tyra start cracking up again. Chris gets a gleam in his eyes.

“Girl, you look good won’t you back that thang up.” Chris says. Justin laughs.

“I’m a big fine woman why don’t I back that thang up.” Justin adds, doing the dance with it. Reagan and Tyra laugh harder if that is even possible. A guy comes onto the stage and tells the guys something. “They’re letting the crowd in.” Justin says. The four of them leave their places and go backstage. They can hear the screaming as the fans come into the arena.

“You might not be making those apologies after all.” Reagan says.

“The show was great, guys.” Kiara says to the guys as they hurry to the buses.

“Thanks.” Lance says, wiping his face off with the towel he had over his shoulder.

“Kiara.” JC says as he jogs up next to her. Kiara turns to him.


“I need to talk to you when we get back to the hotel, okay?”

“What about?” JC gives her a half-smile as he boards the bus.

“You’ll find out. Just meet me at my hotel room at midnight.”

“Ooh. You’re going to show me that you’re a werewolf, huh?” JC grins.

“You’ll find out later, KiKi.” JC had been holding in his feelings about Kiara for about two years now. Since she first started touring with them. He wanted their friendship to be something more than what it was, and he decided that he would tell her at the beginning of the tour so they would have more time to figure things out between the two of them. He knew that it would be a risk if anything did spark between them, but he was willing to give it a shot. He just didn’t know if she would.

“Okay, see you later then, Jace.” Kiara says getting onto the bus.

“See ya.” JC says as he gets on the bus.

“I’m a big fine woman why don’t I back that thang up.” Kiara hears Tyra exclaim from the back of the bus. Reagan and Tyra start laughing very loudly. Kiara pokes her head in the area that they are in.

"Where'd that come from?" She asks.

"Oh man, Kiara, you had to be there! It was hilarious!" Tyra exclaims, then looks over and Reagan who gives her an evil smile.

"I like big butts and I cannot lie! All you other brothers can't deny!" They sing.

"That's definitely my cue to leave." Kiara says. She goes up to the front of the bus where Tonia is sitting. "Have they been doing this?" She asks. Tonia turns to her.

"Oh yeah, all the way to the bus. Pure torture. I like big butts! I like big butt! Why don't I back that thang up? All the way here." Kiara laughs. "Brett called, by the way."

"Oh my God, he did? I better go call him. I've been waiting for a phone call from him all day!" Kiara hurries to her bunk and pulls out her cell phone, impatiently dialing Brett's number. "Hello? Brett? Hey!...Nothing, what's up with you?...Oh really? What’s the surprise?...You’re coming to see me? That’s great! For how long?...A week? Your company let you off for a week?...And they waited until I came on tour with the guys?...Yes, they are...Yeah, we’re going to be in Tennessee tomorrow...Okay, see you then....Bye.” She clicks off her cell phone and hugs it to her chest. Kiara and Brett had been together since a month after she’d left the guys last tour, which was about six months now. Brett worked at some sort of travel agency, and he was almost always busy so Kiara barely got to see him. So even if it was the first day of the tour, she was very happy that the company did let Brett have some time off. Kiara get out of the bunk and walks back to the front of the bus with her phone in her hand and a big goofy grin on her face. Tonia looks at her with a weird face.

“What’d he do?” Tonia asks.

“Brett is coming tomorrow!” Kiara exclaims like a small child.

“They let him off?”

“For a week they did.”

“That’s good. He needed time off anyway.”

“Hey JC, what do you think, man?” Joey asks JC who is sitting at the table looking out of the window.

“Do we have to do this?” JC asks, turning away from the window and to Joey.

“JC, you started this whole stupid tradition about saying what you think of every new girl that comes on the tour.”

“Well, I quit it.”

“No! It’s kinda grown on me.” Joey says. “Now, c’mon, I said she was cute, Justin said she was okay, Lance said she was okay, and Chris said she was cute.”

“No.” JC says.

“You know you wanna answer.” Chris chimes in. “Or are you too busy thinking about KiKi...” Chris teases, raising his eyebrows. In a way, he was right. JC was thinking about what he’s going to say to Kiara.

“If I answer will you leave me alone?”

“Yes.” Joey says.

“She’s cute.”

“That’s wasn’t so hard now was it?” Lance calls from the other side of the room.

“Look, I’ve just got something on my mind, okay?” JC says.

“Would that something just happen to be KiKi?” Justin teases.

“As a matter of fact, is has something to do with KiKi, but it’s not about her.” JC answers. “I’m going to tell her how I feel.” Chris walks over to JC and slings an arm around his shoulder.

“My little baby’s growing up so fast!” He exclaims, pretending to cry.

“Shut up, Chris.” JC says, pushing Chris, who lands on the floor.

“No respect, no respect.” Chris says, doing an imitation of JabberJaw.

Kiara walks into the room after Reagan, and throws her stuff down. “Princess, I’ll be back, okay?” Reagan looks at her questioningly.

“Where are you going?” She asks.

“I’m going to meet JC in his hotel room.” Reagan raises an eyebrow. “Not like that! I’m perfectly happy with Brett, and you know it.”

“Yeah, I know, KiKi. Brett’s cool.”

“And he’s going to be here tomorrow!” Kiara exclaims happily.

“For real?” She nods excitedly.

“If I’m not back within the next half hour, send security.” Kiara says, opening the door.

“Will do.” Reagan says, opening her duffel bag, and looking through it for her pajamas. Kiara makes her way down the hall to JC’s room. Kiara looks around for a second before knocking on the door.

“It’s open!” JC calls from inside. Kiara walks into the room, closing the door, and locking it behind her. JC is stretched out across the bed.

“You know, that’s very dangerous for you to leave your door unlocked. I mean, what if it wasn’t me?”

“I can handle it. I’m a big boy, remember?”

“Yeah sure, well Mr. Big Boy needs to eat a little more before he reaches average size.”

“That was cold.” JC says.

“I’m just excited.”

“Why so?” JC asks, sitting up. Kiara sits down in the recliner.

“Brett’s coming tomorrow.” JC’s brows furrow.

“Who’s Brett?” He asks. JC had a gut feeling who this Brett guy was, but he didn’t want to make any assumptions about him, you know, just in case he was wrong.

“Oh yeah! You guys don’t know about him. Brett is my boyfriend.” JC felt as if someone had hit him with a cement block.

“Oh...your...your boyfriend.”

“Yeah, we got together about a month or two after I left the tour with you guys. He works for a travel agency.”

“Oh, wow. That’s great, KiKi.” JC says, half-heartedly. Kiara looks at him with a concerned look in her eyes.

“Are you okay? You seem kinda, I don’t know, blah all of a sudden.”

“Yeah, I’m okay. I’m just realizing how tired I really am. I think I’m going to go to bed.” JC says, standing up.

“Oh, um, okay. I guess.” Kiara says, getting out of the recliner. JC walks her to the door. Just as he opened it, she remembered her soul purpose for being there. “Wait! Didn’t you want to talk to me about something.”

“Um...Oh yeah, I did, but I just forgot what it was.”

“Okay, if you remember what it was, you can tell me.” Kiara says, walking out.

“Okay, KiKi.”

“Goodnight.” She says.

“Night.” JC closes the door, and makes his way over to the bed. “There goes my chance.” He thinks, before turning out the light.

Chapter Three


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