Chapter Three: Reagan

The Next Day...

“Hey! Where are you going?” Tyra asks Reagan who is walking out of her room, slinging a small backpack purse around her shoulders.

“I’m going to the airport with KiKi to pick up Brett.”

“Who’s Brett?”

“Brett is her boyfriend.” Reagan says.

“Ooh. KiKi’s got a boyfriend, KiKi’s got a boyfriend!” Tyra sang.

“Do you wanna tag along?”

“Who me? No, I can’t. Gotta help my mom today since Kiara isn’t going to be here. Yeah, I get to mess with Justin’s ‘fro! Hopefully, I’ll get some scissors in my hand, and then...snip, snip!” She exclaims.

“I hear ya, girl.” Kiara walks out of the hotel room.

“Let’s go, Princess.”

“I gotta go.” Reagan says, making a strange face at Tyra.

“Okay, see ya.” Tyra says, giving her a small wave.

“See ya.” Tyra turns and starts walking towards her room, while Reagan goes in the other direction with Kiara.

“Time to go pick up Brett!” Kiara thinks excitedly, a big grin spreading across her face.

At the Airport...

“Brett!” Kiara calls out to the dark brown haired and green-eyed man exiting the plane. “Brett! Over here!” Brett looks over his shoulder at his dark-haired girlfriend, and gives her a wide grin. Kiara rushes towards him, and Brett drops his bag to the side of him. They wrap themselves into a tight hug.

“I’ve missed you so much.” Brett whispers into her hair.

“I’ve missed you too.” Kiara whispers back. Reagan stands off to the side, feeling a little awkward, but also a little impatient. She taps her foot repeatedly, her arms crossed, and whistling “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” She stops, licks her lips and starts again. “Reagan.” Kiara says. Reagan turns her full attention to her aunt.


“You ready?”


“Well, let’s go!” Brett jokes, slinging an arm around Reagan’s shoulder. Of all the boyfriends that Kiara has had, Brett is probably her favorite. He’s so great to hang out with, but with his job and everything, he doesn’t have as much time as he would like to spend more time with Kiara so they got together whenever it was possible, and they made the best of it. Reagan admired them both for being able to handle a relationship like that because she didn’t think that she could ever handle being away from someone for so long only to be able to see them once in while. It was actually a frightening thought to her. Reagan had nothing to worry about, though. She never got close enough to a guy to even fall in love...well, except for this one guy...


“Hey Tyra, where’s your friend?” Lance asks, taking a drink of his bottled water. They are all in the studio practicing a few of the moves that were recently changed, and they hadn’t quite reached the level they wanted them to be.

“Reagan?” Tyra asks, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, you know, KiKi’s niece or whatever.”

“Oh, she went with Kiara to the airport.” Tyra answers nonchalantly.

“By the way, why did Kiara go to the airport?” Lance asks, taking another swallow.

“KiKi went to go pick up her boyfriend.” Tyra says, raising her eyebrows up and down quickly. Lance choked on his water, and nearly spit it out all over the floor. He was coughing for a few seconds before he got himself back together.

“Her boyfriend?” He asks.

“I know, I was a little shocked when I found out also. Last time I saw her she was single.”

“Wow, hmm, Kiara’s got a boyfriend. What’s his name?”


“Oh.” Lance looks over at the guys who were impatiently watching him. He lets out a deep sigh. “It’s all for the fans. That’s all I have to remember. I’m going to be sore, but it’s all for the fans. Talk to ya later, Ty.”

“Okay, Lance.” Lance walks back over to the guys, and Tyra goes over to her mom. “Mom.” Tonia looks at her daughter.


“Did you know that KiKi had a boyfriend?”

“Yes, why?” Tyra smiles.

“Tell me as much as you know.”

Two Hours Later...

Reagan sat in the lobby of the hotel, listening to her CD player, and reading through a magazine when everyone else returned. Tyra walked over, and tapped Reagan on the shoulder. Reagan looks up and slides the headphones off and around her neck. “Sorry we didn’t make it to the studio.” Reagan says.

“Don’t worry, it was kinda dull anyway.” Tyra says, walking around the couch, and sitting next to her.

“Only because I wasn't there.” Reagan says over-dramatically. “No, I’m just kidding.”

“Why are you down here anyway?”

“Dude, they kicked me out!”


“Well, not literally. Kiara was basically purposely giving me signals to leave so I grabbed whatever I wanted and came down here. I’ve been here about forty-five minutes.”

“You just sat here?”

“Nah, I walked around a little bit. Grabbed me some McDonald’s.” Reagan says, holding up the McDonald’s bag.

“Where are you gonna sleep?”

“In my room, you and I both know it. Kiara and Brett better be planning to share a bed.” Reagan says, cocking an eyebrow. “I am not losing my bed because Brett showed up.”

“Girl, you crazy.” Tyra says, shaking her head, and smiling. “What are they doing up there?” Reagan shrugs.

“I don’t even wanna know. I’m eighteen and all, but that’s a little too adult for me to know.” Tyra giggles. “I’m serious!”

“Man, if only the guys could see you like this! They only get the shy side of you girl!”

“That’s because I’m just more comfortable around you. Having someone my age I can talk to is cool.”

“Justin’s around our age.”

“Let me rephrase myself. Having a girl on the tour I can talk to is cool.”

“Hey! Just throw a wig on Justin and you have insta-chick!” Tyra exclaims, and Reagan laughs.

“Not quite. His physical features don’t quite fit the standards.” The two girls start laughing.

“He’d kill us if he heard that one!” Tyra says, only causing them to laugh harder.

“If I remember correctly, you’re the one who brought up insta-chick.” Reagan says, still laughing.

“That was a spur of the moment thing!” Tyra says, looking around at the staring faces. “We gotta get back upstairs. We caused a scene.” Reagan looks around.

“We did, huh? They’re staring to scare me. Let’s go.” Reagan grabs her stuff, and the two girls bolt to the elevator.


Tyra and Reagan get off of the elevator on their floor. “You know, we should pull an all-nighter tonight.” Reagan says.

“We’re going to have to.” Tyra says. “We have to guard rooms.”


“Prank night, but don’t tell the guys I know.”

“Okay, but you’ll have to explain this to me.”

“Alright, every once in a while, the guys play pranks on the people on tour with them, but no one ever knows when they’re gonna do it. But see, I found out their pattern. They do it every three weeks. First time it’s on Sunday night, second time, Wednesday, third time, Monday. Yeah, it’s a little confusing, but when they’ve been doing it for so long, I took time out to try to understand how they had it scheduled.”

“Nuh-uh! That would take a long time.”

“Okay, so I found the calendar and ran a copy for me, it’s all the same.” Tyra says.

“That sounds a lot more reasonable. So, it’s just going to be us two?”

“Basically, yeah, but we can handle this. If we’re lucky, it’ll take a while for them to get out of their rooms because they have to sneak out.” Tyra explains.

“Why don’t you just get the bodyguards to stand guard in the hall?”

“It’s not as much fun.” Tyra says with a sly smile.

Oh. I get it now.” Reagan says, returning the smile.

“This is my first time actually doing this so I am going to need your help to make up a plan on how we’re going to do this thing.”

“Wait a sec, don’t they have a concert tonight?”

“Yeah! Dude, unless they hype up on sugar and coffee, they’ll be burnt! Reagan, you just gave me an idea.” Tyra says, stopping in her tracks. “We may not have to guard after all. This is all we have to do! Too easy!” Tyra begins explaining to her what they are going to do, and deep down, she hoped that her assumptions would in fact be right.

In Reagan and Kiara’s Hotel Room...

Brett and Kiara had been catching up on what they’d missed out on. Both of their careers are going great, and it doesn’t look like they’ll be dropping from them in the near future. “Is Reagan enjoying this tour, you know, the two days she been on it?”

“Yeah, I think that she’s really enjoying it. She and Tyra have been joined at the hip almost.”

“Tyra is Tonia’s daughter, right?”


“Ah...okay. That’s what I thought. So, when am I supposed to be meeting these friends of yours?” Brett asks, hugging Kiara closer to him.

“Whenever you want to. They should be in their hotel rooms right now anyway.” Kiara says.

“Oh, so, um, how exactly do things work around here?”

“Well, basically, you gotta get up early, and from there it’s busy, busy, busy. You have a schedule, but you never know what’s gonna happen. You know what’s supposed to happen, but not what’s going to. It’s all spontaneous.”

“Sounds fun. I need a little of that after being at that damn office for so long.” Brett says. “I won’t have to wear that business suit for this week, and I’m taking full advantage of that.” He says, standing up, and walking over to his suitcase.

“Don’t run around naked, sweetie, you might scare the girls.” Kiara jokes. Brett gives her a look telling her “Oh please,” and laughs.

“You know that they’ll love my manly body.” Brett jokes flexing. He pulls off his shirt, revealing a white wife beater. That was when Kiara first noticed his tan, and he was looking very nice with it. Brett turned to her while he slid his arms through a plaid, red and white button-down shirt, and winked at her. He leaves the buttons undone. Brett was already in his blue jean shorts and tennis shoes so he didn’t really need to change that. He walked over to the mirror on the dresser, and changed his hair from the brushed back style, and parted it down the middle, brushing his bangs to either side of his face. Brett turned around.

“Dude, you should’ve been a model.” Kiara says, and that was no lie. Brett had the body and the looks needed, but that just wasn’t the job that he exactly wanted to be a part of.

“Yeah, walking around in tight pants down a runway is really my idea of something I’d like to do. Lemme strike a pose for ya.” Brett raises an eyebrow and turns his face to the side. Kiara rolls her eyes playfully at his antics.

“Brett, let’s just go so I can introduce you to these chaps.” Kiara says, standing up. Brett beat her to the door and opened it up for her. Then he held his arm out to her.

“Shall we, milady?” Kiara linked his arm in his.

“Yes, we shall.” They walk out of the room to be met by Tyra and Reagan. Tyra takes an eye-full of Brett.

“Wow...”She says. “Kiara, nice pickin’ girl.” Her mouth was hanging open. Reagan giggles a little.

“Hey, where are y’all going?” She asks.

“I’m going to introduce Brett to the guys.”

“Oh. Have fun, then. Tyra and I were just going to our room. C’mon Tyra.” Reagan says pulling Tyra towards her room. Kiara and Brett continue their path towards the guys’ rooms at the end of the hall.

“Dude, you didn’t tell me KiKi’s boyfriend was that hot!” Tyra yells as Reagan closes the door.

“Don’t get on me about that. I didn’t know Brett had it in him. He was always the slick businessman when I saw him...well...yeah, he was always in business mode when I saw him.

“Make sure you tell KiKi not to let that boy go.”

“Will do, Chica. Now, about this little plan you are trying to put into action. You want us to totally skip the concert, steal the guys’ keys, and take any form of sugar they have.” Tyra nods. “Okay, then, you want us to tell the bodyguards to make sure the guys don’t come out the room because some fans around the area have found out where the guys are staying?”

“Exactly. Really easy, no?”

“I thought you said you wanted a challenge!” Reagan exclaims.

“Ooh, girl, you’re really gonna hafta get to know these guys better!”

“You’re really going to like the guys. They’re cool, well, most of the time.” Kiara says to Brett as she knocks on the door. A few seconds later, she hears a crash from the room.

“Oh shit!” Chris’ voices yells from inside. Justin opens the door with a football in his arms.

“Hey KiKi! Who’s your friend? Why don’t you guys come in? The more the merrier!” Justin says, mocking his past Mickey Mouse Club days.

“Justin the mouse is not in the house, but thanks for letting us in.” Kiara goes into the room, pulling Brett in with her.

“Hey Kiara.” Chris says.

“Hey guys. I want to introduce you to my boyfriend, Brett.”

“Hey, I’m Justin.” Justin says, extending his hand out to Brett.

“Hey, what’s up.” Brett says, shaking his hand.

“I’m Chris.” Chris says, standing up from his position on the bed, and shaking his hand.


“Well, that’s all I had to say to you guys, but before I go, what was that loud crash?”

“Chris, threw the football, and I kinda flew across the bed, and knocked over a lamp.” Justin explains.

“Oh, you’re in trouble.” Kiara says, taking Brett’s hand.

“We’re only in trouble if we get caught.” Chris says.

“Good thinking, Chris, but you’ve already been caught.”

“By who?”

“By me.” Kiara says.

“Damn! Get out my room.” Chris says.

“Bye y’all.” Kiara says, walking out the room with Brett.

“Bye.” Chris and Justin say before she closes the door. that’s the reason JC was all blah today. This could be a little trouble.” Justin says.

“Man, shut up! We shouldn’t even be worried about that. Kiara caught us with the lamp. We gotta clean this crap up!” Chris says as he hurriedly tries to do something with the broken lamp, but deep down, he knew that not everything would be okay...and he wasn’t talking about the lamp.

Chapter Four


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