Righty Hoe


Ah shit! i realised that on the other page all of it was centered, well not this one, no sirey! this ones gonna be proper *coughs* Bullshit! Bullshit! lol.
I'd like to also say that, in case anyones like here in search of pics or photots ur not gonna find any only lines and lines of useless babble from the one and only moi! in this part of the net there will be NO pics what so eva ok, so i advise for you to stop if you are in search of them =) Good, got that cleared so where were we......
oh yeh here's my evil thing, finally copyed and pasted into here :

Moi as an evil insane person

if i was one of those evil dudes i'd go down in history as being the meanest bitch to ever walk upon this world. i'd be more eviler that Hitler himself. i would make everyone hate me and make ppls lives miserable. People would think i was the daughter of Satan himself. Ha! the best thing about it is i wouldn't have a motive like the other evil ppl in the world except that it gives me pleasure to watch ppl suffer in pain and torture. (god i'm sick)

i would kill everything and anything, no wait, i'll spear the animals lives cause only like 1 out of 50 ppl will actually care if they die or not. the animals will help me kill humans and get revenge if they wanted too. i would also go easy with the crippled ppl too, they can die quick and painless but for the other human race they shall suffer i would show no mercy what so eva.

umm.....i would make my way of killing so much different from all the other lunatics in history. something original, like let some kind of deadly painful disease into a very over populated country eg. china. prob one of those skin disease that are very contageous and kill within days, and make it so advance that it's almost incurable. umm....get a whole community to jump into a tank full of paranas, something gruesome like that.

the cool thing is i'll be completely indistructable, no one can hurt me or even try. i'll have a chip planted in my brain that if i die the world would die with me, cause i'll have all these nuclear bombs hidden somewhere in each content and large cities, so when i die they will automatically go off and everyone will die or mutate, either way they suffer one way or another. also if they try harming me like shooting me it would also cause chaos, cause the chip in my brain will transmitt a signal to the "laser" (idea from austin powers) in the sky to blow up cities every 10 minutes randomly till the pain subsides so either way no one would even dear to hurt me. if they try blowing up the "laser" that would set off all the nuclear bombs. and if my body temp is under the normal temp for a long period of time the "laser" would go off till it's back to normal in case they try freezing me it applies too being unconscious for a long period of time, put me to sleep or being completely still (that drug that makes u numb and u seem dead but ur not).

Well my base would be this dome thing, like a sphere it's be called "the base of dome" HA! get it doom-dome, think about it. anyway it'd be a base where you can get in but you can't get out. as soon as you step at least 2 metres away you will die, but moi is the only one that can get out cause of my chip. (God the chip comes in handy) No one can make a chip like it cause the only person(s) that know would already be dead cause i've killed them, and the notes and documents that contain everything you want to know about the chip will be destroyed with them! Anyway i completely went off the subject, oh yeh my base. It'd be grand, big like a city basically completely indistructable. there's like a invisible shield round the whole place and the only way it can be closed down is if i die and you know what happens when i die. the shield is like some kind of rubber thing that if u try bombing the place the bomb will bounce right off, this applies to bullets and any kind of ammunion of any kind. when you enter into the "base of dome" you will get some kind of radioactive thing, and the only way to stay alive is being in the sphere, if outside you shall die in a couple of minutes.

i won't be all that mean, actually if your one of my prisoner in the sphere, you will be treated quite normally. A lot better than those who aren't. You'll have a normal life, like the one before i became evil apart from the fact that you can never escape. it adds a twist, so in other words your better off as a prisoner than you are if your not. i'll go easy on prisoner and won't hurt them at all if they cooperate. IF!

I will inflict suffering to this world till i die HAHAHA! when i die the world will die too. So either way if i'm dead or alive human kind will suffer. hahahahaha so u can live and suffer or die and be happy. pAgE 3