AH HUH 3 hey, OH MY GOSH! i've made it to a 3rd ah huh. a third. shit.
well i'm bored, very i have a need to ramble so here i am. its currently 10.40pm 19/05 on the year 2 thousand and 1.
its weird i thought the year 2000 we'd have flying cars, technology so advanced, fashion completely out of this world but what disappointment. nothing but the same old thing. you know how in movies, old movies when they have a setting that's like in the future, 2000 with all these cool stuff in it, yeh well that's how i wanted it to be like. *daydream* wouldn't that be cool.
i'm sleepy, i need to sleep, owe my eyes itchy *scratches eye* oowe that didn't help, that's made it worse *scratches eye* oooowe it hurts *scratches* aaah i know i should be doing that but i just can't help doing it. must not scratch, aaargh but sooooo itchy. no no no no. *scratches eye* oh well.

5 minutes later

Ah fuck, my eye is like red as and it hurts, i can't really see through it, its soooo blurry, wow i can still type but bearly see it.
Number 9 *farts* HA! natural gas. eeeewe it smells *fans the air* there u go. go my little particles of stench, fly and smell off in some fresh air somewhere. spread the smell. hehehehe.
ummm i don't think i should of put that in. very disturbing aye. lalalalala. i think i'm gonna go get something for my eye, its really starting to sting now and i can't keep it open. aaaaaaaawe FUCK THAT!

Allo ha, it is the second week of term 3 but it seems sooo much longer though. i have the urge to herbal, lol no i have the urge to ramble right now so yeh that's y i am. would do this is stuff but them some people might not appreciate it and the fact that i'm already appear strange, i don't really want to increase this suspicion. =) i'm not that odd am i? although i am an oddchic but u gotta agree with me i'm not that odd. if you meet me you'd prob think i'm pretty normal or even shy, or if u do already know me, don't u agree? <------this question does not apply to any oddchics!
HA! WOMEN R GOING TO DOMINAYE THE WORLD!!! beware guys! its our turn for the power. hehehehe *evil laugh*

so oh well, there is A pic in here after all. referring to the thing above me. the ball pic which i need to find and return to maine....oops. oh well life goes on =)
Hmm that seems to be my saying now or something that'll finish of my sentences. i'm bored and very sleepy, so i thought i might go an babble in here for awhile. y'know......umm......goddamn that went completely out of my head. whoooosh there goes what i was about to write, flew out of my ear and off with the pigs. *goes into deep thought* wow, unfamiliar territory man! lol *snaps out of it* goddamn that was scary. i'm getting glasses! which i was meant to get them like last year but yeh, kinda crapped out, forgot all about them till the glasses people rang up and said we hadn't paid our thingess and that was like over a year ago and i was like "oh yeh, my glasses" so now i'm finally getting them. *takes a deep breath* god that was a long sentence.

*sighs* y'know those days where everything is soo wrong, life sux and it doesn't seem like its worth living anymore so you think of ways to try kill urself or daydream of a life when u are gone and how much better it'd be. ur heart feels so heavy that u want to just tear it out ur chest. ur so angry at urself and whats become of ur life that ur so close to just breaking down and giving up altogether. y'know that feeling? sounds familiar huh? yeh..............hmmm. i have a need to talk on and on so i will or maybe not. depending how long i can keep it up. i've been wondering about human brains. they are so small compared to the rest of the body but yet they can hold sooo much in it and it rules the body. what's up with that? its so unreliable too cause when desperately need to remember or even forget something it does the complete opposite. goddamn brain. oh well. a brains a brain and its the center of the chain. hehehe i'm bored now so i'll go until next time.

i am alive, i am breathing, i am moving, i am, i am, i am MOO CHIC!! defender and eater of cows and beef! stay clear or i will blind u with my face, squirt u with my milk and mooooooo so loud it'd seem like i'm dying. HA HA HA!
*coughs* yeh......hello dearies and dearers. how r u today? all good i suppose. how are the fairies? still after me?

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