WARNING:this ah huh will be very long
Sheesh! Another Ah huh. ok ok i'll do an intro. Drum roll plz
(drum rolls)
Ladies and Gents let me present.....
AH HUH............4!!!!
*crowd applauds*

helloooo!! wow, i've looked over everyones pages and they're all so good apart from mine, which is plain. oh well i'll be the plain one the non original. AND is sara eva gonna work on hers? lol

Hidy hoe, well since no one goes in here i thought well i might as well put my poems in here. Ah huh 4 would contain all my pathetic poems i've made up in my life that'd i'd consider a poem. i like cleaned my room *big shock* and found all my poems. some are even since i was form 2 and i thought what the hell i'll put them in here. i've put a counter in here so i know how many ppl will actually look at or read them cause i'm quite self-conscious of my poetry, quite ashamed of them really. there not even that good so yeh..... enjoy =)
Oh an i'll also point out that most or should i say all of them have no title so maybe once you read them you might be able to help me with the titles of my poems....lol.

This poem here is one of my first poems i wrote in form 2. Its a litte bit sad, but i wasn't sad at the time i wrote it though.
I call it: I'm alone once again

Ok this one was from Form 1. Very Very cheezy i tell you, highly bad man. i warn thee.
No title

This was written in the beginning of third form. Nothing much to say here but what the hell was i thinking?
What happened to the youth today?

Hmmm....this one was a hard choice to make. whether i should actually put this peom in here. this was my FIRST and ONLY love peom or mushy sentimental shit i've EVA written ok. I'd like to point out this is the worse one i've in here. Its not me. Written in Form 2. There was no motivation or inspiration that got me to write it.
I'd found love