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undefined Yesterday
for Pam Sparks

Yesterday while working at the computer
I glanced out the window and noticed
the sunshine on jasmine blooms.
I picked a sprig and put it behind my ear.
When I went to bed my hair smelled like jasmine.

Yesterday I put on my favorite tank top
and went outside with a magazine.
When I came in an hour later
my brother amused himself
by making white finger-faces on my red shoulder.

Yesterday I didn't read my e-mail
and so I didn't know all day that you were gone.
Yesterday I believed in life, in spring
forgetting the dead jasmine blooms.

Today I believe in you.

Pam Sparks was a councilor at NBTSC first session '98 and second session '99, the same sessions I went to. She died in a car crash in March of 2000. She was a great mother, friend and a beautiful person.
