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Idea of the... er... general time period: Write a limerick using the name of a friend. For instance:
There once was a girl named Marina
who decided to fight in the arena.
But sadly, her fighting
wasn't as good at her writing
and she ended in the belly of a hyena.

Poems About Friends Poems About Writing Poems About Qualities (what a fun excercise! try it!) Poems About Me (specifically about me. they're all about me in a general way) Poems About Not Back To School Camp and Not Back To School Campers

No, this is not all the poems I've written. These are the best though, IMHO. I might put up some so-so ones if I'm ever bored.

By the way, NEW means I've recently put it up here, not that I've recently written it. I have written many of the NEW poems in the past few weeks, but not all of them.


Last updated 12/10/00. Happy Birthday Christyn! All poems copyrighted 1999 - 2000 Marina Moses