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Music Review:
Becoming You
(The Indigo Girls)

by Brad DeMaagd

Fall in love with The Indigo Girls all over again when you check out their latest album, Becoming You. Brad DeMaagd reviews this outstanding album and reminds us just why we love Amy Ray and Emily Sailers' music so much.

Becoming You is the latest album from one of the most respected and talented pairings in the music industry: Amy Ray and Emily Sailers. The Indigo Girls are established performers whose musical talents and skilled song writing earned them a loyal fan base. Fans will find this album a return to form from their prior release – Come On Now Social. Filled with the trademark harmonies, Becoming You features tracks that rang from the acoustic ballads to foot-thumping jams. Songs rotate between Amy and Emily on song writing and vocals, and the album flows together effortlessly. Moment of Forgiveness deals purely with the human longing for connection. The caller wishing things were different. Amy Ray's lyrics letting the burden of the caller come to be exposed as she sings, "Wish I could save you the trouble baby, give you a little piece of mind". The song exposing the weakness in all of us to call that old friend or lover whom we left behind momentarily forgetting and forgiving any transgressions or hurt feelings.

"The Plot predictable showing. And though it seems grand we're just a grain of sand. And back in the hourglass we're going." The words mark the ending lines of Deconstruction made me think of the flip-sided images of our American culture. Our unified country after 9/11, and yet our news stories have hardly shown a change in the violent natures of our human brethren. For a short while we stepped forward, but we see our culture has not changed. Deconstruction ends with Emily singing, "Back to the smallness of our deconstruction of love, We thought it was changing, but it never was."

Becoming You deals with Amy's effort in relating to her neighbors and countrymen who have a strong connection to the Confederate roots of their culture. In the case of the song, the Confederate history of some Southern neighbors is in contrast to one of their own who doesn't see the same value from that history. If the listener could pause the song and look back upon their lives, they'd find similar moments. The conflict between wanting to join the community and remain yourself, and this struggle mirrored deftly in Amy's lyrics.

She's Saving Me represents the inner thoughts of the speaker/singer. The song is a ballad about a tired soul that has come under the protective wing of a friend or lover. The song a perfect picture of the impact of a friendship upon a person, and the difficulty of the singer to say thank you.. Swaying solos by the guitar echo, the personal feel to the words, all the thoughts running through the head of the singer. She's Saving Me is the long overdue thank you many of us never say.

For fans of The Indigo Girls , the album results from their hard work and dedication to themselves and their music. Once you put this disc in your player, you'll soon set it on repeat because the excellent blend and flow of the album will not let you play it just once. Is this the best album by The Indigo Girls ? I'll leave that for you to decide, as for me, this is my third time spinning the record back to back. Let the words and music seep in and enjoy Becoming You .

The Indigo Girls are currently touring in Europe, but have scheduled a Becoming You US Tour. For further information on The Indigo Girls , their official website is:



Brad DeMaagd was born in Sacramento, California in 1976. Mr. DeMaagd currently lives in Michigan, but is planning a move to Oregon in the late spring. Mr. DeMaagd attended Michigan State University where he majored in English, with minor studies in Economics and History. Mr. DeMaagd continues to pursue his goal of becoming an Acquisitions Editor at a publishing house. His past times include watching David Lynch films, NFL football, working on his stories, and reading an ever growing stack of books.

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