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April 12, 2000 Im so sick of all of this! I've got another two to four weeks of pregnancy to live with. Ugh. I don't know if i can last that long. It's such a fucking rollercoaster. I don't feel as strong as you all say i am.
I'm not moving away as soon as i had anticipated. Im not upset that im not going so soon, nor am i happy that i get to stay here longer. I just don't care about anything right now. I just want to hide in my room and sleep for another few weeks. Or maybe i'll just sleep forever. Who cares. Not me. Even the one i love most doesn't even seem to cheer me up like he used to. The sound of his voice didn't comfort me like it usually does. Aaarrghhh! What's wrong with me! I'm getting so depressed! I hate this!