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April 3, 2000

This is kinda like im exposing my diary and posting it on the internet. Im not really sure why im doing it, maybe because im too shy to actually write a personal zine. What i write is whatever comes to my mind, that i feel strongly enough about that i feel the need to tell everyone else. I also feel that some sort of an introduction into my life is necessary. But im not interested in that idea at all.

Im sitting here listening to harvest, trying to grasp one of the many thoughts running through my head. Three weeks ago i made the decision to move to charlottetown pei for a few months. There are numerous reasons for my departure. The first and foremost being employment. Also im bored sick, living here, and i think a change of surroundings might be just what i need. Not everyone is as happy with my decision as i am, which makes leaving my beloved friends and familiar surroundings harder than it already is. But thats just the way life goes, i guess. I'll miss everyone more than anything, but I'll be back for a few visits now and then.
In addition to the difficult task of telling people the news of my relocation, i recently discovered that i am five weeks pregnant. Just what i need. Luckily my boyfriend was incredibly supportive and caring. We talked about our options and soon realized that we didnt have many. Abortion is the only answer for us. Im not asking for hate mail for that statement. I dont really like the idea too much my self but i have to do it. One thing i think many people don't understand is that its one thing to have your opinions on being pro-life or pro-choice but its another to actually be pregnant and have to make the real decision yourself. Your ideas change dramatically when your actually placed in the situation in question.
The pregnancy is really bringing me closer to a lot of people, which is nice, but i wasnt sure if i wanted everyone to know about it. (i guess its too late now) I wanted to tell people because i consider my self fairly open with my life to anyone i consider a friend. But this time my insecurities got the better of me and i wasnt sure if i could handle a lot of people knowing of my sexual history. Also i was afraid of people judging me or looking at me as a different person.
Maybe im just paranoid...who knows.

Everyone has there own insecurities, and fears. We all have the same problems, generally. So why can't we listen, and understand each other? Why do we continually put ourselves and others through such pain? We repeatedly state that friendship is important and should be placed above all else. If so, then why arent we there for our friends like we say we should be? We need to make more of an effort to communicate to each other. Why do we always wait untill it's too late? We wait untill our feelings are hurt beyond repair. We wait untill there is such a gap of awkward uncertainty. Why dont we reach out for one another like we know we want to? Maybe it's because we all feel too sorry for ourselves and are caught up in our own problems to really give a damn.
But is that really a good enough excuse?