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May 2, 2000It didn't take me by surprise. I think we all saw it coming. I guess it's true, nothing lasts forever. Things change. People change. Lives change. For the better? Let's hope so. But why can't everything just stay the way it was? Comfortable, worn in, and familiar. I guess there's always a day when everything must come crashing down before you, and then the tears roll in to wash away the hard feelings.
I know what you're all thinking. My beloved companion has turned away from me to walk the other way. But no. He's still here, by my side, as loving and caring as always. It's my other beloved companions. After slowly growing more and more distant I'm beginning to wonder...Is this it? Or will everything be forgotten in the months to come, and we can all live happily ever after.
All I know for sure is that these feelings will never elude me. Feelings of lonliness and rejection have always made their stale presence known in my life. I think now I've just come to terms with it. I've given up the fight. I've given in.