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May 7, 2000A word of advice. Regret nothing. Everything in life has it's purpose, it's meaning. No matter how painfull or unfair, it's always a learning experience. Sure you may not feel any more knowledgable the next day, but in time you'll be much the wiser.
I don't regret getting pregnant. Sure it would be nice if it never happened. But it did. And I am a changed woman because of that. These past two months have brought me more pain, suffering, confusion, amazement and joy then I would have ever expected. I've learnt more about my body, my mind and my relationships with loved ones than I would have ever dreamt of.
Tomorrow it will be all over. Just as I begin to get used to the idea of being pregnant, just as i get used to not being able to fit into all my pants; its all over. Don't get my wrong, Im going to be more than thrilled with the idea of my life going back to normal, it's just funny how things work out in the end.