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October 19, 2000
this is confusing. once again. i feel like those are the only words i ever use to describe things anymore but its true.
im feeling alot better about things. but at the same time a whole new breed of problems have surfaced in my life. i now feel like there's nothing holding me here. i mean ive been tossing around the idea of moving and finally figuring out what i want to do with my life. but now theres really no reason not to. so theres problem numero uno. what am i going to do with life? im told by some to take it easy not to rush it. but hey, i dont want to just sit here. i feel like im wasting my time. i could be going to school. i could be doing something useful with my exsistance.
as for my second dilemma? i want to find someone i can be happy with. i want to find someone that wants the same things i do with in a relationship."i want real love...not puppy love"