Information and Disclaimers 

Submission Guidlines

Fanfiction by

Fanfiction by Author

Fanfiction by 


Contest Entries:

 Hardlight (NC-17)
By Sushi

Black and Silver (PG13-R)
By Larzken

Untitled (G)
By Zamber

The Happiest Place on Earth (G)
By Larzken

Snape and Draco (G)
By Shelia  Bailey

Draco (G)
By Keara

Lazy Day (NC-17)

Contest Winners:

In the General Catagory:  Untitled by Zamber

In the Adult Catagory: Lazy Day by

Attention fanartists: Yes, Black and Silver is still running! Yes, I realize I haven't updated in forever, but things will change soon! Thank you.

Regular Art