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Foreword March 10, 2005: Today's post is on the Quatrain III page and has at the bottom, the link t the song, "Circle of Lebanon"
Foreword March 8, 2005 Late update regarding today's post-- I do not believe in throwing out the guppy politician with the vermin politician, so perhaps stating that I wanted "The Entire Regime" overthrown was a bit extreme, at least to some closely known percentage.
Is all of history a lie, or a greater or smaller part of it? Or are the causative factors of that which we see as history hidden or disguised in some fashion? I always knew my family's oppressive force was around us as a child, but I could not see the truth. Now, I witness the local idiots dangling a dangerous weapon in my face to keep me, us, from meeting those who came in like locusts into our government, with their queen and king copulating in the hinterlands or under our noses in the bordello of decadence on the hill, their piss draining down rock faces and creating a stench in the low land and what they consider their low life areas, "their government", "their mass media".
We were conned by mass media, those of us born after the wide spread of free television and mono-drone ignorance in the broadcastng industry that hold hands with those who hover over us. What happened to the USA space program? The criminals within the government stole the funds. I have uncovered criminal after criminal in my local government and I am treated like an outcast or criminal or leper and I uncovered what I believe is a crime syndicate springing from the federal government financial arena with military astuteness in severing the heads not in the clinch of criminality. They rob us at the National Treasury and they rob us in our local governments. We need a new plan and a new regime. Ignorance says that marijuana and crack cocaine are equal. Criminal government elite sell a weed at the price of gold, and snort cocaine like it is oxygen. The Americans of our generation have been conned, from cradle to slave. Overthrow the regime, and slit the heroin and cocaine dealers throats, and then legalize cannabis. I do not fear war in America. Like a fire purifies that which has grown rampant and ugly, so will war turn the fake television news into the horns of the people, someday an educated conglomerate with vote by referendum and endless departures of men and women onto their own planets, and to have full dignity and respect among their own, and freedom in all forms from the people of the originating planet. Eventually, it may go back to the original destination--a primitive existence, or is it? Perspective.
Foreword March 5, 2005: In American society a sinister influence and power exists that is not beyond any contraption or atrocity. We must survey our environments as the enemy is among us at the higher ranks, at least in part. The possibilities are mind boggling for abuse and the recent bloody history in the political and financial arenas proves that the blood sport is now. For many of us the gauntlet has been laid down, and some of us have survived. Our enemy has petty mindless people who will do anything they are told to do, just like Hitler's men and Sharon's men and Hussein's men, and some of the more evil sort within the American regime of today. Because our so-called fellow Americans hold hands with our enemy and block our access to government, including in Hellish Alabama what should we do? What should we do when they abuse us in violation of their own laws? Sometimes the inevitable is spelled out.
For instance, never overlook anything as trivial or inconsequential until indepth inspection and speculation with tests to prove authenticity or alternate uses. For instance, in Mobile Alabama Midtown, placed in strategic locations are early warning devices similar to air raid sirens. Why? Are we under attack? I have considered many horrors and after betrayal by some in the federal government military and financial arenas. I have speculated upon forced medical procedures (see and search for veterans administration) with concurrent control at a later time through high tech apparatus, and I do not negate high or low pitched frequencies or computer modulated of some sort, and especially a plethora of new attack options in the hands of men with no ethics. Beware fellow Americans. The videos above prove that many of us are nothing to those who hide inside our governnment and call it theirs.
I just got an email from a reporter friend in San Francisco, Mark Morford, who told me in his article that dildos are illegal in Alabama. I guess that means somebody will be doing more jockeying for the hump stall in the John room at that fag joint downtown.
Foreword March 4, 2005: This note does not pertain to the battles of this past week or year or decade. This is a somber reflection on the dreams, the nightmares, the questions, posed and answered, sum or part. A song accompanies me, one off of the web, not my own, "Circle of Lebanon".
I sometimes think I am already dead, if death exists. I have survived one too many attempts on my life. I have looked into the mirror and seen the truth beyond the cortical eye. To know the creator is to know all. I once heard some monks or were they monkeys. I saw a child bleeding in Lebanon, her flesh as beautiful as my own young kin, her mouth wide and screaming, screaming the horror I lived in the darkest memories in the childhood dreams, nightmares.
I am treated like an outcast dog in my own native land, America, LA to LA, Los Angeles to Lower Alabama, and into the heart of my territory, San Francisco, inhabited by parks and lions, and the dwindling humane nature.
Come to me children of Lebanon. We are free from the suture if we have the same light. BBC UK, American Inauguration Day.
If war is insanity, then by their decree borne of ignorance and insanity, the message is delivered in two figures "I reign", "Thumbs up" (Art Pic). There appears to be, "Trouble in Paradise".
I turned to the creator, and I asked, "What are we having for supper?" The creator said in two voices while showing me the two buck teeth mask of Saint Ram Bone, "Beans and Franks". Or he or she might have said "Banes and Freaks", or some combination therein. I am not certain. Actually I am not certain of who it was, but I do not taunt those which leave us in better condition than when we arrived. Luckily however, I was able to stop the bread from burning in the Pop-up toaster. Ciao
The creator called later on the fancy phone and said on the intercom to someone referred to as "Jack". "Jack", the creator said, "Meet me in the bone yard". "Dressed in your hungry junkyard dog suit." Needless to say, I did not leave the womb.
I envision Jack sitting down at his table to eat a grasshopper, thinking he is ridding himself of me, but it is his nagging conscious. Grass hopper inside (sound file mp3).
Then the creator told me to take off my clothes like SainTramBone always does and sent in a young dancing woman who danced the , Bharata Natyam. (Video of dancing Bride To Be). I said in Prichard stanza, "Yeeah Doggie, Beans and Franks", and closed the curtain so we would not have to watch the stray mutt on the lawn Jaw Jack with termites and such.
Under the silk bridal sheets she said, "I do not have the key". And we were locked, for eternity. Note to Ellen, "Ooo LA LA". Note to viewers, contact Couleur Trois radio online and tell them to have a French girl say it, say the word, "Pussy". Listen as it sounds like Poo-say, not Pooft. Do not use the Turkish word that sounds like Pooft. That is the word for "anus boy, Jack".
Foreword March 6, 2005 GMT: The funniest thing about the absurdity of the war against Americans disquised as the war against marijuana, is when you view the opposite up close. For instance, at a medical Cannabis Club in San Francisco a few years back, I was at a table with a lovely some-what African woman with some sort of disease and she wore a scarf over her head, so I do not know if her hair was taken by her illness. A game of Bingo was being played by most people at the club. I would not mind living that day over again, and maybe hear some of her poetry. It was better for me than mass media and the W marching parade with blood on their boots. Who is W? A front man, an image for a greater facade. I hope the woman with the scarf is still alive. I lost many friends, here and there.
3-1-2005 Foreword: The oddest thing about corrupt governments is that the more you view them, the less human they appear to be in the controlling sectors, as evidenced in their actions in the local and federal governments under the regime in the USA. Because the USA governments have abused me with total disregard, including an assassination attempt for alerting the public to a murder at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and in addition, their refusal to give me a trial by jury for legal gun ownership after an attempt on my life, with forced injections and physical and psychological abuse, I have no choice but to consider the entire regime our enemy. When I went to court under forced injections, abuse, and other drugs, and was forced to sign papers or get no chance of release, the judge told me, "Go Back To School". I already have several degrees and the school I went to was criminal investigation of the USA regime that needs to be toppled, with a merciless vengeance, just as they do to us.
Today I filmed at the Mobile Alabama City Council gate, as a reporter, with video to be posted soon. Unfortunately most of the best audio was lost when Mayor Dow's security fascists, a Lt. or Capt. Joe Drews, snatched my camera and loosened the audio plug. Next time I will wear an earphone to be alert to that technical error. I, Kurt Brown, a degreed auditor and a degreed news reporter was denied entry into the Mobile Alabama City Council meeting again in violation of the occupying regime's own laws. Drews also escorted the proven City Councilman embezzler, Thomas Sullivan, away when I was going to interview him. Drews should be viewed as an enemy of the people in addition to the rest of the regime by the new to rise occupying military force in the USA, which will be several free nations soon.
They tried to make me stop filming, but under freedom of the press I was allowed to remain due to my wearing an "Indymedia Reporter" badge. Afterward I developed an intense headache and malaise, just as I felt when I went to court after receiving a beating for trying to enter Mobile Alabama government in 2004. I passed a blood clot the last time after the court hearing in the government building. I never did before or since, and will keep you posted. Brain Hemmorhage victims are common in America's new war landscape called politics, as Ralph Nader and dead Senator Mr. Figures illustrate. The Mobile Alabama city council building with its metal roof and huge metal poles always makes me think of a weapon inside. Drews nodded to someone on a higher floor so our enemies in power may be using a weapon on us in the building.
<I received a letter 4 years ago not to re-enter the city council meeting and it was signed by Councilman Johnson who was proven to have given $10,000 to his alleged mistress in the park. The vote was allegedly a vote by the city council behind closed doors to deny me entry. The Fascist Police in Charge and in bed with corrupt politicians tried to stop my filming. Why fight in Iraq when our enemy is at home? The time has come to help overthrow the regime in Mobile Alabama and other corrupt cities of the USA. Support those who would bring them to reckoning with the common man on even ground or gallows.
The question of the day is, "Who is in charge of the abuse against us? The German types? The Jew Types? The African Types? Someone or something not either of the above? In the media and much of D.C., it appears the Jews have a large share and share in the abuse of Americans and their costitutional rights. In Alabama, it appears that German types are in charge with a few African types who want to rule like the Germans. The truth is though that none appear as humane as the Germans and Jews and Africans I have known. Regardless, we are fighting as individuals. Soon I hope we raise our fists and crash it down in harmonious destruction of subjugation and governmental exclusion for eternity, or at least until free floating space colonies offer refuge for groups with similar ideals and values. America is a fascist state, full of lies, deceptions, propaganda, and abuse, including forced injections and exclusion. Have we lost our nation? If so, let the fight begin to regain it, and do not fear the darkness and howls of pain under the clouds of resurrection of rights for the common good. "Thomas Sullivan, city councilman Mobile Alabama, proven thief and embezzler, get your ass in the clink with Freeman Jockisch, Uncle Tom cocksucker quit coming to city council meetings if you have to hide behind pigs with guns."
2-28-2005 Foreword: Announcement on Atlanta Indymedia of attack at Mob. AL city council meeting gate Tuesday, March-1-2005. I dedicate the song below to the daughters of a man eaten alive by flesh eating bacteria in Mobile Alabama county jail, James Carpenter. James's death was due to negligent homicide resulting from thievery by Sheriff Jack Tillman. Now James's two daughters do not have a father. Some tried to call James crazy to justify their horrid abuse and murder. They have not seen crazy, YET.
2-26-2005 Foreword: On the radio today in Mob. AL, someone said that my new song in mp3, released on New Orleans Indymedia, "Big Federal Dick Up N'awlins Big Easy Bud Hole", should have the lyrics Rhode Island Bud Hole...hmm, thanks radio caller. Late Update: If you have two sound drivers, you can play the dance of my "Bride-To-Be" with the volume down on one driver and watch her dance to the tune of the "Big Easy Bud Hole" on another driver. Bharata Natyam Dance.
We take our government back with surveillance therein or we deserve extinction. I will be at the Mobile Alabama City Council gate on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. with my camera and Indymedia Reporters badge. The City Council, with federal government criminal approval, do not let this degreed auditor inside, and it is the order of the corrupt government regime in power. The forefathers, Jefferson, Patton, and others of virtue and courage would try to remove those who close our government doors to us, first through peace, and then if necessary, "By Force". The USA government and their factions have drawn first blood, numerous times. Do not shed a tear when the streets are littered with their bodies, as they are not "A Government For And By All Citizens," but a lie unto themselves and our children.
The regime in power has many who are there by force of the gun and they also lack ethics and wisdom. They must be brought down. City Councilman Sullivan is going to prison for embezzling city funds in a bankrupt city, allegedly for his re-election and was forcing hiring contracts for his unskilled comrades. I demand a re-vote to allow Kurt Brown, Auditor, into the city council meetings, by the corrupt city council that insists on voting behind closed doors with the enemy regime in power as the observe. God Damn the Regime. Give us our government or give us extinction.
In Mob. AL it has come to the attention of the Mobile Audit Club that the city does not give businesss licenses to people in the trades in an equitable and fair fashion, restricting some from entry. If this has happened to you, email the webmaster listed at this site. .
2-25-05 Foreword New song in mp3 by SainTramBone, Kurt Brown, released on New Orleans Indymedia, "Big Federal Dick Up N'awlins Big Easy Bud Hole", calling for legalization of marijuana in big easy as in Oakland and San Francisco. Foreword: Known scientific principles are the best analogy to use when forecasting social or political outcomes or destinies. For instance, an object in motion tends to stay in motion..... A growing number of social outcasts, disenfranchised voters and others pushed out of government meetings and such, indicates that a malignancy has taken direction within American society and world society. I use the word malignancy carefully, just as when trying to discern the inner frequencies within a light wave to place ones self in the center of the visible sprectrum.
As is evidenced in the video and the fact that the USA government jeopardized my life purposefully after an attempt upon it by forcing me to live away from the protection of my family.
2-24-2005 Update: The last uncensored Indymedia in the Mid-East, Beirut Indymedia, has been Shut Down for Many including Mobile Audit Club at least as of this morning---The link was open to a post later that day, and two seconds after putting up a pic from the video above, it was taken down. We are not all allies here. I support the Geneva Convention for Americans and Iraqis. Only spineless shit ignores it. American mass media is enemy of the people in addition to their regime's public indoctrination, their public schools. Beware of hospitals for bad apples on staff, especially if your children are at stake. Support Arab rights and demand Israel back to the border set after World War Two. The Russians know their way to Russia or America. Blood in the teeth is not a crown but a lower beasts only attribute. I would not be surprised to see manipulations of people's children, detrimentally. We are not all allies here. Know your ally or know your end.
Foreword: Locally in Mob. AL I have noticed that Comcast Television has stopped broadcasting the Mob. AL city council meetings, as they are decreed to do by law. We lost our right to Community Access Broadcasting when the city opted for Comcast to broadcast City Council Meetings. Now they do not broadcast the meetings and the city government does not let citizens bring in cameras. Soon I will try to re-enter with my camera, "Damn the torpedo heads, and on with the bloody show." Since we can not vote or access our government, support those who will oust the regime in favor of a true and enlightened democracy. The regime is liking putting pigs in your pocket that eat your crotch, unfavorably. Here is todays post to Michigan Indymedia and the Motor City Madman calling for a game of Catch .22 I would consider it an honor to be at Hell's gate when I see the judges in Los Angeles who allowed me to be abused for legal gun ownership, swung from trees like Uncle X-mas plumbs.
Sheriffs steal and people die, and courtrooms are manipulated by force and abuse. Let us snatch the evil up by the roots, and if it goes for our throats, remember the concepts of guerrilla warfare and use it ways they can not reckon with--I think of Gandhi, but use your own imagination and judgment, as I still admire the tactics of Marcus Anthony. The next time a judge gives a man a Felony for owning a legally owned gunned in America, that judge should be dealt with in a vengeance, and all of his protectorate on his owner's payroll.
We are not peons to be pushed around by drug lords and murderers in the high chairs. We are the severed branch, grown from blood, and now, we exact the retribute to resurrect Positive Capitalism in America with empathy for all and eventually a totally educated populace with votes by referendum under the "Humane Party".
2-22-2005 Foreword: The true lie of America is that the government does not truly care about the people, as is evidenced by the beating in the video, the forced injections I and others received, the ignored attempts on this bank examiner's life, the huge amount of people in prison for soft drugs and their lost livelihoods, and the many dead high ranking politicians and bureaucrats and banking officials, killed by the rising criminal element in the USA. The time has come for an ethical network to arise that has the teeth and jowls of lions and the penchant for success in the gladiator ring known asw life. Do not fear conflict, as the snake has been with us since eternity, and it is the creator's wish for us to learn to deal with it and tame it and our society into humane civility. Otherwise we perish as a lesser of the eventual cosmos.
A loose collection of groups with a common thread to advance mankind to an ethical and humane destiny is needed. It will be more than La Costa Nostra, it will be more than the regime in Russia or the USA, it will be paradise with an edge. We must defend ourselves from the threats within. Shout to the cities to remove their children from the public schools and to not trust the government officials. You can not tell the bad apples from the good apples until your children's minds and actions are poisoned.
A partially hidden predatory factor or network is at work in America, and it has a hidden agenda whose workings are manifested in the rot and suffering of American society.
It is amazing how the criminal factors of the world love to keep things in the government sanctioned underground market. .
The lie of history is often hidden in the anatomy of existing creatures, whether perceived or not. Not all of mankind is all that kind. Send the Bush and his Regime, and the Putin and his regime, back to the Kiev.
2-20-2005 Foreword: Announcement made on New Orleans Indymedia calling for suggestions on location for burning of political effigies of those who oppose our rights on July 4th, to be hosted by a collection of political parties including the Pot Party and their overriding collection of Parties, known as Parliament. Music Video within two weeks with Zydeco style music and electric guitar, with drum tracks this time, by yours truly, SainTramBone.
2-14-2005 Foreword Note of the Day: Never trust any USA government agency to look out for your life or your welfare. A gulag state has been created in the USA, beginning before or since WWII, with a massive increase since 2000. A massive file or collection of our names, addresses, social security numbers, DNA, pictures, and fingerprints has been made by the regime in power in the USA, often in frame ups and set ups by criminals with badges and in bureaucratic positions. They have even denied me my right to a trial by jury after forcing injections, silence and signatures for legal gun ownership with no chance of a jury trial. They are no different from the Nazis of old who tattooed numbers on the arms, except their names are different, not German, but wealthy American names from a vast amount of backgrounds. The federal criminals took away my right to own fire arms and to remain anonymous. My life was turned into a living Hell. I suffer to this day from their abuses. The Mob Al material seats are in the federal dictators control with a hub to D.C and where ever internationally at that point. .
2-17-2005 Foreword: A lovely day in Mobile, except a swarm of pissants seem to want to taunt me--probability 95% that Mob. AL Sheriff Clan or a war regime of like minded cut throats and their new world order gun toting apes, soon to be an apostrophe in history. While driving east bound in a 30- to 35-mph zone on a two lane road, at around 10 p.m. on Old Shell Road West of the University of South Alabama, a Mob. AL Sheriff's car, with no emergency lights, pulled directly in front of me as he turned onto a road that approaches at a 45-degree angle causing me to almost hit him in the passenger door. In all honesty, Sheriff Jack Tillman should be in prison for negligent homicide due to his $100,000 thievery and $350M hording of funds, and the gruesome death of James Carpenter, eaten alive by flesh eating bacteria in his jail.
Because Sheriff Tillman is allowed to openly steal to the point of abuse and death at the Mob. AL County Jail, City Councilman Thomas Sullivan who is guilty of ethics violations should simply lose his job, and Mob AL County Commissioner Jockisch should be released and pay some restitution. If Tillman can walk free, so should they. Tillman also helped to frame me for legal gun ownership when I was going to report his thievery, by taking my gun permit after I had reported an attack on my life by federal assassins for alerting the public to murderers at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in San Francisco, my past employer, and the fed later violated the Geneva Convention when I parked on their property and they injected me with chemicals. They tried to say that I was insane, per the order of federal agents associated with the criminally infested National Treasury Employees Union, the union for the FDIC.
I also propose a coffehouse district on the black/white apartheid line in Mobile Alabama, that thin zone where black and white co-exist. Legalize it and get that other shit off the street and get those people help. Our society is crumbling by design. Kick those mother f-ckers out of office, Mayor Dow, Sheriff Tillman, and the entire city council. Or better yet, I will simply demand the financial papers, forecasts and expenditures for the last fiscal year, and then start an auditor's head hunt with the new American Militia watching my back. Kill me Jack, Wreck me Jack, and I will watch your ass fall on the stack, so help me C.E.B.A.G., put you on the right track.
Fear not my fellow humans of empathy and having suffered intolerable abuses by some who have forgotten who we are, at all of our detriment now, and maybe into the future. We are still here but the animal factor of greed, avarice, and indifference has set in, and the rest of the play is like a predictable chemical equation. Positive Capitalism, Positive Democratic Socialism, Free and Educated humans with an eye toward space colonies, not war, not the ape eye.
2-16-2005 Foreword: Thomas Sullivan, City Councilman of Mobile who obviously approves of keeping me out of government meetings with the rest of the Mobile AL city council, violated many laws. County Commissioner Freeman Jockisch did the same things and is now in prison. It is too bad that Mobile does not have the leadership to bring a brighter future to Mobilians so that their politicians do not have to violate laws to get people jobs, and themselves kick-backs. Dump Mayor Dow and the city council for a government of enlightment and democracy. Mobile has become a pathetic sh-t hole and the people now squabble over chicken feed and welfare checks. Pathetic, I want to leave for the Canadian border but am tied here until I have toppled the corrupt regime, by order of the creator. Come together, right now, over Saint Ram Bone. Kurt Brown for Mayor.
I present A dance called Bharata Natyam by a young woman of India. It appears that SainTramBone walked through the video.
2-15-05 Foreword: Lately I receive praise and scorn for my disclosures and art, both from black and white in Mobile Alabama. The saddest thing is that some hate people for all of the wrong reasons. Mobile has a wedge being driven through it, apparently by black and white. Best bet is to move if you are not tied down. The city is controlled by outsiders who are an enemy to the people here, e.g. Mayor Dow, The Wod and the heinous and devisive and thieving city council. Their police forces at the Courthouse are like the Unethical Nazis and Unethical Somalians, and it is accepted by the Unethical who call themselves Jews or Catholics or Muslims etc. in D.C. If the building is removed with their unethical criminal government with them in the building, praise be to whoever you choose to follow. I will soon go back to the City Council Gate on Tuesdays at 10:30, as soon as the weather is hotter. .
2-14-05 Espionage again. Never believe what you see on its face value on American Mass Media, i.e. the Twin Towers disaster, and now the murder of a Lebanese billionaire, with claims of a Syrian connection. Beirut Lebanon Indymedia is the only Indymedia with open communication in the mid-East in the English language that I know of, without extreme censorship. The probability of a Syrian connection is low. Someone is practicing, Divide and Conquer, Lebanon and Syria, and I sense an outside player, probability 95%. Could it be the same people who are criminals within the US governments and their international billionaire network? Most likely. They have destroyed the Geneva Convention and the US Constitution and call those who run for their lives from their hired assassins insane and or criminal. We have a layer of people in the USA government who should have been in the place of the billionaire. Burn effigies of political figures from the USA on the 4th of July. We can not vote, let those mother f-ckers float.
A special Hello to Couleur Trois online radio and the month of the rouge Pussy...Bon Appetit. America will be free again, alert La French Resistance and tune into the Radio page on this site for latest comments to moi rouge pussy. Auditor Reign Mon, alias Papillion de Eureka, accepts the du plane tickets with the rouge pussy(s)and buys dinner if it pufts La Francais. Pooft Cache? Oui. Pooft Cash? Non.
The saddest thing about my native city of Mobile Alabama is all materially significant seats are under a dictatorship of foreign control.
2-12-05 Foreword Daily Note: America's mass media owners are in league with those who hold back the advancement of American society.
2-11-05 Foreword Daily Note: To prove my point that the Mobile Alabama City Council members are wrought with corruption, City Council member Thomas Sullivan committed numerous violations of laws and ethical procedures including forcing the YMCA to hire an employee with no job description and no boss at the YMCA. What the good fellow at the YMCA did, or if he even reported to his office, is a mystery.
Soon in ritual ceremony I will take my post again at the gate of that wretched Mobile Alabama government on Tuesday's at 10:30 a.m., wearing my reporters hat and carrying my camera, watching where criminals with badges often guard the door and stop Comcast broadcasts, and deny my entry into their corrupt and secret government meetings, where they openly commit the war crime and felony and violating the Open Meetings Law.
The higher the fruit in the tree, the more exquisite it is when it reaches the ground. Corrupt Sheriff's and Councilmen are small fry, much of the regime came into power by framing or setting people up in crimes.
2-10-05 Foreword Daily Note: Because the Musician Cat Stevens, aka Yusuf Islam, is not allowed in the USA by corrupt and overbearing US government, and because he won the Pulitzer Peace Prize in 2005, I urge all to request his music on the radio. Look out for those new airport x ray machines coming in 2014. .
2-9-2005 Announcement: Upcoming Music Video Soon, and remember to tell the Stacking Jacks to Come To Los Angeles, I have some new video editing software and the patriots just got some missile-code for Xmas.
2-8-2005 The video of 4-3-2001 in Mobile Alabama in a confrontation with their corrupt law enforcement, was destroyed by federal agents, Treasury SS, in Los Angeles on 4-23-2001. My gun permit was taken by Mob. AL sheriff Tillman, as noted on video, and I want it to be known I only had my guitar that day. I had no gun. We have a Sheriff in Alabama who, due to thievery, should be executed for negligent homicide of James the Carpenter. Conditions were so bad at Jack Tillmans jail that food leaked through the trays with rot in the cracks, from tray to tray, before serving. This is not our government. We suffer from Taxation Without Representation, which is a crime punishable by death according to the founding fathers of this dieing nation, and I agree that the punishment of the gallows fits on this day in history also. Let us have a vote by referendum to remove criminals in government using the new gallows erected by Hezbollah and the American militia, members of whom have been kicked by the boots of the dirt jaws. News post Atlanta Indymedia and a later newspost on my favorite, Indybay San Francisco, calling for vocal action, and if that does not work, look to history for lessons on what to do about, "Taxation Without Representation" and "Loss of right to 'Freedom of Assembly'" and murder and attempted murder paid for by government officials or their owners. Watch the Treasury and banking systems with more private auditors from the ranks of those who do not have government ties, disenfranchised voters who are auditors and the Hezbollah.
2-7-2001 : Comedy In the Carnage: Warning--Aunt Milly's Brownie Brown Hash Brownies in Oakland have reported a bad batch dated 4-3-2001. It appears that Aunt Milly and his Jamaican Little Debbie beat the batter with their, "Polken Toes". Return to Aunt Milly's in Oakland to exchange the tin of Aunt Milly's for an upgrade to Aunt Milly's Favorite Blend. It was reported that aunt milly, aka uncle billy, and his little debbie, aka some Jamaican guy with a wig, and a visiting dignatary to Oakland, their probation officer Mo from Humboldt county, opened a tin of aunt milly's first batch from the freezer. After each had taken a piece, Mo said, "Mine Has a Toe-nail." Aunt Milly said, "Mine has a crotch hair". Little Debbie said, "Mine has a creamy center filling fit for a queen," and wolfed it down.
2-6-05 Foreword Daily Note: The USA governmental regime in Los Angeles is very prejudiced against men who appear to be white males from the South East USA who do not have enough money to pay extortion costs through their legal system. I have evidence of criminals within the federal banking system on the West Coast. The USA governmental regime in Mobile Alabama is very prejudiced against mix-breed whites who dare to question the authority of criminals in political office and who can not afford to pay extortion costs for the right to enter government meetings. Never go to their courts without a camera, claim Freedom of the Press as a reporter for Usenet news or Indymedia. They do not allow us to defend our lives from assassins within government. The USA federal government forces injections and experiments upon us, including at their VA Hospitals. I served the US military, and now I would praise the creator if LA was annexed back to Mexico, along with Hollywood, and if Alabama government was overthrown with Democratic Socialism with votes by referendum to replace those fascist pig war criminals in power of the billionaire Democrat Republican alliance, the regime. We are treated as enemies, us whites with Indian blood who are not millionaires, therefore they are our enemies. Black singer and millionaire Michael Jackson can rape a young boy's anus, while we can not even sleep in our vehicles unmolested by police while homeless and parked on the roadside, being subjected to horrors just as the propagandized Jew by the propagandized German on the Jew owned American mass media. The truth of WWII was that we, the mix breed White and Indians should have not fought for the same people who turn against us. Even the mix breed whites of American government in many cases are just self serving drones for our war criminal entities in power.
Let the towers fall. Hezbollah, Hamas, IRA, Zapatistas, and America's patriots, will increasingly face the warlords of our era in an armed conflict. Stockpile your ammunition, and never let any officers near your locked up weapons. They plan on executing us the way Idi Amin, Adolf Hitler, and Ariel Sharon did their enemies. Keep your children from away their public schools and their hospitals and immunizations if possible. Turn off the mass media television that teaches us to accept our enemies subjugation of us, including trying to persuade us that we lay down for the powers in control, like Homo-sexual men who have lost all testerone for battle and the will to fight and die like men of glory to defend the soil under our family's feet. Their prejudice is often one sided and I would laugh if Hollywood sank to the center of the earth. G-d D-mn America. Never again serve the enemy in America. They try to manipulate us with economic oppression and do not give us our rights to jury trials and do not give us our rights by their laws. Break the cycle and support Democratic Socialism with vote by referendum for all, and a new cry for battle against the war criminals in D.C. and our local communities. My prayer to freedom fighters of the world is that the entire city council and mayor be removed from Mobile Alabama government or that the building is removed into a pile of bricks. They have violated all laws and I developed a blood clot in my head after going to a court hearing for demanding my rights under open meetings laws of the government. Beware of the gate keepers and the courts and the government villians enroute.
The SS protects criminals within America's banking system, including protecting the NTEU.
My life became a living nightmare after alerting the public to cut throat criminals in America's banking system and attempts have been made on my life
Federal assassins, most likely linked to the NTEU or FDIC, tried to kill me after being a bank examiner at the FDIC and alerting the public to murder and corruption.
The LA courts will not give me a trial by jury for legal gun ownership. They forced me to sign papers saying I was a felon. All charges were dismissed in 2004 yet I had to have final papers done again in 2010.
January 30:2005 Full length streaming video with two accounts of abuse ordered by Mobile Alabama government, and sanctioned by the regime, Democrat and Republican. Kurt Brown, Auditor Artist says it is a moral imperative we regain our nation or that we die trying. The federal and state and local governments are forcing atrocities upon the American people, including forced experiments and injections, forced signatures of silence on corruption, and those who initiate war crimes against us and against the Geneva Convention should be viewed as the most sinister of war criminals. Free music and art also with a cooking video on how to cook natures best pain medicine for the skinny, Hash Oil Brownies. First two clips are of abuse by USA Government of a veteran in his own native city, Mobile Alabama, where black and white join in on the melee. I lost my job as a bank examiner at the FDIC in San Francisco and then blew the whistle on murder and money laundering. The federal government threw my life into a spin, silenced me, and will not give me a trial by jury after forcing drugs upon me and the signing of papers saying I had committed a felony for legal ownership of guns, and they demanded silence after an attempt on my life by government assassins with no government response. They tried to say I was insane after uncovering corruption in the FDIC and trying to defend my own life. America is a living Hell and I would not care if the nation dissolved. Never lay down to die easily for a war criminal in any government. In this link are pictures of their victims in Iraq, where America does not belong. Support all who oppose the war criminals in the regime in power, domestically and internationally. They rule by the gun and not democracy, therefore if their rule can not be broken, let us all die trying to oust the natural enemies of mankind. Hooray for the Indymedia and San Fran Indybay with My Video, titled, Cookin Politicians and Hash Brownies to the Tune of 911. Streaming media format.
The video shows a $911 million (OBO) painting with two paintings within, which I never realized had two characters with their heads severed. Perhaps, "It will be a better world." The money is to be used for charity and organize political events in the politically oppressed South Eastern USA.
Remember to overthrow the upper layers of the regime in Mobile and Alabama that deny us our rights under their laws. .
January 7, 2004 Foreword Daily Note: (Psychic daily mantra updated on Quatrains 3 and Weapon and Joy ride design on Love Line 3 page above.) One of the red-haired fellows put up a videolink of Kurt Brown singing in rehearsal and the latter part of the video shows auditor/artist Kurt Brown being wrongfully and illegally denied his right to enter the city council meeting. The guards at the gate are joyfully just doing their job. The mayor and city council and Sheriff, who Kurt caught stealing, are felony war criminals in violation of the Open Meetings Law. They should be held accountable to full and open inspections by outside militia, of the American Sort. It is a work of art and Kurt's first video appearance. The video is at San Fran Indymedia and it is also at Italy Indymedia. The San Fran Indymedia video link is working as of now and includes one minute of rehersal, five minutes of a song about overcoming those obstacles in life, like jumping war criminals like jumping jacks, and three minutes of art and a news clip where the Mobile Alabama government illegally denies my entry into government. The cop in the video is following the orders of the Mobile Alabama city council and mayor in blocking access to government. The cook's hat worn does not signify King Tuten Kamen, just Tootin Common. I prefer a government by referendum where we vote at home on issues via the computer with open verifiable audits of results. Nietzsche said ethics would be gone, and for the most part, he is correct about our times.
Keep your children out of most public schoools in America, like Alabama's, as the funding is gone and so is the direction needed for your child to succeed. Shut down the mass media TV influence upon your children and move beyond the traps set for the American lower caste. They look at us as their lessers. Let us look at them as embers in the future fires of the world.
2-5-05: Foreword Daily Note: Today, I had a vision of hope for the political outcasts, the disenfranchised voters of Alabama and beyond. Mobile Audit Club is organizing a 4th of July bonfire of politicians with live bands (Location to be announced, in the South Alabama area), for the Humane Political Party, the disenfranchised who are outcasts. Snoop Dog, the Hip Hop musician, held up two fingers at the cheek and said, "Sueet Carol Lodi", which is what I hope a reference to Auditor Reign Mon's song, Sueet Carol Lodi Sun Tzu, Bring Your Finger Two in mp3 format.
I would like to get some female up and coming bands also, like Sexy Brown Sugar and other groups. My song, My New Orleans Sock Feet In Government Cheese in wma format would wrinkle around my toes. The last white man I rode with in Long Beach was the serial killer Randy Kraft, who is now in prison/p>
February 4, 05:
2-3-05 USA Attorney General Gonzalez approves of violating the Geneva Convention openly. They already violate it throughout the South West USA doing experiments and forced injections. If this is our America, we have lost it. Dump Gonzalez on the Mexican border and give him his walking papers with America's war criminals in the regime.
January 31, 2005 Foreword Daily Note: The Pot Party, which is under a collective of political parties known as the "Parliament" has listed this site of Mobile Audit Club and I support their party and the closure of the War on Americans, disguised as the war on drugs, and mostly medical marijuana benefactors and recreational marijuana users who do not have protection by their local authorities. "Rachael Ray, the character, SainTramBone is Kurt Brown's alter ego just as in the movie Fight Club in which Tyler Durden was the alter-ego for the main character." "Will you, Rachel Ray, be SainTramBone's Marla?" "If you are married, SainTramBone can hide in the Kitchen cabinets, and prefers under the kitchen sank?" "If not, how about a rally for the Political Party of the Pot Party in Alabama for all disenfranchised voters and a ceremonial burning of local political effigies dressed in hot holy water (175 to 200 degrees F, or tepid) soluble red extract of dried Amanita muscaria and Amanita pantherina and fruit flowers to symbolize the struggle for the betterment of mankind, and the ousting of political criminals. If some of America's political criminals spontaneously combust, it was deemed so in the beginning as in the end, circumventis (defined)." "To symbolize our staidness in civility, as opposed to our oppressive criminal politicians and bureaucrats, we will dine upon Tofu and spare the ham and the ram." My song for the insurrection if diplomacy fails, "Sueet Carol Lodi Sun Tzu, Bring Your Finger Two", in mp3.
On the Fourth of July, 2005, Mobile Audit Club will be hosting the first annual convention of the Pot Party and its Parliament in the Mobile Alabama area. All disenfranchised voters and their families are encouraged to attend. Free Tofu Mitso Soup, Free Live Music from Local Bands or if you like, "Karaoke", with Jimmy on Guitar, and India dance like the Bharata-Natyam dance. Although the effigies of politicians in flowers coated with Amanita extract will burn, I do not recommend smoking it, but consider it an ancient incense when dried flowers are coated with it and burned. Erowid vaults talks of smoking Amanita, although I have heard that vaporizing it releases a nitrogen compound, but so do cigarettes on fire. Maintain your health, as the battle will be long and hard to regain our state, our nation.
January 28,2005: Factions of the regime are insane murderers working for a foreign power and their wealthy and corrupt regime's domination of the planet. Do not believe mass media. Believe logic and multiple sources to a limited degree. Pictures of children in Iraq playing among rubble on Beirut Indymedia. The filth that is the USA government in Los Angeles forced me to sign papers under extreme abuse and injections and now will not give me a trial by a jury. Those children have lovely weapons, just put it to the right heads little ones. We shall play a game of weapon invention I am sure. The people of the world need hard nosed teachers for a children of a nation and world gone rabid.
Someone said today that it is ironic that only a few steps from where I am being denied entry into a government meeting in Mobile Alabama, years ago slaves were being unloaded. Fires are burning near Ocean Springs Mississippi out of control for the past week. Do not let this become a race issue. .
January 27,2005: Upcoming video soon with numerous abuses by US government and a sound track in Stereo, an auditor/artists rendition of how to cook brownies in San Francisco, uncover government corruption in the USA, and Bow-Bone getting Lanky. Forced injections by government officials and assassination attempts against this auditor, who is as close as he will ever get to Hell, are not on video, unfortunately. Debut video is January 7 dated below. If you understand the totality of nature even to the slightest degree, you know things are not exactly as they seem, which brings up the burning question--What war are we fighting today? And whose side are you on?. To ease the pain, Mobile Alabama, the city ruled by an exclusionary and corporate appointed fascist regime, should allow Hash Oil King Cakes at their Mardi Gras just like in Oakland, and if not allowed, the region's outcasted populace should dump the city's politicians into the bay in a crate of Moon Pies, with a battleship anchor on top. Va Fan Culo Senor Mayor Wod con City Council Members of Mob. AL., CIAO.
January 23, 2005: Today I spoke with the inventor and artist of the 3D-Dimensionalizer from Holland. Currently the artist is working on acquiring tones from water. The artist's ideas are inspiring. In the Love Line 3 Page of this site, I invented or speculated upon transport and weapons designs with the scientific art, the 3 D Dimensionalizer, or its concept as a key component of the theoretical designs. I have some new ideas on possible water acquisition using a derivation of what I speculate may be he the artist's next thoughtful invention.
Thanks Dimensionalizer scientist/artist from Holland from the auditor/artist in the USA where the game has become predator or prey, no holes barred, all laws claused and broken. By utilizing tonal qualities and the magnetic nature of water in a disturbed state, perhaps we can water the deserts where men like us, the nobodies, run for their lives and declare to the world that the USA has no democracy, and where their own people thirst for water. In my case and in many others we have no democracy in the USA, only extortion and slander and forced abuses and signatures for defying the overtaking of our forefathers land by greedy power hungry outsiders and warmongers, who shout "Criminal" if we have a antique .22 rifle in a closet while they point a .38 Police revolver in our face as we try to dodge assassins sent by higher level government officials who also side-line in world conquest and illegal financial maneuvers. I may or may not publish on page Love Line 3, designs for water borne weapons on this day.
It is strangely oppressing to discover that a man barred from entering the USA has won the Pulitzer Peace Prize, Musician Cat Stevens, now known as Yusef Islam. I feel if America does not regain Democracy, the world and humanity will pay the consequences. Electronic verifiable votes with all allowed to vote is the new demand of some Americans. (Beware of the technological side angle--auditor's nightmare). It is also strange that I can no longer post to UK Indy Media after the USA FBI seized their hard drives. I had some friends there, including Cat Stevens who I would enjoy doing a video or song or interview with, and get his ideas on who all should be allowed into Mobile Alabama USA government. On my tombstone or sun dried hide, I want it to read, "I have seen no men or being(s) who are devils or angels, only the struggle to survive with limited wisdom".
In a late night post to Indy Media, a comment was made on photographs to impeach Bush. It is the regime, not just Bush. We are abused and ostracized by the government of Alabama. Humboldt County California is the new destination for the Diaspora occurring in America, and now the common can not afford to live there. Beware of encroaching mafia mindset by government to control the sale of medical marijuana, where a weed is sold for the price of gold. We are being had by our tormentors.
January 19, 2005: The USA Secret Service is a corrupt government agency and they are part of the Treasury, and their union representative is the National Treasury Employees Union. When I was running for my life from government assassins and the corrupt and thieving Sheriff of Mobile Alabama, Jack Tillman, on 4-23-2001 I was abused by the Secret Service on a federal facility. If we ever have a true election and a true President instead of the wealthy war criminal's regime, we should reassign all Secret Service agents to other agencies, and find an entirely non-union crew to guard the President. The Secret Service is involved in the banking industry, and therefore Money Laundering and other financial crimes. They are in many cases the gun wielder from political war criminal and financial criminals. If we can not get our government, we do not need a nation.
January 18,2005 Foreword Daily Note: As a degreed accountant and now a purveyor of American government criminals, and recently a bank examiner for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which is a federal agency, I urge you not to allow the Bush regime to skim 4% of SSI for external investment. Once the doors are open, the numbers can be manipulated by insiders or increased and robbed over time. Remember the Savings and Loan crisis under Bush Sr., and do not forget also what is etnu ( eating you ) is the NTEU, National Treasury Employees Union hidden financial war criminals and their networks through the federal government.
I, Kurt Brown, citizen and veteran, just received a call from the Mobile Alabama city council police force who tried to tell me I could not enter the Mobile Alabama City Council meeting government lobby. I told him I have "Right To Freedom of Assembly" and a right to work as a reporter for the "Free Press, Indy Media" with permission from one of their own corrupt judges, McMaken. The cop also told me I had agreed to not contact the city council and mayor by email, which was not something I had agreed to while under the heel of their abusive courts. When I reveal their atrocities they have a right to know, as in the copy of the email here on Beirut Lebanon Indymedia. I have the right to ask them daily if they will cease and desist in committing the felony violation of the Open Meetings LAW by denying citizens entry into government meetings. Are they human as we? Will their criminal regime last forever? Let us pray that it does not last and let us ask for divine guidance in removing their felonious hands and self serving designs from our family's future.
However, Judge McMaken, does not uphold the Open Meetings LAW guaranteeing the right of all to enter the gate of all government meetings. We are a nation of men, not laws, just like Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia. McMaken lacks a human heart for the locals and their right to enter the criminal meeting of city council members, mayor, and their fellow war criminals and possibly their future victims.
The large headed peculiar man who seems different somehow on different days, Judge McMaken who wore a pink shirt when I developed a blood clot from attending his court, realizes that the city council and mayor can not control what goes on in the lobby in an illegal fashion and has granted Kurt Brown the right to enter and film. The cop acquiesced when confronted with those facts, and I agreed not to "Create A Disturbance", as they called it, when I am at the gate of the meeting with my camera and reporter's hat.
If the Veterans Administration ever offers you Methylprednisolone for pain, a steroid drug, and if you have the Indians disease, SLE, then I encourage you to go to the Mobile City Council meeting on a heavy dose. You are virtually guaranteed with a 50% probability to have a systemic neurological reaction, as the reaction is quick, as it is also an auto- immune, (self immune) disorder that is inherited. Then they can say, "We have it on video", which is what the cop told me. My response, "Good, let us see it in front of the Mobile City Council and have a vote of whether to allow all citizens in, regardless, as in the law, or to follow the lead of the enemy American dictatorship that has illegally gained power locally. All victims of the enemy in American government should be allowed to speak in front of open cameras, even if they are bleeding at the mouth from a stroke after attending a Mobile Courtroom session, like dead Senator Michael Figures.
It is amazing that our leaders slit the throats of small children for oil and sell the body parts of adults for the benefit of their wealthy war criminal associates, and then they say we create a disturbance if we raise our voices against the heartless regime's atrocities against us on our forefather's soil. Let us assist all of those who will overthrow that regime in power, Mayor Dow, and the entire city council and their corrupt protectorate in the judgeships and Sheriff and Police departments. Our forefathers were conned by mass media into believing they were in a true democracy. What I see at my gate is an overpowering enemy which arose with the Dow regime at the collapse of Mayor Outlaw's criminal regime.
Their public schools teach timidity and shyness and a belief in a country of justice and freedom and enlightened leadership that exists less each year. Let us not be shy in removing the fake democracy from our local and state government. Arise Alabama.
Many of us who have long ancestries in America mean absolutely nothing to the USA governments ruling factions. We are fodder for their fire, and in the end I fear we will be turned to ash which they will use to fertilize their orchards of plenty. We are not allowed basic human rights, such as to be free from injections, and to be free from assasination attempts, and to be free from atrocities on a personal level and societal level, such as not being able to vote and not being allowed into government meetings. Our election system is not valid or reliable, to put it in auditor's terms.
If you think the overlords in American government think of you as anything more than a Sudanese refugee, then you have not looked into the face of Mexico. I will have a video up soon with a more serious introduction than the one below, but entertaining all the same. What was the lady's name who could not ride up front on the bus in Alabama? What was the students name who was not allowed into the Alabama college? My name is Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, and I am not allowed into a government meeting in Alabama, due to outright lies and abuse and cowardice by the enemy factions in power.
Cheik, Lastu Ghaniyaan. The next video will have an address to the Arabic people also. Many of us common Americans on American soil are more like those behind fences there in Arabia, than those behind guns. If conditions get worse, I doubt that many Americans will care. Links with proof of atrocities throughout this site. When did the enlightened lose control of America? It feels as if we are harnessed by international powers who do not give hide nor hair for our well-being and rights as equals.
Give us our rights and our governments, or give us our deaths. If not, then I and millions of others served the Department of Defense for nothing, other than to breathe another day under their prison sky. By monopolizing money flows, a few competing powers strangle us.
I look to the skies and howl like a wounded wolf to the creator for assistance in the struggle for the rights of life, in the Soundtrack, Sleeping Above Ground on the Home Grown Music page.
January 16,2005 Foreword Daily Note: The social engineers of American society, the political arena, have left another young person as a victim. Get hard drugs out of America, legalize soft drugs like marijuana.
JANUARY 10, 2005 Foreword Daily Note: A new day has dawned in America. Mobile Alabama government, federal and local, now demand no cameras inside the Mobile County courts building lobby by citizens, and they do not allow us in their government (A video presented in artistic format of the event in the Mobile County Courthouse lobby will soon be on line). They allow mass media cameras in, but they are our enemies propaganda tool. The next time I will tell them I am a reporter for Indymedia, which I am as is evidenced by the video link below. I hereby support all who oppose closed door government in the USA. The upper echelons are high-level war criminals, at least in part, and those on the ground with guns are simple grunts. Our rights, our nation, our children, are all in jeopardy. When I enter the Mobile County Courthouse, I pray I succeed to enter the meetings as guaranteed by the Open Meetings law or that they shoot me. I can think of nothing better for just deserts than to have one insurgent return to blow those who oppose open government to holy hell, for one last atrocity.
A response email was received and sent today to a Councilman Richardson in Mobile Alabama who believes some people are not worthy of government involvement in Alabama. I discovered he had edited the email in matters related to a murder of a Senator and other atrocities and demands. The original is at the Beirut Indymedia link.
Let the war to regain our government begin again. A newspost on Beirut Indymedia with the letter to Richarson and reply. It is in the comments section. Take a look at the video below. I took out the part where the police beat me because I was ashamed, like being raped by 6 black men, one mullato and one white. They were all sent by the heartless beasts controlling Alabama government, federal and local. The sad thing is, "I want ALL to be part of the democracy or it is a slave master hipocrisy whose guts need to be strewn to frogs at sea.
January 9, 2005 Foreword Daily Note: Late Note, Walter Mathau said to thee in a dream, "That video reminds me of 'Vanity of the Wolves'" The video is true atrocity and art and Kurt's first video appearance. The video is at San Fran Indymedia and the latter part has video of a city government commiting a felony...caught on video, by auditor/artist Kurt Brown, Mobile Audit Club.
A newspost on Beirut Indymedia with a letter sent to a politician in Mobile Alabama demanding open government for all, as is written in the Open Meetings Law, or a destruction of the government as it stands. There are no options. Democracy or death. (A link to the same article above is duplicated here at the Mobile Alabama newsgroup.
1-5-05 Foreword Daily Note: A call has been put out to the revolutionary order of Ireland and Arabia to help organize a resistance movement against extreme oppression, abuse, and atrocities being committed by war criminal faction(s) in power throughout the United States, and as a result throughout the world. Because I have spearheaded my own investigations of money laundering and murder in the federal government and theft by government officials such as Sheriffs, I have been abused by the war criminals in power. I want the Mobile Alabama government who violate the "Open Meetings Law", and the federal government which allows the City Council and Mayor to violate laws designed to protect us and give us rights, not only in guaranteeing open government but also our rights in the Geneva Convention which is violated in the USA, to take a look at the eye lost in the pic in the link below in this paragraph. That eye is mine, and millions of others not of the upper caste. Support the rise of an active militia in the United States to regain our government. If you go to court, you develop blood clots in your head or die of a stroke in some cities, such as Senator Michael Figures of Alabama, and in all American cities I have seen, you are thrown to wolf-like war criminals of the government. More power to all militias who challenge the illegal factions of American government. Rip their antlers from their heads, tear their cloven hooves to the shin, and hang them till the ground turns red, I am looking over a four-leaf clover IRA, and I wrote a song about that four-leaf clover in .wma format during a post-traumatic event in which it appeared I was going to be attacked on America's highways again by federal assassins, this time in the presence of my wife on Easter Morning enroute from Grave Fest in New Orleans, and the assassins are linked to the National Treasury Employees Union or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. One outright attack for the second time on my life on the highways was made later after the federal government of Los Angeles denied me a right to trial by jury, drugged me, had me sign papers, and took my only defense, when I was simply running for my life from their assassins who are part of a money laundering, drug, and murder ring. Someone on local mass media propaganda news television said call, "911". Why? To order doughnuts? Ireland Indymedia link that had a comment calling for training of the new American Patriot Militia. It appears the eyes are bleeding and the mouth is taped shut as the post was removed. G-d damn the international war regime in power.
1-4-05 Foreword Daily Note: Because the USA government openly violates all laws in relation to the USA citizenry, denying us entry into government meetings, forcing injections and experiments upon us, and wreaking destruction upon the world for their own ignorant and selfish gain, let us pray that a power arises to destroy them and their ignorance for all eternity. I prefer that it be done with non-violence, but like begets like, and they are of the most violent sort in the higher ranks. Therefore, I support all suicide bombers and kidnappers who struggle for the good of mankind. Mobile Alabama government votes behind closed doors to deny entry into their city council meetings. Therefore they are war criminals and I applaude anyone who removes them by any means necessary, and the less collateral damage the better. Be prepared for the Regime to steal the Social Security funds in the financial markets in the way that the past regime robbed the Savings and Loans and their investors. I see no hope for America in its current route, designed by factions of our enemies in power in the USA. They are war criminals. They drew first blood. Their mass media celebrates so-called mafia while in fact those robbing our nation of its freedom and savings is an international tribunal of war criminals. Oust the regime of false democracy or suffer eternal death or quick extinction. Never trust anything from the governments of America. They betrayed me and spit in my face the same way Europeans spit in the Indians faces and then slaughtered them. G-d Damn the regime. When the flames of war lick the land, and after the tumult has settled, pull your family into communal structures that can be trusted and take a more militaristic training of your children, especially in the sciences. Our enemies are above us in the ranks of government. Shed not a tear when they are toppled with their electronic heads. We now have a voice, it will soon unite into a demanding roar that will consume all that denies its existence. I have faith. Atlanta Indymedia post today.
1-3-2005 Foreword Daily Note:
I had made a story up about a proven thief who is also the blind idiot who guards criminals at the Mobile Alabama Courthouse. They hired him because he is a technologically illiterate "Yes Man" and who guards the door so that the mayor, city council, and judges and their associate war criminals can carry on with business as usual. They openly commit the felony of violating the Open Meetings Law. So, like begets like, "To Hell with civility". Here is a pic of Sheriff Jack Tillman who is being forced into retirement, and here is the way I see Jack (Covered in flies), who illegally blocked my access to a government meeting on 4-3-2001 because I was going to report his now proven and allowed thievery of over $100000.
Congratulations to the Mayor and City Council in voting behind closed doors to deny auditor/artists Kurt Brown's entry into their city council meetings on Tuesdays at 10:30 at the Mobile Alabama Courthouse. Now I fear taking them to court after developing a blood clot after going to their courtrooms. It is obvious that some sectors of America are controlled by war criminals. We need a single motivating new political party to overthrow the tyrannical regime, Democrat and Republican. No mercy will receive no mercy, and if they ever try to close all the doors, then release the flies. We are near that point now.
Foreword Note 12-31-2004 To celebrate New Years Day let us pray and make plans to stop any power in the world from conquering the world. They have conquered Mobile Alabama, Los Angeles CA, New York NY, and most cities over 50,000 in the USA and now they are trying to take the mid-East, including Iraq. I pity my Iraqi brothers who are type AB Blood, because one of the types is my own. Mobile Alabama governments and Los Angeles governments in all of its attacks upon me and its abuse and allowed murdering and raping of others are a cannabilistic beast and I know someday their flesh will roast like pork on an open fire. Los Angeles government is for sale like a lopsided jalopy, and Mobile is like a prostitute trying to sell herself as the Virgin Mary. Their claim, "A Government For and By The People". Their courthouse building is a fort because they are at war with us. It was Mayor Wod's game plan up front, but who was behind the suggestion? Our eternal mortal enemy.
Foreword Note 12-30-2004: It is ironic that the year the National Treasury Employees Union came into being was in 1937, when it was a union for the IRS Collectors, who undoubtedly had connections to mobsters and war criminals who needed connections to the Tax Collectors. Also in 1937 the Marihuana Tax Act was passed which opened the door to mobsters and war criminals to profit from the black market marihuana trade. Also, in 1973 the NTEU expanded for the first time to cover two agencies. They did this by creating a criminal fiasco with Watergate to distract from their war criminal advance in violating all rules of collusion and taking control of the federal government through the NTEU. In 1973 Nixon was impeached. The NTEU now covers agencies and every aspect of the entire government with 150,000 members legally represented, and most likely many more war criminals who are not counted. It appears that the war criminal advance started in 1937, not at the beginning of WWII in 1941.
(Late Update: Song Link to one of my old favorites, Sueet Carol Lodi Sun Tzu, Bring Your Finger Too (Two?), in mp3 by SainTramBone. Also another older song sung out of tune but in tune with our dead fathers who fought for this nation in which most of us have been wrongfully swindled of our rights, "Sleeping Above Ground" in mp3 by SainTramBone. I was never given Justice II in America, and nor was I given Justice I for legal ownership of a fire-arm when running for my life from federal assassins, as the US Constitution and the Geneva Convention has been destroyed by factions of our own foreign power, our USA governments. If conquered from the top-down, the head honcho may not even be human in its calculations, regardless of the chimp behind the screen. Not all are bad, but if your government does not allow you or other auditors or activists into their meetings or to vote, you have a situation of a foreign power in your government. If they do not allow cameras, you likely have war criminals in power. Los Angeles, CA and Mobile, AL are suspect. Mobile Government at higher layers should be examined thoroughly, with and without lights, as those heartless and inhumane war criminals and their accomplices at the top, who deny us our rights by law and nature. I spit in their face and would rather shake hands with death after a great battle to remove the inhumane boot from Mobile Alabama. So smear them from the boot of Alabama's history if they do not open their government doors to all and their vote to all. If any benevolence existed, it is almost gone and we are near the point of concentration camps, again. Under the current regime, we never will get Justice too, and neither will their international victims.
A post to San Fran Indymedia regarding story of homelessness and a finger pointing to what is ETNU USA, the criminal organization the NTEU National Treasury Employees Union and their long FDIC, money laundering federal agency, the F ederal Deposit Insurance Corporation. A late post to our friends in New Orleans Indymedia asking for some back up artillery to remove the terrorists running the Mobile Alabama government and leaving some Senators dead.
Foreword Note 12-23-2004 Numerous videos of my confrontations with ccorrupt government in San Francisco and Mobile Alabama have been destroyed or altered by the federal government in Los Angeles under the direction of the money laundering criminal organizations, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the National Treasury Employees Union. The NTEU had access to my videos through the Secret Service, which is one of the agencies they represent. Make no mistake, a blitzkreig by our lessers is under way in America and the world. No one world government. Demand democracy in America or demand death. If the Open Meetings Laws are violated in your neck of the woods and if people are not allowed to vote, there is no hope, only the long confrontation to gain hope.
Foreword Note 12-22-2004: I fear my native city's courthouse and judges so much because I believe that some or all of their faction helped to murder late Senator Michael Figures with a forced brain hemmorhage, and in addition, I developed a large blood bolus after going to the Mobile Alabama courthouse. I want to sue them for the right to enter the city council meetings under the Open Meetings Law, but I fear their courts, just as if they are Nazis and I am a Jew or Gypsy. If someone would question Alabama Senator Vivian Figures about why the Open Meetings Law does not apply to honest auditors on the run for their lives, I would appreciate it. Soon more music and a scene in which I told City Councilmen Copeland and Johnson in the last city council meeting I could attend that an attempt had been made on my life. Their response, "Next!". My response, that was a good come back by the Iraqis in removing the foreign government headed by their traitorous brothers. The USA will soon do the same and I pray that Guisseppe Garibaldis ropes remove the fake Catholic and Christian element from the seats of power, starting with Copeland, Johnson, and eventuall the Wod, Mayor Dow. So many atrocities ongoing in America as the seemingly eternal war rages on. To celebrate, I have two new songs written, by yours truly, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone. The first is Sueet Carol Affair and it celebrates the love we have for our enemies as we age, where our gray hairs lust for those things yet untouched, regardless of how much like a prude and a prune. The Second song is Some What Koshifur Lucifer and it celebrates those memories I have in which Deja Vu occurs, as if I have fought the same battles for so long that they are as old as dirt. Both are in mp3 format.
Foreword Note 12-19-2004 Atlanta Indymedia post points to ongoing ballot fraud. MAC comments in post, Government of Mobile put in place by corporate and governmental war criminals and committing crimes against the public as in denying access to government meetings and murder by negligence and attacks. If you have the fire power, we give the green light, to all who can give us our government back and remove those who deny us access and a true democracy. Fascist regimes or their aberrant fiefdoms as in Mobile Alabama often appear to lack not only human hearts but humane minds. Death is sometimes preferrable to eternal subjugation and exclusion even right before the ax falls in the holy days.
Foreword Note 12-18-2004 (To be moved to Quatrains 3 page) A high probability of a state of martial law being enacted is fairly high in the USA as of today. Several factors could trigger a seizure of complete power and censorship and the more advanced state of siege we are seeing today by our own governments, would seem trivial. If someone within the USA or outside the USA triggers an event that destroys those in the highest positions in the USA, we should not cave into local fascists or the new regime sent by a ghost leadership. Mobile Alabama is my case in point as they behave as criminals and are in consorts with corrupt federal government officials. We are not among our allies. Did you feel the knife to your belly as a child? Welcome to Alabama. If a state of martial law ensues, it could span a long time period if not indefinitely for the those of the human species who are or are not altered by technology. Have you received forced injections or medical procedures lately in the USA? Many people have and proof is in this site. America is like a nightmare for many. Bush may not be himself, probability 75% with a standard deviation of 3.3%
Foreword Note 12-17-2004: The USA government in many of its sectors have turned against us. They deny us rights by our father's law. Therefore they are war criminals in those upper identifiable layers. In today's world, you can not be certain of anything due to technology and new methods of elimination and acquisition of positions of power. The over riding plan of some does not include the common man with human hearts and human minds. Think of some ideas for legal protest. Profit from it if at all possible. Distract or capture attention of mass media, in particular live news and talk shows. Their propaganda is of fairly low distraction quality, almost as if not even human. We are suffering under war atrocities, I.e. forced injections, forced medical experiments and procedures, denial of right to enter government meetings. We are better off without a governent if we are denied access. We are better off without a government if we are tampered with while in the courts. If your attorney does not stand next to you on the witness stand, ask that some one else be allowed to stand who has a heart or stroke condition. They will most likely die if the war criminal tampers with you. Divide and conquer is their goal and they are petty lesser animals. No mercy receives no mercy. I did not deem it so. I did not draw first blood. Links with proof in this website.
Foreword Note 12-16-2004: In this update, a musician banned from entering the USA, Cat Stevens, performer of the song Wild World, has been awarded a Nobel Peace Laureate prize. He was detained for 36 hours in the USA. Recently I went to a Mobile Alabama courtroom and was tampered with, enroute or near or in the courtroom. I passed a large blood clot from my head, which I never do, similar to the blood clot of the murdered and deceased Alabama Senator Figures who died of a brain hemmorhage. The American governmental terrorists can use machines to burst vessels in your head. Of course not all of government are our terrorists, I hope. Our enemies look for weaknesses to attack, anything that gives an opportunity, whether in immune systems of various racial and ethnic groups also, who are often given ill-prescribed medications, such as methylpredinisolone to those with Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus, prevalent in American Indian populations. It was my second appearance in Mobile Alabama court, judge McMaken's court, room 4100, that I later developed the large blood clot. At the earlier court appearance, months earlier, for simply trying to enter a city council meeting in Mobile Alabama, I had told the Judge, McMaken, that I had a stroke when I did not recite his bullshit memorandum verbatim regarding laws related to a forced but dismissed misdemeanor. At the time some Doctors were trying to verify an earlier prognosis of a stroke and numerous government officials knew about the stroke diagnosis because our government has crammed its fist down all of our throats and into our private lives, often throuh trickery and deception and outright abuse. It was not a stroke according to later tests, so since it was not a stroke that caused the clot, it was tampering with new weaponry or procedures or methods by those at the courthouse that caused the passage of the large clot, I would wager a 90% probability, give or take 2.5%. I fear the Mobile County Courthouse the way Jews and Gypsies feared the Nazi outpost headquarters, and the way Israelis and Palestinians fear each other. They still will not let me into government and swarm me when I enter. Why did I ever serve the military? "What did we learn from Vietnam? Wiseman?" Their metal detection wands can not be trusted, so always look behind the officers arm or walk away. Our enemies are among us. Beware of forced experiments and injections at veterans hospitals, and in the Southwest USA, links here to prove claims. Our war is going to be in the technological arena trying to keep our own government war criminal and corporate megalith war criminal from devouring us. The over riding plan of some does not include the common man with human hearts and human minds. Think of some ideas for legal protest. Profit from it if at all possible. Distract or capture attention of mass media, in particular live news and talk shows. Their propaganda is of fairly low distraction quality, almost as if not even human.
Foreword Note 12-15-2004: Considering the USA governments have shredded all constitutional rights and rights of due process, violating the rights of the Geneva Convention to Americans and Prisoners of War, it is obvious that a world wide conquest by those without human hearts or minds is underway. In this post to Indymedia Italy, a man is on trial for simply protesting. The truth is that they may do forced procedures on them like in America, but he just did not know it, or his information or position was not that valuable. Some comments by myself are at the bottom regarding the ongoing world war against the common man with hearts and minds of humans.
Update 12-14-2004 Mobile Alabama City Council Meeting downtown Mobile swarming with SWAT and what snot security. Rumors of US troop movements in New Orleans according to NO Indymedia. I decided not to leave vehicle in Mobile Alabama courthouse vicinity due to hostile postures of security inside. Later, two large moving vans were in the alley, parallel, open, like either a blitzkreig or to be used as an accessory in sort of weapon. Our enemies do not allow us into our government meetings. Let us pray that the enemy of our enemy removes them so we can all enter our government and meetings, whether our ally is foreign or domestic. Satellite Dishes across from judges chambers on Government Street are still there. Two large older style satellite dishes, one pointing into judge McMaken's window, the other Westward. Now, also two smaller higher tech dishes pointing Eastward and could be directional from East to West Pointing dish and into the office of legal trickery and abuse, Judge McMaken's chambers. Satellite four-play? Overthrow the regime who block our entry into government or give us all death, as death is better than silent suffering. Who is in charge in Mobile Alabama, Adolf Hitler? Idi Amin? I pray whoever it is that blocks my and others access to government have their head stuffed into a gutter before Xmas. Factions exist that want total control of our lives without democracy. That same faction will try to benefit from war and dividing the nation if its existence is threatened. We are being divided as a nation. Perhaps their goal is total annihilation. Free access to government. Free men. Bush is either under siege or insane. Let us overthrow the oppressive regime that destroys us as a free nation. No mercy receives no mercy. On a side note, oil is our heroin, by design. Observe the viper before it has your young.
Foreword Note of the Day, 12-14-2004: More murders of investigative journalists and auditors labeled suicides. A comment is at the bottom of the article by auditor artist Kurt Brown. Beware of false leads in murders when looking at the federal government. One bloody hand washes another. The CIA likely did not design the assassination, but the greater criminal complex behind and encompassed by the National Treasury Employees Union, an organization shadowed by war criminals who have overpowered the more forward and positive leaders. Here is the article on Indybay regarding another murder labeled suicide. The federal and state war criminals will try to destroy your life, and if you do not kill yourself, they will murder if you do not desist. Exit America.
Foreword Note of the Day, 12-12-2004: It is obvious that the USA government is a closed door operation. It should be open to all with the right to vote for all at any and all costs. Our enemies have conquered us from the top down. They utilize the technological ignorance and lack of ethics and economic deprivation of their protecting police forces to further their conquest of the world. I would rather have annihilation than be under one ruler for eternity on this planet, simply because they could become like America's current regime gaining full control soon if not already. Demand that if people are to be barred from government, that the vote be done in public view, not behind closed doors as was the case of auditor artist Kurt Brown who is denied entry under the open meetings law into the city council meetings of Mobile Alabam. Because the Mobile Alabama city council propaganda says, "A government for and by the people", and we are not allowed into meetings or to vote, that a civil insurrection be raised against the state of Alabama in all forms, including ridding ourselves of ineffective and corrupt federal factions who protect our abusers and accusers. If you want justice in Los Angeles, best of luck. That city is gone in my opinion, as it is a city where the common are ripped apart by police and state factions and the murderous victims of the government's hard drug trade. Demand our troops out of Iraq. Check George Bush Jr. for needle tracks or other manipulations. The Secret Service can not be trusted in its entirety, just as much of the federal government has been conquered and ripped off by war criminals at the National Treasury Employees Union, which is the Secret Service's master in the Treasury Department and their finance and technology industry stolen from the federal government. Demand the Canadian model of one independent union per one independent agency or sub-agency. America is not worth living in if we are tampered with medically and otherwise. America is under siege. Open your eyes, and Raise your arms.
Foreword Note of the Day, 12-3-2004: All Americans should demand the right to bring cameras and other test equipment with them when entering any court building. The US governments and state governments deny many of us the right to vote or attend their meetings and I suspect foul play through out the US government and state governments. For instance, deceased Senator Mr. Figures died of a brain hemmorhage. I passed a blood clot from my head, which I never do, when I went in front of Judge McMaken's court in Mobile Alabama. Stunning devices are available without wires. The extremely wealthy own the courts therefore the courts should be viewed as a group exterior to your own who do not care about you or your family. Of course not all are guilty of war crimes, but the higher levels of our government has stepped upon the protections of the Geneva Convention by allowing forced injections and experiments on innocent American citizens, which is a "War Crime punishable by death", and they have shredded the USA constitution leaving us with nothing except the fall out of their brutal force. The USA government is the sole domain of the extremely wealthy, therefore, when asked to serve their military, shop around for a higher paying bidder, even if overseas, as all that matters in America is money. Do not let them have access to your young children if possible, and beware of all pre-natal and neo-natal procedures on children and expectant mothers. The Mobile Alabama government building should be opened to all for inspection, or it should be destroyed, preferably by a legal contractor in the dead of night. The same thing applies to Los Angeles Airport Court. The biggest mistake I ever made was trusting the US government. In 2001, they turned upon me like I was their mortal enemy and denied me all rights, and I went from being a respected bank examiner and auditor, to being chased by government war criminals and then arrested and abused with extreme prejudice, with a forced felony plea for legal gun ownership, very much like a victim of a war crime by war criminals. So be it, at least now we know where we stand, their government is not ours and we are not our government. Form your alliances and beware of their trickery and technology. If a war erupts in which factions go at each others throats, take cover, as biological weaponry will likely be in play at the end. The reason I say that is because some group will likely try to rid the planet of those they view as their lessers. Come to Mobile Alabama and spit in the mayor and city councils face for denying Auditor Kurt Brown entry. Then demand that Judge McMaken resign for allowing the Open Meetings Law to be broken by the mayor and city council. Millions of Americans have been manipulated by people from out side their suffering groups. It is sad that many do not even appreciate the bountiful amount of information on the internet, because many leaders do not appreciate education, but only subjugation. Slavery yesterday, and general abuses today, except now all races are under the heel of our enemies who need to be removed by any means necessary, as we do not have democracy in Alabama or the USA.
Foreword Note of the Day, 12-11-2004: Auditor Artist Kurt Brown directly beneath and to the East of exploding Satellite or exploding Meteorite when traveling on East side of Rockies. The exact date and location are either 12-4 or 12-5 near the midnight morning, somewhere near Braman Oklahoma (map link) on the fourth or Kaycee Wyoming (map link) on the fifth. On another night, I hope I did not see a laser fire into another object which appeared to fall from the sky. It was 10 degrees above the horizon when it appeared to fall and flip downward. I was tired that night though and it was not as dramatic as the explosion over the field earlier in the week. The falling object that appeared to be hit by a wide angle laser whose width was lit up and encompassed the object in its entirety. That was later in the week and in the same general area, but Southward in the Oklahoma area or perhaps near the Alexandria Louisiana area. Which would be ironic because Alexandria Louisiana is where the last space shuttle disintegrated on re-entry with Mr. Brown in command. Other recent explosions in the sky have been mentioned in the North-East USA (ABC News Link), and an explosion in the Oklahoma area (KTUL News Link). If a war is brewing, I hope the common man does not become the victim, again. Disband the National Treasury Employees Union.
Foreword Note Of the Day: (A post to Paris Indymedia regarding increasing alleged suicides (murders) and usage of new technologies and metal buildings, with a request at bottom for date with a Sueet Carol and a E-6 job overseas with my own testing equipment for government buildings.) Americans must prepare to wrest the fatal hand of government by force in many areas of the nation and in the top layers. We are being conquered or have been conquered from the "Top Down". Demand surveillance and testing of all government buildings with high tech equipment. Demand the National Treasury Employees Union be disbanded. The NTEU has first grab on patents in the USA and I believe they have war criminals in control and utilize that technology to further their own gains. For instance, key employees who are honest are removed from government with devices and trickery not known to the public. In Alabama, it is even worse as the war criminals in control have surrounded themselves with technological illiterates who have not a clue of the modern world, and who will kill anyone on demand. Mind control is being used I believe. For instance, Bush Jr. wants to take Social Security and invest it in risky stock market investments. If he is not under mind control, he is in consorts with white collar criminals in the financial markets. Remember the Savings and Loan rip off of Bush Sr. Remember the dismantling of sound accounting practices by Clinton in which accounting firms could be both auditor and consultant. I leave you with this word from my friend in the UK. I can not post on Indymedia in the UK ever since the FBI seized their hard drives this year but I can listen to my world wise friends who warns us of Head Transplants being done successfully, and that is with the technology known. The unknown technology goes further. A word on Head Transplants in Read Audio, and you may need a DSL or Cable connection to view. If we have been conquered by the ethics less to the top, then they have their finger on the Nuclear Weapons and other weapons, so we are under siege. The only way out may be annihilation of the nation. The earth is our flesh, the greater being is our collective being in which we are all part, with the soil of the earth borrowed. Read of all of the warnings in this site. There are more threats I do not know. Demand the NTEU be dismantled or the President be impeached along with the Senate and Congress and Justices. It may be too late for remedies on this level, or maybe it is not. Stop the abuse by Alabama and Los Angeles courts. Survey their judges and politicians, and if they stop you, ally yourself with those who can remove them. Beware of unknown interrogations and instilled permanent mind control in their buildings and transit. Count the prisons and callousness instilled by the leaders of America (Link is graph showing exponential increase in prison population beginning in 1973. The war criminals behind the NTEU began to conquer the USA in 1973, year of Nixon's impeachment.) Even the media has been swallowed by those opposed to freedom of the common man.
Foreword Note of the Day: 11-28-2004 Warning Sent Out To Young American Paramilitary In Newsgroups (In the article, the WTC Architect was 2nd Generation Japanese American) Regarding Covert Overtaking of US Government and How To Avoid Our Mortal Enemies Traps, including stun systems and their corrupt Courts. Support the Jihad, the Holy War, both in Arabia and the USA. Our fathers' nation has been over run in many factions. You do not have to be a Muslim or Christian for this holy war, this is about the continuing war of 1776, "With Liberty And Justice For All". Open All Courtrooms and government meetings to all with their testing equipment and cameras or organize and pray to those who can effect that those buildings be destroyed. I was told I would die in the upcoming year by a young girl who predicted her own death. Do not let this warning flare go out without scorching the common man's enemies for all eternity. Vigilance in the name of humanity.
Foreword Note of the Day: 11-27-2004 Warning sent to Seattle Indymedia was Censored and relayed to Victoria BC, Canada, San Francisco, Idaho and Portland. Spreading word west.. Seattle's high suicide rate probably is more a result of the use of technology and their metal buildings, including the space needle buildings, than the weather. I like cloudy misty days, just like thousands of others on the North West Coast. Do not blame the deaths on the weather.
11-22-2004 Foreword Note of the day: Alert sent out to Atlanta Indymedia warning of horrors in South East and why and how government has resisted change. Our leaders in Alabama are not in office by virtue, but due to the spoils of their masters war crimes. Know technology, know weapons, or know eventual extinction or complete subjugation soon. Look for the hidden reason, for instance the downing of the Twin Towers, two heavy steel buildings. It might have just been true Americans who tore down that antennae or transistor on the earth's surface electronics panel. You may note that the Mayor Mike Dow of Alabama is in favor of all such buildings. Does he have inside knowledge or is he being manipulated also? Always look for the second offense or weapon when you discover the first. Trip wires cubed. We should not allow any court sessions in buildings where we do not have free reign with electronic testing apparatus and cameras, with free reign in how we test. They might just call us, "Gauss Busters". The snakes are in our nest. Even Bush Jr. and his masters wants the SSI nest egg.
11-20-04 Foreword Note of the day (High Noon): Note the metal structure atop Mobile Government Plaza and what could be used as a channel as in controlling magnetic fields, and part of a system that spans to Los Angeles and across the nation and developed world in structures such as the metal structure atop the Los Angeles Superior Court, Airport Court, part of which resembles a helicopter landing pad, and the building which is also a steel and glass structure, at least on the exterior. Is there a group manipulating juries, judges, the populace and our voting and election systems? Probability of that and exclusion from government by design, 99.99%. Are fields of energy and matter regardless of form such as figure 2 Is this part of their overall system with satellite control of stronger wields on a more directed force, including the manipulation of fields of sound and radio frequency? It is as certain as there being something extremely wrong at Mobile County Courthouse. It is as certain as the Federal Government now has people in control who use us average Americans as guinea pigs in experimental tests. Government meetings and court sessions are suspect and I can not view the city council meetings, and I can not go into their courts without being subjected to their terrors. Have we or our ancestors lost this nation? It appears so. Have we lost the world to their span? They are working on us as we speak. Be careful in jumping to conclusions as to who is flipping the switch when you encounter the mechanism or mechanisms in play.
Mobile does not allow me or any other average person to bring cameras in without roadblocks. Los Angeles is also a horror for the common man. We need to oust the regime and destroy their technology used against us. Here is the text from Los Angeles. They also do not have many pictures of their courthouses and that is for a reason. Metal atop the buildings is part of their apparatus of control spanned by satellites.
Rule 980. Photographing, recording, and broadcasting in court
(a) [Introduction] The judiciary is responsible for ensuring the fair and equal administration of justice. The judiciary adjudicates controversies, both civil and criminal, in accordance with established legal procedures in the calmness and solemnity of the courtroom. Photographing, recording, and broadcasting of courtroom proceedings may be permitted as circumscribed in this rule if executed in a manner that ensures that the fairness and dignity of the proceedings are not adversely affected. This rule does not create a presumption for or against granting permission to photograph, record, or broadcast court proceedings.
The twin towers were metal and glass. Could it have been utilized in the overall integral system? Was there a hidden reason as to why they were torn down, other than the official line? There is an inner struggle in USA and the regime in control is isolating and silencing their atrocities. Some can silence large areas. Mass media is not on top of any of it. They are underneath all of it.
11-20-04 Foreword Note of the day: A warning was sent out warning people about the use of stunning systems in government buildings and modes of transport such as Home Page II--Until we can all vote and attend meetings in Mobile Alabama and other US cities and states, Until we are free from harassment and attemts on our live by those politicians and bureaucrats and their masters from our native cities whose offices deny us entry into their guaranteed open government, Until then, support all attempts to spy on their new apparatus that is detailed in this site. If we continue to decline and those electronically or genetically enhanced indiviuals continue to abuse our kind more, then the original seed should pull the plug, even if it means a final solution, but a lesser approach of suicide bombers and kidnappers who target those and only those who deny us our rights by law would be preferential, as to put it in our masters terms, "We do not want collateral damage, and on the Mobile City Council, Heave the Ho before any big show". Our enemies and adversaries are mixed among our kind who are often ignorant by our enemies and adversaries design. Beware of those in the highest positions in the courts and government of the USA, and beware that they do not allow cameras in often because of what is actually transpiring and they do not want sophisticated equipment testing and capturing their covert methods of interrogation and in some buildings, assassination. Beware of courtrooms without outside cameras by known indiduals to yourself. Relay cameras, strategically placed and testing/recording equipment would be best. Lay the eguivalent of magnetic pull with concurrent shocks to crack multi-wave systems. If those who oppose start to bleed while in transition, remember, "They drew first blood, and someone has gotten greedy." They are not we and we are not they. There is no trust because they are predatory upon us. Look at the Home Page II Mob AL link for just a few technologies used against us and see the Love Line Pages for the rest. The governments, federal and state and local, even violate their open meetings laws in Alabama, therefore they are war criminals and we should honor all who attempt to rid us of their mal-aligned notions of justice. This is not a declaration of war, but a declaration of the pursuit of true and total liberty and justice for all. Do not allow them to take you captive. Beware of their buildings and modes of transport.
Bay Area Rapid Transit in San Francisco where a police state arose on the train in a perimeter surrounding Lawrence Livermore Weapons Research laboratories (San Fran Indymedia Photo-Link). And see the Mobile Alabama Courthouse and Los Angeles Airport Courthouse among others. See the Big Head Boys and their government buildings that exclude all interference and whose exteriors when laid out on a grid resembles electronic circuitry. Roof tops with large metal contraptions should always be suspect. Be very ware of horn systems that send out radio wave next to air raid sirens that send out sound wave and other apparatus of that sort as new technologies allow combining forms for various police state harsh authoritarian and autocratic methods. They just removed the radio wave horns at Dauphin Street and Sage Avenue in Mobile Alabama which were next to the Air Raid Sirens. Courtrooms are suspect. All government buildings suspect. They drew first blood. The word in the honest man's underground, "Someone has gotten greedy."11-19-04 Foreword Note of the Day: In discussing weapons systems and other high tech systems used against the common American, I mentioned huge air raid sirens at the corner of Dauphin Street and Sage Avenue in Mobile Alabama and their usage in sending out unaudible frequencies or radio wave or sound wave. That was a little less than a month ago, roughly. About a month ago, the sirens looked similar to the huge cluster listed at the bottom 2t22 photo at the site photos link within this link link in Prairieville Kansas, except the pole was taller than the power lines, at least 15 to 20 yards or more, and the horns were larger and more clustered and had a more square end to each horn. Now all that is there is one that was across the street, the air raid siren that looks like the Federal Model 7 that looks like a Bee-Hive or Bug Zapper listed at the site photos link within this link. Was it an air raid siren? If it was, it had another devious use or it would not have been moved when I started talking about it. Mobile Alabama government, federal and local, have some covert operators, and most likely they are not we, and their paw extends to D.C. just like the war criminals of the FDIC and NTEU do from the West Coast to D.C.. Put out some catnip G.I. Joe. It appears also that Mob. AL's Judge McMakens head had shrunk a little, as his cranium only casts a .5 inch shadow instead of the two from last time I saw him.
11-18-04 Foreword Daily Notes: (Update: Warning sent to San Francisco Indymedia. New Weaponry used in BART (Subway cars) to render people unconscious likely. See Love Line 3 for ideal weapon or transport choose or they choose, death or life). Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories at end of line. Weapons Research) The USA government does not care about the health of the people or of the planet. The people in charge do not allow alternative modes of transport and alternative energy sources. They also do not allow medical marijuana to be grown in large enough quantity so that vaporizers can be used to extract the medicinal ingredients and still remain economically feasible for the average to lower income American. They are trying to kill and control, and cancer will be one of their methods, and there are likely other methods to rid society of some individuals who are disagreeable to them or who they can take away their finances or corporations. Vaporizing requires a large amount of the substance due to incomplete combustion but it is not carcinogenic. George Bush Jr. and those other billinaire hoodlums do not care about the common man and their kind have conned our lower caste for decades. The German drug companies and American drug companies controlled by the occupying force do not want to lose their profits, which are at our expense, and Bush Jr. and the Democrat and Republican parties are in bed with our enemies who are predatory upon us.
Beware of new high tech weaponry and stunning systems and possible new tools of physics in play in all government buildings, especially some judges courts. Once someone told me to get ready for a population explosion. A plane can be fractured in time and space where you get two, two phase fields in one. Probability that or similar way to tag along, as if peeling a layer of skin intact from an onion, retaining overall form of both with inverse field.
11-15-2004 Announcements and warning and recolletions of horrors sent to Western Militias. Show down and Round up, article on Idaho Indymedia. I believe this country has been over run by petty minded men. Howard Hughes was likely poisoned just as Nixon was likely framed or set up, and both were at the time the National Treasury Employees Union grew from a small entity to a large tiger with its mouth on the throat of government. They are just one piece of the puzzle. There are many good men in America and they are dwindling in power and number. A silent war is waging in America and I am afraid the empathetic are losing. I am so frustrated I would evacuate my family if all hell broke loose, and if it was completely futile, slit my own throat, but I nor my family will NEVER lay down our lives for our subjugators. They use economic deprivation to control us. Release the two genetic mutant dirty hairy blow flies, method of transgenics on Love Line 2 page, if concentration camps or mass numbers disappear. Unfortunately, I believe they can interrogate you easily, especially in their buildings or enclosed areas, and possibly more. It will be suicide but that is better than being their eternal whipping bitch. They are very insidious. I served them and they betrayed me. Who are those men who leave FDIC directors dead in their seats and chase honest auditors around the country and block their access to government? Our mortal enemies, and they are among US.
11-14-2004 ANNOUNCEMENT AND REMINDER OF UPCOMING CONFRONTATION WITH THOSE WHO ARE THE HONEST MANS ADVERSARIES IN COURT THIS WEEK WITH AUDITOR/ARTIST KURT BROWN "Time to confront our mortal enemies in America?" "8:30 a.m. CST, Mob AL County Courthouse, 17th November, 4th floor, Department C". I have a video of where I was denied my right to enter their city council meetings. I will have it up online if I can edit faces and voices with current software. NEVER TRUST ANY USA GOVERNMENT AGENCY OR AGENT, BEWARE OF HIDDEN WEAPONS, ESPECIALLY IN THEIR OFFICES AND COURTS. Until we can enter meetings and vote, support all who oppose them on American soil. They are not who they appear to be, as they are not our allies in a war state imposed against us. A call to action of the rising American Militia, on Atlanta Indymedia. Someone said it might be time for the last meal. I can think of no nobler cause to die than to kick the doors of government wide open for all. It is the destiny of "Our Kind", and if we do not succeed, it will be the death blow for the future of "Our Kind", so I pray to the higher order for all assistance or annihilation. Beware of their weaponry and methods, The technology used by the factions that have moved in is almost unimaginable. See the Love Line Pages for a preview. Skim past Comedy to see the science, and that is just the beginning of the nightmare of technological weapons our enemies will and do use against us in these dieing United States.
Warning to all future USA travelers: Mobile Alabama is the kind of place where all laws to protect the common man are tossed aside, just as in Los Angeles, California.
11-13-2004: Foreword Notes: High Noon--The ideas George Bush, Jr. espouses are like poison. We do not want a separate Palestinian state, as a war will ensue and both will die, possibly all of us. We do not want the East and West of the USA divided ideologically, and then inevitably, politically. The good ideas of the West are being poisoned by the tyrants controlling the East, e.g. Medical Marijuana should should be available to all, and all should be warned of the hazards, and there should be no controls on growth limits, as it opens the door to predatory savages, who resemble the pawn broker across from the sanctioned casino. Beware of the small amount of sweet mixed in with the vat of bitter, as we are being treated like flies being led into fly agaric tainted milk. Many of the current regime also want to invest Social Security funds in the stock market, which has no guaranteed return with most likely a loss. Remember Bush Sr.'s set up of the Savings and Loan rip off, and the Clinton administrations licking of its own profits and our wounds. Common sense does not come in a vial of cocaine either.
11-12-2004: (Late Update: Berkeley technicians selling small TV Broadcast Equipment for us little guys. May be purchasing and broadcasting to Prichard. Johnny Walker Red with a contingent wants to overthrow Mob Al fascists with a vengeance and the help of the hood. See comment by Kurt and the article by the Techs on San Fran Indymedia.) Iraq has become America's vietnam and the truth is hidden by America's billionaire owned propaganda mass media. In a newspaper in Germany in the German language with news from Moscow, I translated the page using Babelfish Translator and discovered what appears to be another slaughter on behalf of those murderers ruining the United States. Rich filthy bastards will end up killing all of us, or making us wish we were dead. The Headline Read, "House fights in Falludscha "the Americans shoot at everything that moves" The situation of the civilian population in the rebel center is catastrophic according to data of eye-witnesses. Allegedly the US troops of hundreds prevented unarmed Iraqis from the escape from the city. Also hospitals were obviously bombarded. ".
Vets and militia beware of implants in the mouth or parts of the body by the US governments. They may use apparatus to track you or cripple you or eavesdrop. They are at war with all who oppose their tyranny and lies. In particular, in older vets, large areas of rear upper molars with root canals may have something that is not supposed to be there, above the teeth and in the teeth. I saw Dennis Peron of California had his removed where I suspect something in mine. Coincidence? Who knows. Maybe Dennis just had bad teeth or he knew something. I wager that soon the US regime will find some reason to stop informatin flow on the web. They are already blocking emails to people who they feel will hinder their efforts to conquer the world for their insect heads.
Forward Note of the Day 11-11-2004: A friend of mine who is a very good and honest and hardworking individual recently said that he thought the global warming news was just propaganda to further some people's agendas. My friend does not understand physics or chemistry however and he is duped by the lies of the oil regime, in particular under the Bush administration. The reason we have cold winters today is due to a shift in the thermal layers of warm air, in which the warm air is often shifted to the poles and the cool is shifted to the warmer regions toward the equator, as equilibrium is sought and a concurrent increase in overall temperatures. A doctorate level chemistry professor told me this information and looking at the increasing melting polar ice caps and the hazards they pose to navigation, the professor was absolutely correct. We have got to wake the less educated up to the fact that the Bush regime does not care about the long term health of the planet, but only his regime's profits. Bush even wants to take Social Security and put it in the stock market so that he and his criminal cronies from New York can rob your parents of their social security benefits in total. Bush is like our enemy in many ways and was not even elected. Let us pray we gain regain our nation and its media, both on the local and national scale. Beware of the regimes tricks and propaganda. Some of their factions likely downed the World Trade Center, at least at a probability of 66.6%. Even in my native city, the criminals of wealth have grabbed the reigns and the ignorant shout for their victory and a piece of the dieing city. Because the regime can not be ousted, I want to see it destroyed. It has come down to, "US or them."
Foreword Note of the Day 11-09-2004: (An email to the musician once known as Cat Stevens is broadcast on Indymedia to be relayed in the event it was blocked enroute. Hands across the water in a wild wild world. It was known in the late 1800's and early 1900's in Italy, that where ever organized crime fluorished, the economy stagnated. Russia has gone through the same process and now the United States looks the same in many regions, where the black market was small at first and now the criminal element has grabbed the markets and their initiative by the throat. The reason is because no one wants to invest where they are guaranteed a lower profit or a complete loss. The same thing has happened in Los Angeles in recent years and in my native city of Mobile Alabama, the two cities that I know well. I have been persecuted in both cities by government officials who are criminals and who block my access to audit and examine those I know are corrupt in government and they attack me when I am endangered by their criminals rather than defened me. "Be all you can be, Organize a revolution to overthrow the beasts and oust their corrupt judges who allow a woman to be killed for a price and an innocent man to be persecuted due to their hatred and greed." It is my prayer that some greater force removes those criminal elements in power, starting with criminal politicians and judges, not only in Los Angeles, but in Lower Alabama. Mayor Mike Dow and City Councilman Copeland and Johnson of Mobile Alabama have got to be removed from their positions by any means necessary, due to their illegal blockage of government participation, I pray, and in addition the judges on the take, including that Nazi inbreed looking bastard, McMaken of Mobile. It is also sad that Bush Jr. and Sr. have all the history, the savings and loan rip-off, and future intention, the privatization of Social Security which is the investing in potential losing investments, of robbing America like La Cosa Nostra robbed Italy and Sicily. Remember, if those cut throats detonate a nuclear device to wrench total control in the future when the honest man arises, that sometimes, life is better than death when there is hope in the battle, and death is sometimes better than life when all is lost and there is no hope. As the old song goes and was not in the current inner circle that have arisen, "You got to know when to hold em, you got to know when to fold em." As the old guy still standing who is his friend said to me regarding the attempt on my life, for being an honest auditor, "F#ck those motherf#ckers" and slammed his knuckles on the table cracking the glass. We must act together, and we need a leading force, to overthrow the criminals ruining our nation and setting a degradating caste system. When we have conquered them, they should be treated as war criminals who deny us our rights by our laws and the Geneva Convention. The American mass media should be viewed at the worst as our enemies, and at the best, hostages of the regime in power. They ignore our suffering and try to sell us the "Ball Game" while our families and children go through their indoctrinations for the emerging American lower caste. The biggest mistake I ever made was trusting the regime in power in 2001 that reigns today. My prayer again and I shout to my inner circle, "They are at war with us, let us align ourselves will all that is right, regardless of their religious artifacts, God Allah Buddha Etheral Consciousness."
Foreword Note of the Day 11-08-2004: (Alert: It appears that some of the criminal element at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation are trying to hack the webmasters computer. It could be the National Treasury Employees Union, but the FDIC continues to show in the aborted attempt to enter the PC. Blood is on the American doorstep and it is the past regional director of the FDIC San Francisco. First blood drawn by the criminal element. I survived two assassination attempts.) The Bush Jr.’s Administration and the current regime, Republicans and Democrats, are setting America up for a crisis due to outright theft and fraud in the Social Security benefit program that will dwarf the theft by criminals that occurred during Bush Sr.’s savings and loan crisis. The largest casino in the world is the stock market. Any investments without a guaranteed return will be stolen. Washington D.C. is controlled by men who act as though they are more of an invading horde than true empathetic Americans. Considering Bush Jr. was not elected, it is obvious that something has to be done. The oldest wisdom in the world is ignored by teh regime, "If you can not afford to lose your money, do not gamble." Goodbye Social Security to the sharks of the markets.
Note of the day 11-6-2004--Murder labeled suicide of high ranking federal banking official second and final Indymedia alert to Scotland Yard, and the first alert to the scene of the crime, San Francisco Financial District, on Indymedia. Scientific Methodology on page Love Line 3 under PRPRPR delineation. Ex bank examiner wants ARD's position at the FDIC, and I want her house also, and I want her and Masta to hit the bricks or the boat, or better yet, the E-5 State Department yob, MasTa. Go fish on the FDIC grid for the horse is dead. Feel the light, Hallelujah! Auditor heaven, bulldog paradise.
Note of the day 11-5-2004 A warning to Scotland Yard and a request for a safe warm fire with Taboo in comments section of Scotland Indymedia. Could modification of existing security systems, including metal coils in the floor be modified or used in offensive criminal and military procedures? Probability is, "Don't Ask", Murders Labeled Suicide by the Mastas in charge of the Mastas in the federal government with some sectors laundering and removing billions, if not trillions of dollars $U.S. currency. At what cost? It depends where you stand on the chinese checker board table. New physics and biotech apparatus and stealing of weaponry, leaving all defenseless to the abuse of the Dons ETN'U at the NTEU.
No one even considers or mentions the effect of inoculations and some drugs on children and their IQ or brain health. More has been learned about the immunological system and individual reactions to drugs and foods and other material taken into the body. Higher fevers I believe are furthered by the drugs and inoculations given unnecessarily to children and hence some measure of brain damage at an early age.
Perhaps the reason is due to greed by the drug companies and the fact that the companies are linked to and owned by the wealthier caste. It is very sad that all public education is not free, and yet we have prisons blossoming like we are a concentration camp state.
The wealthiest castes have strangled that possibility not only with economic factors but with other factors as well, such as in one example of not instigating training programs for the population by increasing the amount of teachers and faculty with less stringent overall hours requirements in training and more concentration on utilizing the existing knowledge base of those individuals who are educated and coupling it with technologies and other people who have the educational degrees for a more synergistic effect of potential instructors and the existing and potential educational system oversight.
The one determinant of completion of college is not intelligence, but wealth. That is an outrage and it is not addressed by our wealthy ruling and often abusive overlords or politicians and bureaucratic governmental structure.
We are due for a change, for the better or the worse. If we, the lower caste do nothing, it will be for the worse. The lower caste now comprises at least 90% of Americans with more extreme poverty even within some of the upper ranges of that lower 90% of wealth holders.
An Election Night SOS Alert Broadcast in Newsgroups and DC Indymedia from Mobile Audit Club..wake up blokes. IN newsgroups under the name of From: (Bob Whitie) with heading Accountant/.Auditors Beware....Murders of Accountants Labeled as Suicides. (Correction on post...Arrest was 4-22-2001 not 3-22-2001, also Humboldt Probation was actually LA probation but Kurt fled LA.
Note of the Day 11-2-2004: We encourage all to stand up bravely against the ignorant and the degrading laughter of the oppressor. If you have a belief, shout it to the world. Galileo did so and was punished, and yet Europe never would have gained America without his true theories thought to be heretical and insane. History repeats, see the burning warlord oil baron Bush, see the squalidly wealthy Kerry, the whore to billionaires. In this link is a report on the usual corruption in those fake elections in the South East and the USA and a comment at the bottom calling for coalitions to form to rid ourselves of the regimes prison wire from our throats and the billionaire propaganda television reports from our living rooms. Contrary to my natural enemy's rhetoric, I do not see all of my countrymen as my enemies, only those who oppress us and pull us backward and cast us into extinction and the lower caste.
Note of the day 11-1-2004: Kurt Brown, auditor artist visited Monroeville Alabama doing research on 10-29-2004 to find the last name of a girl named Kelly who predicted her death in 1975 or 1974 and who predicted Kurt would die at the age of 44. His 44th birthday is in December. Ironically on Halloween, 10-31-2004 a child fell into a well in Monroe County Alabama and was there for at least 12 hours. That also happened when Saint Ram Bone, Kurt Brown, visited Chipley Florida years ago and a child fell into a well. The children usually consider it a warning and fly straight later in life as they recall the deep dark hole. Remember kids, the old Italian guy in the North Beach area of San Francisco said marijuana makes for a stupid Italian, Saint Ram Bone agrees. Do not abuse it. 9 out of 10 women agree, "SainTramBone is a bed-wetter". The reason ignorant government thieves do not like Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, is because he tells it like it is from an auditor's perspective, and they can not deny it, regardless of how many Nascar events they attend, which is their school. When all our politicians fall into the well, just say Au Revoir (French for Goodbye), because Saint Ram Bone is not going to report it. See the Old Foreword Notes link for a discussion of Kelly and claim the $22 reward if you have her last name. By the way, Kurt Brown is nothing like Joe Dirt, regardless of what the D.J. on the radio in the Village of the Damned says. Kurt is SainTramBone coming to you as N Wor B Truk. Update, Rotem Or's album can be purchased online at this link to Rotem Or's CD.
The singer Furze, of the Israeli Singer Songwriter Rotem Or, mentioned in this site has an album for sale. Our family's favorite song Charges is still available to listen to online at site linked and can be bought at the link. Rotem aka Furze has been drafted into the Israeli Army at the tender young age of 18. Be a patriot or horn-dog and Purchase her album as a gift for Christmas, Hannukah, or Eid Al-Fitr. Pray for world peace and international space colonies. We will never get justice in the world or in America or even be free of this barbaric planet until we have true Democracy, not some monarchy of billionaire con artists with a monopoly on the media and where we are excluded from government and attacked by government factions and their murderous assassins both in our homes and in our dieing native cities. For generations our ancestors were manipulated by their media and silenced and murdered and imprisoned. Now we have a voice even though it is like a billion rain drops in a barrel called the internet. I am silenced by Mobile Alabama Government including the local federal government, unable to enter meetings, as if those in power are of the most brutal beasts of history. I was abused by the federal government in Los Angeles with extreme silencing and prejudice, just as if we are conquered by a hated nation. The time has come to realize we are a divided nation and not all are going to care what happens to anyone except for themselves and their inner clan. I have a feeling I know what the solution is, but would it be permanent? The times shift societies needs like sand and the foundation crumbles. Space colonies may be the only way, but even that could lead to interstellar war, just as this cavity in space has likely known, or some other cavity in space nearby.
She called me the morning of her death to join them that evening but I was not home and was listening to music at a friends house. Kelly did her own astrological trigonometric calculations and told me I would die, I believe at 44. I am only 90-percent certain of the age. She may have said 46. I do not recall exactly.
My Grandfater, Jim Brown, (James) was buried at Old Salem Baptist Church Cemetary in 1966. My father, who I called Bruised Brown, (Bruce) was buried at Old Salem Cemetary in 1986. If that trend continues in the family lineage, I, Truk Brown, (Kurt) should be joining them in the month of December 2006. Maybe neither 2004, 2005, or 2006, who knows?
Does anyone out there ever witness the dead in the waking hours, when they pass as if in a large roll of film swirled quickly into the sky, and seen only in the corner of the eye, as if in a very brief waltz? Or is it death at all, but instead life and the remnants of ourselves or ancestors? Do you have them give you tips in your sleeping hours on what is ahead?. Someone should tell the Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama, who I reported thieving and who is now being forced into retirement that I told father yesterday, in the graveyard, which was surrounded by shattered trees left in Hurricane Ivan's wake with the usual two butterflies in courtship at the roads edge.
I only hope Bruised rode back with me, down to the depths of Mobile Alabama to take care of things. I played him a song on my acoustic guitar of my family's and my worlds despair and destruction. Truman Capote's writing and Jimmy Buffett's music and Sammy the Bull's evasion of assassins and informing on criminals have nothing on, N Wor B Truk, aliases Kurt Brown and Saint Ram Bone.
Contact the Webmaster's New Double Blind Email with details about Kelly, and if verified and the first to respond, I promise a $20 reward, or my name spelled from the Hebrew and Arabic slant is not, N Wor B Nits U A Truk (Kurt Austin Brown). When I am in Monroeville Alabama or Humboldt County California I always hear the Green Acres Song Lyrics, "I get allergic smelling hay...Goodbye City Life, Green Acres We Are Yours".
Also, just to remind myself that the federal government destroyed my father's only remaining gift left to me, a .22 Winchester rifle, for alerting the public to government corruption and then parking near the Los Angeles VA grave-yard with a U-Haul, I am increasing the reward for information on Kelly to $22. It's a catch 22 Jack. (Do Not Drink and Drive. My father was a bit of an alcoholic and I have left him the keys to my old battle weary truck and I think he might be looking for Jack Rabbit Tillman on the Sidewalk down in Mobile, Village of the Damned. He is merciful and finishes off all roadkill with a .22 Winchester.) See the Love Line 3 page for a News Announcement of Bruised Brown's trip South to the Village of the Damned and back again to sit next to the cool A/C unit at Old Salem.
Foreword Note of the Day 10-29-2004: Numerous theories abound on government abuses and subversive behaviors. I have had a dentist note an unusual lookng filling in a tooth, and a surgeon note an unexplained scar in my mouth. I often feel sick to my stomach, especially when typing on the web or when facing a corrupt judge like Judge McMaken of Alabama who blocks government access and covers up government abuses. The military and government has been known to have and is suspected of having done many covert things. How can we trust a government that stops true democracy with a forced two party system that is in fact one regime of millionaires and billionaires. They control us through caste setting in a delapidated school systems and most likely procedures and drugs given to children to extinguish their capabilities. Just like the old English knew when they were being manipulated by scheisters and conmen, so do the American people and the people of the world know that those around us are not always what they appear to be. We need to delineate and extract those forces that are destroying our lives and controlling us like puppets. Beware my friends who are truly humans with benevolent hearts. The US government is hiding corruption and systems and processes that lead us to eternal subjugation and maybe extinction. I am not even allowed due process in the courts of Los Angeles to reveal what I know about the banking system, the governmental union the National Treasury Employees Union. Also, Alabama judges and politicians not only block entry of myself, but of numerous others into their meetings and I have noticed some unusual peculiarities in their morphology or outward form, in addition to their subversive tactics. Also beware, as those who are our adversaries are often intermingled with those who are our downtrodden and abused brothers of today or tomorrow. American media is as much a propaganda apparatus as Hitler's was in Germany. Make no mistake, as Sun Tzu said in the book the Art of War, "The War Never Ends". To that I add, who is the reigning power? What is their objective? Now, I have got to decide if that peculiar looking filling a dentist said might be electronics should be drilled out or have the peculair tooth pulled. Friend or foe, we often do not know. Sometimes life is akin to being a tuna in a school of tuna, and among the school is a barracuda with the skin of a chameleon that on that day looks like a tuna, and at some point it breaks off from the leadership position and assumes its position at the feeding table among its kind, the school of barracuda waiting in the murky darkness. Something is not right in America. Look at the injustices. We might just be, "Better off Dead", if there is no way out of their trap(s. Demand open government and due process or make preparations with due dilligence to deal with the situation, at least to and try observe the truth by shining the proverbial light on the matter.
Foreword Note of the Day, October 28,2004: Bob Whitie goes bezerk and eats live iguana after his mother who is a maid is ripped off in stock scandal by Eisner and Ovitz and Disney Corp, when Ovitz gets $140 Million Severance Package for one years work. Wake up America, link to news post by Whitie regarding Disney and a prayer for Father to regain the lost revenue. Bob Whitie and mother made ain't no snow white.
Foreword Note of the Day, October 27, 2004: For the primary author of this site, the past few days have been sickening and it showed in some comments. I truly wish all of the biasedness and evil would go away. In Alabama, it is fostered. Sometimes I wonder if those who encourage extreme violence and greed are even from this planet. I encourage anyone who has not heard the band Rotemore to listen to her music and buy her new CD or Tape. It takes the edge off of a hard life. Here is a site with a link to her home page and some samples of other songs. I hope they find peace in the mid-east. War begets war and I would truly hate to see anything happen to that lovely angel. Tell Bush to learn some Diplomacy and seek alternate fuel sources and build some space colonies. It might be as contagious as gunfire. A call for peace on Indymedia in the mid-East.
Foreword Note of the Day, October 26, 2004: (Update 10-27-2004, Mobile Alabama Police or a faction therein seemed to have an interest in me when going to the post office today. Note: In this post when looking for possible unknown medical procedures by the government, I stated that a cut was on the upper right rear of the mouth and a rear molar was black and looked like possible electronics according to a dentist. The molar is on the upper left rear and the cut is on the right and I have noticed a growing laziness of the tongue on the left side also.) I was stationed in Long Beach, CA, Navy, in the early 80's and had one particularly bloody and painfully suspicious episode at their dentist. The base was sold under Clinton to a Chinese organization importing assault rifles. And to think I was given a felony for a legally owned pistol. I was held captive at the Los Angeles VA Westwood in 2001 where they did forced experiments on vets in the late 90's. Beware veterans and military personnel. A call to veterans of the USA to beware of forced medical procedures that might have been done to them in the military or afterward, and other abuses including silencing of honest auditors by criminals of US government. We are not even give fair due process. We the common are under seige in America. One dentist says dark black fillings in back upper molar tooth looks like electronics. Cuts in the mouth unexplained may be linked to the electronics looking fillings. Also, a recap and update on abuses by the federal government's hidden mafia involved in drug smuggling and money laundering and election rigging and other crimes. To this day the US government will not give auditor artist a fair trial in court, which was denied even after extreme abuse and drugging of a government auditor on this site. It appears that some in government are not who or what they appear to be. Upcoming court date in Alabama announced on link. Come one come all November 17 at 8:30.
Foreword Note of the Day, October 24, 2004: The US governments is at war with anyone who has an opinion that differs from theirs. Not only am I, an educated auditor, illegally banned from attending my native city's city council meetings and tortured by federal government, including injections and assassination attempts, but now they do not let the musician Cat Stevens, now known as Yusef Islam, from entering the USA. It appears that the regime, Republican Democrat, is taking us back in time, to a time of extreme oppression and their media is their propaganda. I think the USA is being attacked and we are losing the war. Soon some videos will be up on this site showing how the government abuses the nobodies. It is a time for action. Beware of their weaponry and lies. I was set up by Sheriff Jack Tillman of Mobile Alabama and the local federal government and the federal government of Los Angeles for blowing the whistle on government corruption. Need some dope, Coke, Heroin? Contact the fed, they are kicking it under the fence with the assistance of the border patrol. Need to launder money? The federal government on the West Coast are specialists. We are being had and they are wagin war on us and calling it a war on terror and drugs. Keep your children from their media or warn them of the lies. I have contacted Cat Stevens to assist with a project. Fish and Chips with the Cat in the UK? Cat, throw me a bone. (Also, I do not support violence against the innocent, just as Cat Stevens does not. A tribute was made to an Israeli singer today, Rotem, on the Quatrains 3 page. Keep her safe.)
Foreword Note of the Day, October 23,2004: A warning to the young regarding serving the US military. Beware of forced medical experiments after service by the US Veterans Administration or unknown medical procedures during your military service. Make note of all scars on the body before entering, and especially make note of any scars in the mouth. That is very important. Even consider that cuts can be made along natural suture lines in the mouth. A post to a newsgroup of military cadets with information from this site with a link with proof of experiments.
Foreword Note of the Day, October 22, 2004: Due to the fact that many Americans are not given justice and are abused by the government, it is my prayer that any organization is rewarded in this life and the here-after if they can break the grip of the regime in power and oust their bureaucrats and judges, with prejudice. A warning to all youth regarding marijuana use and how the government uses their laws to extort money from users and funnel money to drug lords in Mexico and smugglers in the federal government's Border Patrol and Customs Departments. The US government in its horrid abuse of Americans makes marijuana available through black market channels. Although marijuana is as benign as cigarettes and beer and any logical nation allows it, American government uses the substance in its subjugation of the lower caste of the USA. Their mass media advertise the substance through movies such as Cheech and Chong. Right when you thought you were safe, you determine your government is your enemy. Beware of serving the US military and any Veterans Administration drugs as they are performing forced experiments on vets and likely unknown medical procedures on soldiers. America needs to overthrow the regime and gut the criminals from the bureaucracy and to be-head the corrupt judges or show them the border. Things are not as they seem and those smiling faces of American politicians are growls of the beast.
Foreword Note Of the Day, 10-21-2004: Uncle Sam is on the cutting room floor and is dead as a door-nail. The governments of the United States, in particular corrupt federal treasury and banking governments and backwards government as in Alabama, are setting people up to frighten them and to make them look like felons when they blow the whistle. It is as if we are defeated. I am not even allowed into my own city council meeting in my native city after horrendous abuses by the federal and state governments. Support all freedom fighters through-out the world and beware of trickery by those factions in power, i.e. the 9-11 crisis was likely initiated by a nation wanting more military protection, or a group who wanted to sell weaponry. Never again serve the USA military and never again trust them with your children in their schools, hospitals, and do not trust their innoculations of your children or the mass media owned by the super wealthy, our mortal enemies and slave masters. This white, semi-white man would never block a black man or any other man from attending a government meeting or voting, and yet the current factions in power do it all the time to us lower caste white, or lower caste mullato whites/cajuns with Indian blood. Many races suffer other atrocities. We are surrounded by terrorists, they are the US governments. Overthrow the monopoly or bring on the biotechnological equivalent of the super nuclear weapon to end their abuses of us. Separate your families from the enemy and beware of that which can not be seen with the animal eye. Countries are like mafias, you can not enter other countries and it is difficult to leave your own. So let us ram a stake through the heart of the beasts who want to bridle us with their caste system for eternity.
Foreword Note of the Day, October 19, 2004: A Warning To The Lower Caste of the South East USA On Atlanta Indymedia, With A Call For Cameras To View The War In Alabama, Mobile, the capital of oppression, with their crosses are stuck up their wallets and their criminal law enforcement block the doors with guns. I have given up on the USA as I see the direction we are headed and where we stand. We have contempt for each other in our various groups or clans, and worst of all the government is criminal and closed. In addition, the consolidation of wealth, billions of dollars, into the hands of a select group or clan, has left our caste forever in the lower caste. Fuck the war in Iraq, our war is right here in America. My hat is off to the US military company commander and his crew from South Carolina in Iraq who refused to march into Iraqi gunfire at the order of one of the fascist pig groups in a high military position, most likely one of their favorite sons. America, I would rather have annihilation than continue to see my caste suffer and see the future the upper caste has wrought upon us. Bring on the NUKES AND THE GERMS. Riddle: Which is worst, the leading groups of Germany in 1941 or the leading groups in America in 2001? Both, and both are heartless butchers, allegedly kosher and non-kosher. Leave the Arabs alone. Our war is here. Since I am in the Bible Belt of the USA where every politician and judge has two faces, I pray, "Please God, help us to overthrow the tyranny of the Alabama governments and their courts, or give us all death."
Foreword Note of the Day October 18,2004: The eternal struggle. Analagous to laws of physics, social and monetary and other issues are obviously subject to forces apparently out of the common persons control, or in quick flux. Just like energy goes from a hot object to a cold object, and the struggle to seek back that which is lost by the more hot object subject to seeking the laws causing equilibriums. So here those like I sit, the lower caste of America for generations, forced into that position, pushed away from government interaction illegally by those in power, fat bastards like Bush, Kerry, and in my native city Dow and a group of crusaders whose mouths and doors are covered with the fat of their conquests, often their asses hiding behind some lower ranking group of like-minded subjects obligated to follow the line for various constructs, i.e. persons, objectives, groups, and clans, and the entire time, the groups of clans amass an armed contingent against us, the poor and common, often in the hinterlands, their clans frothing at the mouth. Clans, such an ugly word, but in a competitive world, all groups are guilty. C.E.B.A.G. How I want off this most fucked up planet led by those who choose to be our adversaries who kick us to the gutters and then bury us in mud, never letting us vote or even attend government meetings or survey suspected banking criminals in the federal government. The police state authority of Mob. AL told me that if I made a video of my encounters with their abusive regimen, I would be sued. Evidently he did not observe my credentials include a bull shit film production and journalism degree. The Big Show, Cumming Right Up. They drew first blood. The time is raw. Date and time of release forthcoming. Some video destroyed by federal Treasury police department agents, sent most likely by partners in crime, in a clan in the U.S federal government. The local polizia estado es mas influencia.
Foreword Note of the Day: It appears that some members of American governments top dogs want to keep the war alive, not only against us by reneging against constitutional guarantees, such as the right to bear arms, but also in perpetuating archaic energy sources and war, both of which are equally destructive in the final hour. In this link is a pic of the intentional bombing of a village in Fallujah, Iraq. Those in power forced my only defenses from me. They are in effect, one of my terrorists. The money for the bombs should have been spent on furthering space colonies and developing or bringing out those existing alternate energy sources, systems, and methods, in particular bio-technology sources.
Foreword Note of the Day: I was ordered silent, illegally, on murder and corruption at the federal government by a California court who were operating under a corrupt Treasury Department Police Agency, SS, federal agency's order. They treat us like their bitch. Then I say, "shut us up, bastard," Link to Atlanta Indymedia article on orders of silencing and encroachment of web rights by abusive and criminal government throughout media and web and in society. Their method is primarily intimidation today and legal maneuverings and abuses and extortion, maybe murder if you are not wary of their make-up. Old Notes of the Day are being moved to Accessory Page.
Note of the day 10-12-2004 The US government stole and destroyed my fathers gift to me, a .22 rifle, that barely worked. Now, they transport plutonium around the world. Catch .22 is what? Paris Indymedia link with comment at bottom by Osso De Ram De Saint.
Note of the day, 10-11-2004 DO NOT EVER TRUST THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENTS...RULE ONE. MAKE CONTINGENCY PLANS NOW...RULE TWO. American government claims to be an open operation with laws like, "The Government In the Sunshine Law" applicable to federal banking regulators, and on a local level, "Open Meetings Laws or Sunshine Laws", are supposed to provide access to government for everyone. That is not the case for many. I, an educated auditor and bank examiner, can not enter the FDIC meeting linked above, and neither can I enter a Mobile Alabama city council meeting. Their votes to exclude are made behind closed doors. Their abuses are made out of sight of the courts and with extreme abuse. We are under seige by our enemies in the government. We must take action and assist those who can open our government, by any means necessary. The hour is nigh. "If the house is infested with snakes and you can not rid the house of the snakes, burn the house down." --An old French Revolution Saying. Beware of their weaponry and their treachery, as those foreign to us the true Americans, have the helm. "Jack Snatch that Mother F#cker from those cock s#ckers alien to us I pray"...a saying by a sailor aboard a ship commandeered by pirates.
10-6-04 More updates soon. Average Americans call for end to war as war within US rages on. Link to Indymedia Article in Austin, where Kurt Austin Brown, aka N Wor B Nits U A Truk. It appears that a comment on a link to Italy Indymedia has been hit, as it was a call for an end to war, and the bottom had a pic of Sheriff Jack Snatch selling stolen bullets. The US government dared to force unjustly and through abuse a felony for legal gun ownership and running for my worthless American life, and then the abuse started when the less than worthless Sheriff of Mob. AL, Jack snatch Tillman stole my gun permit for reporting his thievery. America is now just like Mussolini's Italy, so we should encourage a new regime to arise, even if by silent force, in the USA to point to space, not earth war.
Foreword 8-2-2005: Theoretical based on fact. Genghis Kahn reminds me in many ways of the hidden sect, or I should say the shorter group, within or extraneous to the modern day truly human Jewish groups. Not to say all of those of the short stocky nature are bad because many of them are as kind as anyone, but there are some in every group of humans that are often different animals. Khan was short, squat in some cases, intelligent, and maybe not able to reproduce with humans or perhaps some other passer by in the groups may fill the same role I describe. The tall Jews are likely derivatives of another group associated with the more original human African and their northerly relative, the European. I feel sorry for the Arabs under attack by those who are being led by the Genghis Khans. Perhaps we will have a world wide nuclear war, as there is something not right. The question becomes, "Can you die or does the repetitive horror of this life's design go on forever? I truly doubt that those who cause suffering are in any way related to the true human Jew who was an Arab with mixes of various blood line, including European and African, and the European is the same blood type as the Asian. So who was Genghis Khan? A dangerous son of a bitch who you would be better off dead than having to have to live with, much like the warlord regime of America and Israel. Overthrow the government in Mobile Alabama and draw a circle for mankind for eternity is my hope.
Foreword August 1, 2005: Today, I realized that the USA government in Alabama has a faction that is a dirty and low-handed snake in the grass that reaches all the way to the local defense department. The faction has an electronic device that can deliver a shock to the retina of the eye when viewed in the direction of shock wave or laser and in addition it destroys electronic equipment. Encase your cameras to protect them and wear protective eye-wear, and if possible, never have metal fillings in cavities in the teeth.
I was driving by the military reserve center today in Municipal Park, Mobile Alabama on August 1, 2005 at 3:50 p.m. Central Standard Time when a truck intercepted mine and drove in the parking lot of the reserve center to the point of entering the road where it stopped and most likely delivered the shock at a 20 to 30 foot range. Of course it could be that the federal government installed something in my vehicle when they confiscated or perhaps they have done another atrocity to me that I am not aware. Of court it could have been what appeared to be a china man in another vehicle in front of his vehicle at the head of the queue and waiting to pull out and another vehicle had already pulled out and was going West as I was going East. It appears the local white rabbits and the Chinese dragon might have a love- for- war connection against the local humans with human hearts. Of course it could be any number of the racist syndicates pulling our enemies strings to attack us. The older I get, the more I realize the terrorists are not the suicide bombers protecting their lands in the Arab nations, but they are right here pretending to care about our children. Not all of the people are our terrorists from any group, but some do deserve to reap what they sow, in their own death bed.
Numerous military transport vehicles were behind the station and other equipment was hidden and covered by tarps at the Municipal Park location. Probably around 100 to 150 tons of war equipment minimum. They are also amassing at Whiting Field a contingent of ground troops and equipment. We should dismantle our enemies even in our hometowns. Perhaps they will attack EADS in my native city or perhaps they will set off the nuclear device. I would rather have death than smell their animal breaths and feel their cages, chains, needles, and oppressive tendencies, like that of the lower animal kingdom. I am sure our creator will snap them into like chafe and start over.
The regime has closed the doors to government to myself. I will try to enter again in Mobile Alabama and I ask the militia to back me up, whomever the militia of my kind may be. Perhaps the guards man will kill me. I would love to see him quartered by my next militia man. Today's post relayed to Los Angeles Indymedia. Back on the air, way to go Tongue Food Fighter programmer, send me some bud, Indian variety.
Foreword: July 29, 2005: The American who is part Native American, both of the African and the European mixes should come together in regaining our Native Lands in the USA from the Self Gratiating, European, African and their mix, the Jew. We are the lower caste discriminated against with no support from the Europeans or the Africans or their mix, the Jew. We need a Holy War in America. And should we die, we will have died as our Native American Ancestors. Crush the fatal regime and free our land or give us all of the lower caste our timely deaths, I pray to our Native American Gods. They had no mercy on us then or now and laugh at us while we are beaten and lied about. I would rather be in a full scale war than watch our natural enemies of America pillage the entire damned Earth. Support the Hezbollah and crush the enemies of true mankind. Never trust any chemicals from the regime, whether it is drugs, mascara, deodorants or any other applied substance. Protect your children as if they are in the hands of your mortal enemies, because in America, they are.
In another proof of just how unjust the US justice system is, the Mobile Alabama government, dictatorship, has once again decided to leave their favored sons unpunished for crimes against humanity while punishing the innocent for no crime committed. My case in point is the delayed trial date of Sheriff Jack Tillman who was arraigned on June 9, 2005. Now, almost two months since the arraignment, the circuit clerk of the court at phone number, (251) 574-8430, has no trial date set for the murdering and ignorant Sheriff who helps the criminals in power. I pray to any deity of your choice that if Tillman is not brought to justice within the next 60 days, that a trail of suicide bombs and attacks follows the true dictators of the war criminals of the states of the United States. They overtly discriminate in denying men access to their meetings, the right to vote, and justice in their courts. If we can not have our nation, I pray we can arrange to have the dictatorship overthrown, and if that is not possible, that someone gives us relief with death of the nation, and the birth of many smaller nations. Let us face it. The dictatorship is an iron wedged witch. Re-cast the bitch. Time for Justice in the True American tradition of lore. Beware that our true adversary has changed his inner coat. Rip out his heart if you can find one, and if not, find the heart that controls the illusion of a cruel human in power.
Today's post was posted to Los Angeles Indymedia seems to have been taken down by our mutual enemies in power. They can not handle the true horror of their faces.
Sheriff Tillman and the cruel criminals within the federal government in their private ranks helped to destroy my good name and reputation and sanctity. Now, I want their blood on my sword, whoever bears it for me. Those low life scum will not give me a trial by jury in Los Angeles for fleeing for my life. They call us insane or criminals. I call them the longing for death brigade. They will reap what they sow, so help us or destroy us all, I pray in my private corners.
When we do our best work at Mobile Audit Club is when we smell the blood of the dead and hear the dead have suffered unjustly. (The two links in this paragraph have the same information. The second link is easier to read, but only the first link has fully functional links without possibly some copy/paste of URL). Twice criminals in government have tried to kill me. Read of the death of a banking executive killed by the method the federal mafia had intended for me, Kurt Brown, Auditor/Artist. Also there are links of a likely connection between mafia and a regional director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in San Francisco. Please pardon the long page. Skim for links and small details first. The links within the story are all linkable in the link above, but it is difficult to read. This copy of the information at the link here is easier to read, but you may have to copy and paste the links with proof into the URL window.
In this link is one proven example of corruptions at the National Treasury Employees Union and U.S. Customs. The man was in the dope business I would wager, and laundering money from San Francisco's FDIC to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in Washington D.C.
I am a whistle blower who was a federal bank examiner for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in the late 90's and early 2000's. I have been attacked by the government for reporting crimes within the federal government and state government. The Los Angeles Veterans Administration has destroyed my good name in 2001 after blowing the whistle on a murder at the FDIC and thievery and money laundering. They gave me a felony for parking on their 40 acres of piss-scented soil under the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporations request. Now the California Superior Court of Los Angeles will not give me a trial by jury, simply so I can be silenced on corruption throughout the government including the treasury, the VA, US Mint, FDIC, and I believe they have done unauthorized medical procedures on me and many others, as I know they forced injections upon me and held me captive, denying my rights, even by the Geneva Convention. They treat us like prisoners of war so we Americans should be afforded the same rights. The federal government tries to strangle us and then hands us crumbs to control us or turns our lives into living Hells. Support all freedom fighters throughout the world, is what I shout during my outrage. Remember the Army propaganda slogan, "Be all you can be"...Let us be American Revolutionaries and arise, the US government factions of the regime in power behave as our enemies, including doing forced experiments on us and building a prison state for our kind, often innocent. I propose that since I lost my right to vote in 2001 for violating no crime under the constitution, the right to bear arms, when criminal mafia of the federal government attacked and did not succeed, and they answered none of my calls for help that For all of those states where the government denies anyone the right to vote, one politician from the top be harassed in front of the media on the issue on a daily basis.. Here is a link to my latest news post on LA Indymedia (DC Indymedia Was Edited Out By A D.C. Based Editor, likely Fed..Silenced Editor(s) at the muzzle of a gun) regarding how to launder money. I would like to apologize for some statements I made last week, I was sick with the plague or a bio-engineered virus, I am not sure which.
8-1-2004 This site has long segmented pages, so skip segments if you are looking for either a national or local report. Updates on Home Page II - Mob Al related with leads to where a city councilman who part-times as a fake Reverend, the Johnson, has lost $10,000 of city funds from his discretionary account and Love Line page, a page of comedy and science with a new genetic design option for Killer Fly, one of the many variants of genetic weapons available to a world destined for suicide and murder. Auditor/artist Kurt Brown has done nothing he is not entitled to do by law, yet he has been abused by law enforcement and corrupt judges in Los Angeles and Alabama and labeled a felon by a forced plea under torture and duress by American government and with illegal demands of silence regarding murder and mafia in America's federal Treasury and now they deny him a right to trial by jury, thereby silencing his case forever. The American governmental regime, the Democrat/Republican monopoly needs to be removed or we, the thinking humans of the lower caste, are as good as dead or in chains and under needles, as many of us are or already have been. (On a news post and a less somber topic, Canada has a true Democracy with numerous political parties, and Saint Ram Bone warns of disease Kuru after the ruling regime in America leads us into WWIII. Kurt is an American who would have died for this nation, and now the factions of the regime in power not only spit in his face but that of the world.
They are leading us into the technological war to end the species, whomever they may be. The true provaceteurs of the wars remain hidden. You can bet they are not from the poor and you can bet that those who have less love for this nation will soon slit the worlds throat. Suicide of the species from genetic manipulations. See just one variant of the Lord of The Flies on the Love Line page and if you sit idle and do nothing you can watch our governmental regime's factions victims conjure up through technology the hand of abominations and the tables will spin, till not a single man stands on this planet.
After over 70 years of propaganda by mass media, radio and television, we are waking up on the internet to the fact that many in our government are more foreign and alien and cruel to us than the innocent people abroad who they want us to kill for their profits. Then they look down their noses at us, those without huge bank accounts and those of not related to, or not associated with, key people in government. Nazis come in all shades of color in America. America's governmental regime has been cruel to the lower caste for a long time. Now, they call all who speak up against them crazy, or they are imprisoned or assassinated. Therefore we the lower caste must honor all attempts to break their monopoly and prejudiced justice and caste setting regime, the criminal and super-wealthy Democrat/Republican regime, abusing the world and the USA's lower caste. They exclude us from voting and attending many government meetings, so let us not exclude them from indifference to their fate.
The only two politicians of their regime I feel is worthy of office is Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Senator Jan Krakowsky of Illinois. Even then we must beware of deceptions. The reason I like Krakowsky is because she goes after criminals in government like a Pit Bull after cats, and therefore is a kindred spirit. Byrd wants to give all the right to vote. In this link is a small political commentary posted 8-3-2004 in DC Indymedia.