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Jim Hlavac's Skyscraper Designs

And Urban Affairs Commentary

The Proper Role of City Government

Too many people think "the city outta' do that" -- when in fact that just leads to more government, less individual control over his own wealth, more taxes, and a general constant opposition from one group or another about the expenditure of "city tax dollars." By removing the city from some areas of concern we would be enabling the cities to do more of what they are meant for: keeping the roads up and the sewer and water systems working, the streets safe and basically enabling private enterprise to work as harmoniously as they can within the tight confines of the urban environment.

Currently all city offices in most American cities are all downtown, forcing an endless stream of people to travel to a central location. It would be better for the delivery of social and city services to have small satellite offices sprinkled throughout the city. It would also spur economic development in the commercial areas that are usually neglected by city hall.

A green glass tower that rises from a round edge square that squares itself as it rises, like the prow of a ship

Cities should not be in the business of supporting the "arts" unless they are prepared to support all arts without reservation. It is unfair to some taxpayers to be supporting arts that they'll never use for the enjoyment of a few. Symphonies, opera houses and museums strike me as the sort of institutions that should seek other sources of funding and not rely on the taxpayers.

A wavy edge along opposite sides of this red glass tower gives this tower an undulation not seen before in tall buildings. Bright cherry red aluminum stripes accent the squared corners and the wavy edge, given the illusion of tearing taffy apart. .

Cities should vastly simplify their ordinances and codes so that people can set up businesses and build and renovate buildings easier. The current permitting process for both aspects of growth are so full of contradictions and vague provisions that it is a constant battle to get anything done.

A series of setbacks in the wedding cake style, yet in differing proportions and differing window treatments, clad in green granite with slightly different light grey glass for each section, trimmed for a shadowing affect in black aluminum or steel. .

Cities should work with their state governments in the serious consideration of setting up red-light districts to contain all of the bars, discos, loud entertainments and yes, even prostitution and marijuana smoking. These social problems are endemic to society, and there has proven no way to stop them, short of puritanical laws and intrusive police activity. Through containment there is a cost savings to the city and there is a lessening of exposure to the social ills to other segments of the population. They should be put in the most run down industrial sections of the city, thereby reviatlizing derilect zones and preserving some important architecture.

This multi-shade of skyblue glass tower has a bold slice at the top, with its trim lines turned at a 45 degree angle to the vertical lines of the tower. Capped with an interpreted pyramid, and skirted with a pyramidal base, would result in a tower set back from the street line, allowing more light and sun to the street. .

The states and the cities should actively consider the legalization of marijuana, with it being regulated like liquor. Pot is more like liquor, and probable safer for users. Plus, there seems no chance that the government will ever eliminate its use. It's not quite joining or condoning its use, but it is not criminalizing so much of the population. Especially since the majority of those arrested for marijuana are minorities, despite its use by whites too, which has bread so much racial ill will.

This Tudor framed, gothic arched tower of ever darkenign purple glass would be a major architectural statement on any skyline, bringing a faceted from and a colorful prescence to a city.
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