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The Magick Circle

Budding Journalists Click Here!

The Teen Pagan E-Zine

Hello and welcome

You seem to have stumbled across The Magick Circle - an e-zine dedicated to bringing to together teenage Wiccans, Witches, and/or Pagans... and those interested in the craft.

Another of our objectives is to create a more positive image of teen Wiccans/Witches. It's a sad fact that many older Wiccans and Witches look down on these new arrivals. Of course, this isn't helped by the way that we are misrepresenting ourselves as illiterate slaves to pop culture.

So, The Magick Circle is not only a fun and informative guide and forum for discussing views and techniques, but also a representation of ourselves as members of a younger generation, and a help site for defending ourselves without going too far (all will be revealed later on).

Well, thank you for reading this brief intoduction. If you are interested in writing for the zine, please click on the side link 'Budding Journalists Click Here!' and read that page. If you have any queries, please email me at
