Whakatane Rally
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MARCH 18th 2007
Mountain to the Sea Run
$10 badge sales.
Assemble at the Kawerau New World car park from 10am 18th March
Coffee shops have agreed to open for us again this year for those who will be travelling some distance be it local, from Jaffa land or south of Taupo.
Leave Kawerau New World carpark 11am for Whakatane Arrive Whakatane 11.45am or there abouts BBQ avaliable at the Whakatane end to fill a gap that may have appeared since leaving the coffee shop
12 noon the spot prizes will be given out Numbered tickets from badge sales have equal chance of obtaining something.
Special prizes for Oldest Rider Oldest Bike Furtherst traveled (last year it was Olly from Torbay, so this one is wide open if you want it.)
169 bikes last year.
See you there this year
For more Last Years pix
Furthest Travelled
Oldest Rider
Oldest Bike 1951 Royal Enfield