[ july 06th ]
[ do's and don'ts ]
*Making Friends
do be friendly, but not desperate
don't talk about yourself all the time
do ask about themselves, but don't get too personal, and don't pry certain things
don't rush things, friendship grows
do develop the habbit of looking cheerful and happy
* Crushes
don't ever put anything in a note that he wouldn't want the world to see, because they just might
don't call him more than 3 times a day, he and his parents will get annoyed
do smile and say hi in the halls
don't follow him class to class hopiing to 'bump' into him
do try and get to know his friends
and most important, DO try and have your OWN life
don't keep talking about yourself
do ask about him, get to know him
don't constantly worry about how the date is going, just have fun
do be yourself
don't pretend to be someone you're not
* Blemishes
do drink lots of water
don't squeeze them
moistureize with an oil-free cleanser
don't touch your face with dirty fingers
do wash your face before going to bed
don't overwash your face though
do use a benzoyl peroxide lotion
don't get too much sun
Got any other do's and don'ts that should be here? Just send them in here
past issues
about uneven tan lines
the members
make up tips
do's and don'ts
what's in
what's out
summer stuff
drank: V8 peach mango smoothie
ate: still waiting for dinner
wearing: my pjs
watched: nothing
heard: "It's ready!"
bought: groceries
went: kitchen
obsession: Michelle Branch
movie: Finding Nemo
actor: Rupert Grint
song: Are You Happy Now - Michelle Branch
CD: Hotel Paper - Michelle Branch