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Guardian of the gates of Hell and keeper of the damned

et habebant super se regem angelum abyssi cui nomen hebraice Abaddon graece autem Apollyon et latine habet nomen Exterminans
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Character Sheet
Class: Angel
Nature: Friendly
Soul: Pure
Feathers, Tin foil, Music, Art
Strength: Super strong
Agility: good
Stamina: good
Dexterity: Super strong
Intelligence: Super strong
Special abilities: Leadership, Intimidation, Politics, Wisdom
not eager to fight
Who is Abbaddon Description Background and References
Basically I am the angel of destruction. I bring forth demons from Hell and let them loose on the earth to kill humankind in the apocalypse.

I have long silver hair and silver eyes. I wear a white robe that touches the ground when I walk, and white leather boots (If white leather surprises you you shouldnt be reading this description).
I have a white crow named Xerratin who can usually be found at my side. He is the guardian messenger.

I hold a staff in one hand whith 3 spikes on the tip of it. This can be used to do basically anything I want, though mostly it is just for show, since being an angel, I can do things by thinking about them. I cannot bring people back to life, nor can I heal wounds. I am what people would call a 'dark' angel, or a 'fallen' angel, but not true; heh heh I'm just an ordinary everyday angel but I do live outside the gates of Hell.
My name is Abbaddon,which sets me apart from every other Abaddon you may find in your travels; but my character is Abaddon, which is Hebrew for "the destroyer". In greek, my name is Apollyon; also meaning "the destroyer".

Quick References More in-Depth references Pictures
Abaddon in list of angels

Basic description of Abaddon, dictionary like

The book of Revelations (Abbaddon is referred to in chapter 9 verses 1-11)

THE APOCALYPSE: An exegesis of the Book of Revelation
a discussion of revelations

A list of demons and angels
Abaddon; the graphic novel, the movie, the soundtrack from ravenfilms.

IN Nomine
A role playing game which includes an excellent description of Abaddon ,in the form of one who owns a bar in new york.

An essay which includes the apocalypse and abaddon, also contains references and explanations.

A fictional case study of Abaddon

Vampire:the masquerade; abaddonites
Description of the Abaddonites in the role playing game; Vampire:The Masquerade.

A fictional Story which involves Abaddon
Abaddon; the Despoiler figurine

An adorable abbaddon character

All About Me
My IRC friends Wanna see me? Quoth the Raven Buffy nemesis
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