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Welcome to my drawings gallery.

This is what I do when I get bored...PS: these are all my own work, so please don't take them.

Tyre, the dragon. This is a pic I drew from Abaddon Graphics. To  view the origional, click the button below
This is the crow from the comic book 'city of angels' Another pic of the crow
This is my character in human form. This is my character in Angel form. This is Dexter from the offspring
This is my friend's desktop wallpaper that I drew. Agumon the Digimon
A cartoon I drew Drakan from the Nintendo game A rat character I drew
A dragon I drew during programming class Another Abaddon character (with wings even)
Demon Doodle Demon Doodle again Demon Doodle third time's a charm

All About Me
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