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Agrophobia Australia Website and Mail List

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"AgoraphobiaAustralia" and "PanicDisorderAustralia"
e-Mail Discussion Lists Information

********"AgoraphobiaAustralia" Support Group********

Agoraphobia Australia is an Email discussion group for those with Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia who would like to join, and feel they have something to contribute or learn from this wonderful group. A very good group of supportive sufferers. Members range from those beginning their recovery of agoraphobia, to those who have recovered. The wealth of experience and support on this list is astounding. Its an opportunity to share ideas, personal experiences and stay up to date with all the new treatments. Most importantly a refuge where we can discuss anything in a relaxed, happy and supportive forum.

Rules of the discussion list:

*Members must contribute in some way by posting at least once a month.
*A respect for different peoples treatments and beliefs.
*Polite and respectful behaviour.
*Remaining on Topic.
*No cross posting. Agoraphobia Australia mailing list is a confidential forum.

To subscribe to Agoraphobia Australia or to find out more about the list send an email to…

Unfortunately we are taking no new subscriptions AgoraphobiaAustralia for the moment unless you are able to provide a non web-based email address for verification and are able to contribute on a monthly basis. Privacy of our members is very important. If you feel you are unable to do this, then join our open group PanicDisorderAustralia for equally excellent information and support :)

*******************Panic Disorder Australia Support group*********

In its 1st year due to an increasing need Panic Disorder Australia is an Email discussion group for those with any form of Anxiety or Panic Disorder, friends, family, professionals, anyone who would like to join, and feel they have something to contribute or learn from this wonderful group. A very good group of supportive people and interesting discussions. Please be aware that this is an unmoderated list, which means no rules!. You are able to join it immediately and start getting help by simply placing your email address below and following instructions.
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