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all my stupid facts

britney's testimony

man, it was hot today, don't ya think? SAG girls decided to chill at the park after school. after we stopped at the real deal win*dixie that is. the four of us spent 15 minutes in there looking for something food that the grand total only came to $9.23. really not bad considering who the four of us are! so anyways, we get our food and chow it down within 10 minutes after gettin up there. those girls are such an encouragement to me! i really don't know what i would do without them. probably explode because they're the only ones i can really trust sometimes. God's workin so awesome in all of them and i can see it everyday. i just hope they can see the same in me.

so tonight is cindy estep's funeral. i don't think i'm going to go because who knows if i could handle it. funerals are such a bring down. and i know that no one likes to think of it this way, but if it wasn't her time then God wouldn't have taken her. she's havin so much more fun now! i just hope mark and zac are going to be okay. please keep them in your prayers.

last night at church it was real fun even though most of the youth group was a no-show. we had tim watterson preaching again and everytime he preaches it's so good. his wife and some others did a skit about not waiting until tomorrow to do what you should do today because when you die, there is no tomorrow. if you live your life putting things off, you'll be in for a big shocker-oo when you're face-to-face with the big G and He's tellin you that you waited too long... shew that got me. time's something we all take for granted, ya know... it's all gonna end one day.

God sure is awesome! It's hard to believe that with all the blessings we see each day that people can ignore Him. Living in East Tennessee we're surrounded by mountains and everyday when I see the sun rising above the mountains it makes me appreciate so much. We take so much for granted in the United States. This week the SAG group met at my house after school for our first meeting in a few weeks. While they were here I looked at each one of them for a few moments thinking to myself about makes them so special to me; I couldn't have been blessed with a better group of girls that care about me! Last weekend some of us got to on the Student Life Tour in South Carolina and it was so awesome to be in a place with 2,000 other Christian teens that have such a passion to know about the God that sent His son to die on an old cross because of all the things we've ever done or will do to mess up our lives. Okay not gonna preach! I can't wait til SAG meets next week!!!! Until then I just have to keep Matthew 6:33-34 in mind to help me get through school: But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of its own.