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About Christina Anton
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Well, you're here, so I guess you want to know some things about me. I'm not going to tell you everything (that would take out the fun for the stalkers that are reading this), but I'll tell you a little.

I am currently a high school student, and am taking those nasty advanced classes that take up most of my time (ahh the price of a good college...). I hope to someday be either a full time writer or have a job doing some sort of computer programming. For those of you that have seen this site go through it's twists and turns, you can see that I'm slowly learning my way through HTML ^^.

My main interests are reading, writing, tennis, my beloved computer (even though the thing isn't really mine), and anime. I used to play soccer, but I think playing with a bunch of guys for one year was enough. I go in the ASMR chatroom sometimes if I want to talk to someone (mostly when no one is on AIM), but I'm mainly a quiet person. In the words of Maria-chan, "Why say something just to say it?"

Most everyone I know thinks I'm a nice person, though those that know me personally know that I can rip a person's head off if so inclined (not literally of course) >). It's rare that I ever get that angry though, so you should be safe. That might have been too much for you, but I find it best to warn people first.

I read a lot of different things, mostly Stephen King, Anne Rice, Robert Jordan, and Terry Goodkind. I used to read a lot of Dragonlance novels, but I stopped buying them because there were so many. Maybe one day I'll get them all, but I most likely won't.

Few things can compare to my love of books and computers (do I sound like Ami?), but my cat and my family are my greatest loves of all. Well, the cat IS part of the family, so I guess it's just family. If you look at the top of the page, a link to a cute picture of my cat, Mas (don't ask me how he got that name).

Well, I guess that's it. If you want to email me just to say 'hi' or praise me for something I did, my address is up there and to the left somewhere. Have a nice time going through my site.