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Most recent addition: Mistress of the House
Currently working on: Whatever pops into my head

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Title Summary
Honestly, I'm Ok(3k) Inner Senshi
The very first fic I posted. Really short, and in my opinion it's not very good. Maybe I'll get around to making a much better one for the outers one day.
Bad Day To Let Go(7k) Mizuno Ami
Ami is having a bad day. Let her tell you about it... (Warning: Ami is REALLY out of character in this one).
Deception Outer Senshi (mainly)
Maria has a lot of problems in her life. She has escaped one of her problems temporarily, but can living with four senshi help her deal with her others? Warning: Has scenes that may offend some readers.
Haruka's Secret Desire(5k) Haruka, Michiru
Femininity has to show up sometime...
The Side Less Seen(12k)
Runner-up for the 2001 Summer's Best Fanfic Award - Click here for the site.
Tsukino Usagi
Hino Rei
Usagi and Rei settle their differences.
A Morning In the Life of a Tokyo Pedestrian (8k) A Tokyo citizen
A normal day for a citizen of Tokyo.
Mistress of the House (10k) Outer Senshi
Discipline at the Outers' house.