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Not much for this update. I fixed the addresses for some of the links on the links page, and also put up a few MUD links that I enjoy.

I've rewritten the prologue for Deception, but I'm not going to post it on the site until I've gotten all of the current chapters rewritten to my satisfaction. Be patient guys, I'm getting there.


Hmm, guess I'm getting into the habit of only updating once a month. I would have updated sooner than this, but I just didn't really feel like doing much after the terrible events of the 11th. I'm still praying that families get some sort of closure and that more survivors are found even though that is a very slim chance.

Now for some good news, guys. I actually got an award for The Side Less Seen. You can click over to the fic page or just click here to see it. Even though it's just for runner-up, it still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside ^_^.

Oh, and another thing. I decided to take down the Author's Commentary stuff. I hadn't gotten much feedback from it, and I didn't really feel like writing one for all my fics after I wrote one for TSLS. If by chance you guys want it back up, tell me.

As you've noticed, new chapters for Deception are going to take a while longer in coming. However, I'm going to be revising the chapters that are already up and hopefully make the story a little better. I look at it now and think "What was I doing when I wrote this stuff?" I don't mean to offend any of you who like it as it is right now, but in my mind it seriously needs some polishing. I won't put in any surprise plot twists or anything major, but it will be slightly different. When the first revisions will be up depends on when I find the time to do them. Maybe between classes or during lunch?


Sorry for the length between updates guys, my creative spirit comes and goes ^_^. But, I do have a new story for you all. It's a humorous little bit called Mistress of the House. Watch out for housewives with kitchen utensils ^_~.

Oh, and Deception is sort of on hold for a while. I just haven't had the urge to write anything for it, though I do have the ideas for a sort of prequel starring Setsuna churning around in my head. It will have to wait to be shown until after Deception is finished, or the plotline of Deception will be ruined. You guys don't want that, do you?

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