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Stop the Circus Cruelty
An Online Resource Center for Aggressive Action

Message Board

Education Works

Aggressive Sample Letters

Making Comparisons

Asking for Explanations and Reports

Offer to Volunteer in Placing Confiscated Circus Animals 

Physical and Emotional Effects

Question the Endangered Species Act

Use Pachyderm Letterhead

A Trip to the Zoo

Current Bills

Press Releases

File Complaints

In Canada


Contact Lists

Resourceful Links

Individual Circus Info

And More...

Watch this Awesome Documentary by the Detroit Zoo! Narrated by James Earl Jones!
Bring back the Captive Elephant Accident Prevention Act of 1999
Read eye witness testimony from a former circus worker
A word about Delhi
Congratulations Delhi - Confiscated by the USDA and now home at the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee!
USDA Settles by Rescuing 16 Circus Elephants
Help Save Maggie

These pages have been designed to push the campaign of banning the use of animals in circuses into the next phase. 

These pages offer tips on very aggressive letter writing to US Senators, the USDA and legislative reps on the prohibition of elephants and other exotic and domestic animals in circuses. 

These tips were compiled by a handful of individuals' creative ideas to become more aggressive. The hope is that the ideas here will trigger re-motivation and creative ideas in other individuals.

It is time to strengthen our demands and question the inadequate punishments of those that abuse circus animals. 

Many people tend to think that there are lots of animal welfare activists out there making a difference. The truth is, more activists are needed to put pressure on legislatures to change things.

Writing letters is a great start. But there is so much more you can do. For example, you can send photos with your letters and file complaints with humane law enforcement agencies and health departments in the localities in which these animals are kept. You can also make appointments to speak to students and other large groups as well as educate your family, friends and co-workers. You can also send news releases to the media.

Please set aside a few hours each week to work on helping these animals in despair.

Please let the USDA and legislatures keep hearing from you. Write them every week if possible, or at least once a month. Please be sure and remind them every time you write, that you are a taxpayer and a registered voter. If you are not currently registered to vote, please do so.

Today is . Our daily inspirational quote:

Were you inspired to visit this page after a circus performance?

Inspirational Poetry by Sylvia
  The United States - A Free Country Still Practicing Slavery

It is reported that circus animals have lived abusive, 
captive, pathetic existing lives for two centuries now. 
Ever since Walt Disney and his team made the animated feature film
"DUMBO" in 1941, awareness about the abuse these animals endure has grown.

However, it still has not been banned in the United States.

In Memory of Tyke
and dedicated to all individuals who have
suffered a lifetime of misery in the hands of cruel entertainment.

Email Us

Please take a moment to
sign these very important petitions:

Bring back the Captive Elephant Accident Prevention Act of 1999
STOP Thailand's Baby Elephant Torture

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