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2000 winners

Here is where you can veiw the YEAR 2000 MISSION: ANIME FANFIC AWARDS!!!!! (K: *sweatdrop* V: Hey, you did the last page, this one's mine.) The award will take you to the winning fic. Enjoy!

Gundam Wing

Best Angst

For Love of Duo Maxwell By: Cobalt Doll

Best Alternate Reality

Differentia By: Dr. Breif's Cat

Best Comedy

Interesting Hobbies By: Blind Zen Archer

Best Romance

Past Demons By:

Best Song-fic

Oklahoma By: Aquaian Goddess

Who Wants to Live Forever

Play of Life

Sailor Moon


Crossing Paths

Love and Other Head Injuries

Chronicles of Epoch

Lost Innocence

Final Awakenings

Best Overall

And here's something for everyone who entered.



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