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Page 1
Here`s the cover artwork I created for "NewScientist" Magazine,I`m still waiting for them to use it!
Page 2
This is the view from our back door (on a good day) My wife Agnes took the photograph of Ben Nevis.
Page 3
This is what I look like.Maybe.
Page 4
A painting I did of a Nepalese boy.
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If you like masks.
Page 6
Take a peek at the world,through R.Crumb`s eyes.
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Scottish Art
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Spraycan Art
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Mervyn Peake and Gormenghast.
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If shoes are your thing,walk this way.
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Persian/Mughal miniature painting.
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Quilt Art
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Maurice Sendak
Page 14
My street art.The great dancing flower people give- away!
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Flann O`Brien and Ralph Steadman
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The Horseman`s Oath.
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First Day Covers
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Rembrandt Van Rijn`s self - portraits
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Dave MacKean`s interesting view of the world,Art,Photo-Collage etc
Page 22
James Lileks site devoted to 1940`s & 1950`s American Advertising and Popular Culture.
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The Graphic Art found on Cigarette Packets.
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Artwork from Derek Lea
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Retro Culture.
Page 27
Bob Harris,the DJ has a good site,especially links to musicians own pages.
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Short stories,Novels,Poems and more.
Page 29 --- great book reviews and much more!
Page 30
Travel Journals --- Great accounts by "ordinary" people,of their travels in foreign parts.
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North American Indians.
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Stories from History,you did`nt hear these ones in high school!
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Ancient Egypt is interesting!
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Loud posters from The Fillmore,mid-sixties.Far-out!
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Visit various parts of the world at this well presented site.
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African Art (and what it means).
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I love old electric guitars,I did this picture in Photoshop,showing some of my favourites.
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Rasputina,3 cello players dressed as Wild West goodtime gals,nice old style images and humour.
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All about collage and photocollage.
Page 40
Catch up on any missed programs from probably the best radio station around --- Radio 4!
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Psychedelia lives on at this site!Worth a look.
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Vivian Stanshall.
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Cd`s I`m listening to this year.
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"Smiling Man"Images.
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Book`s I`m reading.
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All you want to know about jazz muscians and music --- at this site.
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So that`s what music looks like!
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Stencil Graffiti Art.
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Bags of URL`S.
Page 50
Pattern`s in nature.
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Ira.M.Gobler`s wonderful toys!
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Stories,poems,novels,etc from the great general public.
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Travel the World with Bud.
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Explore the decades 40`s through to the 80`s in this excellent site put together by "Lisa".
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Four Fish!
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All about American author, Sarah Orne Jewett.
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Some images I`ve created in Photoshop.
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More CD`s I`ve bought,in the last few months (May 2003)
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Walking on mud or snow makes patterns,OUTSOLE PATTERNS!
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My Loch Eil Mural!
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My Self-Portrait painting.
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