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World of fractals

By Adam Lerer

Home | Image Galleries | Animations | Types of Fractals | Downloads | Understanding Fractals | Contest | Links


Mandel fractals

Dynamic fractals

Julia fractals

Lambda fractals

Plasma fractals

Newton fractals

Complex Newton fractals

Newton Domains of Attraction fractals

Barnsley Mandelbrot & Julia fractals

Bifurcation fractals

Circle fractals

Sierpinski Gasket fractals

IFS fractals

Inverse Julia fractals

Lambda FN fractals

Ginger fractals

Icon fractals

Lorenz fractals

Formula fractals

Julibrot fractals

Extreme appreciation is sent to the authors of Fractint. Not only were the images on these pages created from within Fractint 18.2, but the description of those fractals also originate from Fractint's documentation file. Thank you also to Brad Johnson for the sample pictures.

Home | Image Galleries | Animations | Types of Fractals | Downloads | Understanding Fractals | Contest | Links