Mr. Wonderful Talks Politics

2/11/00: Digital Divide Delusion
2/08/00: Abortion For 14 Year Old
2/06/00: Giuliani "License All Guns"
2/02/00: McCain C.F. Refuted
2/01/00: McCain Trims Bush in NH

This Cell Purposely Blank

(Best Viewed using Explorer 5.0 and your browser's 'small' or 'smallest' font size.) Digital Divide, horseshit!
2/11/2000:Digital Divide
Great. Now we hear the federal government and the computer industry pounding out the message of the pending 'Digital Divide.' The 'Digital Divide' is the situation that some Americans have personal computers and some do not. The ' Digital Divide' demonstrates the fact that some individuals will purchase personal computers with their paychecks and some people will buy beer, concert tickets, fast food and attempt to win the lottery with their's. Just as some individuals find the means to purchase health insurance and maybe forgo a new car, where others will only be happy and healthy with the latest showroom model but yet consider health insurance a luxury. In the 'Digital Divide' crisis the Federal Government sees an inequity it must correct. Mr.Wonderful states that individuals who can't afford a $500 personal computer are not people who could benefit from owning one. Without a $500 line of credit or $500 to their name, what kind of financial life is an American adult living? With few exceptions these people are living exactly the life they have decided to live. The life of a spendthrift. What help is a personal computer going to be to these people? So they can play the lottery? Gamble over the internet? Put up a home page? But you see, the 'Digital Divide' is actually only a code word to shovel tax dollars you've paid in (under the threat of imprisonment) from the U.S. Treasury into the fat wallets of the already wealthy personal computer industry.

2/08/2000: Arizona Supreme Court Demands Abortion for 14-Year-Old !
Big news at MSNBC is that a minor female (whom the State of Arizona sent out of state for a late term abortion) was impregnated by a thirty-year-old man during a session of 'consentual sex.' If my readers have ever wondered why Planned Parenthood, the Pro-Choice crowd, and abortion providers fight tooth and nail for the 'right' of minor females to receive abortions without the knowledge of their parents, the above situation is a common scenario. Typically an adult male knocks up a minor female. In conjunction with the Pro-Choice choppers, this 'man,' rather than face rape, statutory-rape or a sentence of marriage, arranges for a legal end to this illegal pregnancy. If abortions of this type were made a crime, this would dry up millions of your tax dollars that are currently funding these Pro-Choice provided privileges. By the way: Can you imagine, earning income cutting up and cutting out human fetuses and throwing them in the trash? 2/06/2000: Giuliani Says to License all Firearms !
The Mayor While you people were sleeping-in this Sunday, your Mr.Wonderful was drooling in his homemade cup of Starbuck's coffee, watching this morning's political news shows and successfully staving off a return to the still warm covers of my bed. Starbucks Image of Caffeine Goddess Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, proposed a simple solution to all our firearm challenges and crimes. The Mayor, a moderate Republican, suggested that all gun owners go through a licensing procedure, " we do for automobiles." Isn't that nice? Does the good Mayor think that criminals and those with criminal intent will go through these same licensing procedures? Moderate Republicans and Democrats don't understand that outlaws do not follow the laws. These people are 'out'- side of the laws. They don't obey laws! Now, ignoring the fact that the licensing proposed by the Mayor would judged Constitutionally illegal, let's look at what registration of vehicles and issuance of driver's licenses has done for people of Arizona. If one drives in The Valley (Phoenix, Glendale, Scottsdale, Tempe, Mesa and Chandler) one quickly realizes, as multiple cars speed through solidly red traffic signals at virtually every intersection, that licensing and registration of vehicles is a expensive farce. If those'unlicensed' individuals owning firearms committed the same number of firearm violations as our registered, licensed and tested automobile driver's commit driving violations, it would be freshly sodded graveyards that were encroaching on our desert rather than our current subdivisions.
2/02/2000: Mr.Wonderful Trashes McCain Rhetoric
"McCain shouts Campaign Finance Reform !"
Mr.Wonderful quietly proposes his solution: That campaign donations to a candidate for any federal office, are permitted only from the personal funds of individual American citizens. Donations in the amount of $499 or more are to be immediately cross-checked, by carreer civil servants outside of the Executive Branch of government, to that individual's confirmed Social Security Number. Any individual who is used as a channel for campaign donations from any source other than personal funds under his or her's personal control, is committing a federal offense. Any donations from corporations, organizations, PAC's, or any entity other than an individual United States citizen would be illegal. 1960s Bolshevik, Eugene McCarthy Most American's do not realize that the current campaign finance laws stem from the Presidential campaign of former Marxist, Eugene McCarthy. McCarthy's run was underwritten by one individual. This greatly upset the 'powers that be.' (You know, the shady characters behind the eye on the pyramid imprinted on our one dollar bill?). The Eye However, under our current campaign finance laws, Ross Perot was not only able to personally finance the majority of his first Presidential campaign, but was also able to receive $14 million of taxpayer's money to squander on his second Presidential campaign! This is an improvement? The Honorable Senator McCain is against Mr. Wonderful's idea because it takes the power away from the scribes and secular-Sadducees inhabiting The Beltway. My plan allows virtually any literate American, without endless meetings, innumerable regulations, and thousands of entries to the Congressional Record, to instantly determine whether campaign finance laws have been violated. Hopefully, the FBI, whether serving a Republican, Democratic or Independent Administration, under the terms of this law, could also quickly determine and prosecute any campaign finance law violation.

McCain Births the concept of "abortion only to save the life of the mother"
This is an incredibly naive attitude for such a seasoned candidate. Do you imagine that the sixty year old, former aviator, unbelievably courageous and self less former P.O.W. and senior Senator from the great state of Arizona, is naive? Mr. Wonderful doesn't. Allow me to explain. Health Care Provider's With Armed Guard In today's violent world, the phrase, "abortion only to save the life of the mother" is translated as, "If you wish an abortion, any abortion doctor (as a group, not know for their firm moral positions) will check the box labeled, 'Abortion performed to save the life of the mother.' " The 'Pro-Choice' people intuitively understand what Senator McCain is saying. That is why they can vote for him. Understand that there is today an unwritten law among physicians, and a written law in some states like Arizona, that no abortions will be performed after the fetus has attained the age of twenty four weeks. So what do you imagine that abortion doctors, whose livelihood (what a great word) depends on killing these fetuses do? They simply, without a thought, check the box labeled, "Age of Fetus, Twenty four (24) Weeks or Less." How else do you think that these aborted fetuses occasionally live beyond the delivery room and onto the front page of USA Today? Mr. Wonderful's solution? I'm with Governor Bush on this one. Until a plurality of American voters believe that abortion is, in 999 out of 1,000 instances, premeditated murder, this is not an issue worth risking the election of a conservative Republican to the Office of the President of the United States.
moderate Republican John McCain
2/01/2000:McCain Trims Bush in New Hampshire !
CBS News reports at 5:00PM Phoenix time that Senator John McCain has won the first Republican primary of the year 2000 Presidential race. The reason your major media, populated by far-left morons, is applauding Senator McCain, building McCain up, shouting that, "He's a war hero! He's a war hero!" The reason they are doing this is because, between G.W. Bush and John McCain, Senator McCain is by the far weaker candidate to run against either Bill 'Heart-Attack' Bradley or Al 'I-Did-Inhale' Gore.