Mr. Wonderful Talks Politics

3/02/00: Handgun Safety Locks
2/23/00: Campaign Finance
2/21/00: McCain Finance Solution
2/20/00: Bush Grows Over McCain

2/19/00: JD & Shadegg Head for John
2/16/00: Sodomites Squawk In Bedroom

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3/02/2000: Masterbater Demands Master Locks!
Trigger Lock Today the White House self-massager demanded licensing of gun-owners and safety locks on all handguns. Neither proposed regulation would have prevented either of the handgun murderers from completing their crimes. The handgun the first-grader used was stolen AND possessed by a felon. A felon isn't likely to purchase and install a safety lock on a stolen weapon. The adult man who shot the five people this Wednesday had no criminal record, so licensing would not have halted his handgun havoc. Zipper Lock?Today, on my one and one-half mile drive to drop Mr. Wonderful Jr. off at school, I again witnessed a DAILY occurrence. An SUV, by a large margin, running a red light. May I remind Mr. Clinton that in Arizona, all drivers are licensed and tested behind the wheel before they can receive their first driver's license? May I remind Mr. Clinton that all vehicles themselves must be registered and licensed? May I remind Mr. Clinton that all passenger vehicles manufactured since the late seventies have incorporated a 'steering wheel lock?' None of these mandatory regulations prevented the bastard in the SUV from ignoring the red traffic signal and thereby risking the lives of Mr. Wonderful and his progeny. I say, lets concentrate on 50,000 plus victims of American driver's who die each year and leave the 14,000 gun laws to be enforced by our police and adjudicated by our courts!
2/23/2000: Campaign Finance Reform vs. Campaign Reform!
The liberal media claims McCain's Michigan six percentage point win over Bush is a landslide. I guess it could be considered a landslide ... in a doodle bug hole. McCain while receiving only 15% of the registered Republican vote (to refresh your memory this is the Republican Presidential Primary) claims the victory over Bush who received around 80% of the GOP vote. Mr. Wonderful notes the delicious dichotomy between McCain's championing campaign finance reform and his openly accepting votes from registered Democrats during the Republican Primary. Well, I guess I should expect this kind of forthrightness from an eighteen year Washington, D.C., anti-establishment veteran. Har! Har!
2/21/2000: McCain Sights Supreme Campaign Finance Solution !
Senator McCain During Sunday's interview shows, McCain, pushing his square wheeled Campaign Finance tumbrel, slipped in this quick comment, "The Supreme Court has determined that $1,000 (campaign donation) is a reasonable amount ..." Mr. Wonderful nearly suffocated when his split-pea SlimFast® breakfast spurted out through his nostrils concealing his notes beneath a patina sheen. I could not help but think that the "Supreme Court" Senator McCain references, is the same judicial body that has judged abortion a choice and not murder! Anymore, this Supreme Court is more akin to the 'referees' on the WWF who actually accommodate the combatants rather than judge them.
2/20/2000: Bush Grows Over McCain
Once again, while you were sleeping in, Mr.Wonderful, Mr.McCain, and Mr.Bush were already working hard. Governor Bush won the South Carolina Republican primary by around twelve percentage points. To Mr.Wonderful, any primary that allows voters to switch their party affiliations, then vote, then switch back again harkens back to the days of Alice in Wonderland. According to Fox News  here's the split of how voters self-described as 'conservative', 'moderate', and 'liberal' voted.

Self-Described as: 

Listening to McCain spokesman, Rick Davis, respond to Brit Hume's question should give you an idea of exactly what a McCain Presidency would mean to your wallet.
Brit Hume: (Talking of proposed income tax cuts)"Whose money is it?"
Rick Davis: "It's the people's money and John McCain wants to take it and use it responsibly."
Let me translate. The money that you earn, that your spouse earns, (and for you living in sin and gay blades) that your significant other earns is "The People's Money." It's not yours don't cha know? What is the difference between what McCain espouses and what any liberal Democrat believes?

2/19/2000: Hayworth, Shadegg head for John !
John Shadegg Today Mr. Wonderful was saddened to learn that Arizona Congressmen John Shadegg and J.D. Hayworth, both normally staunch 'less government' Constitutionalists back Senator John McCain. Of course, after reading this week's edition of the Phoenix New Times (Feb.17-23, 2000-Free) and discovering that the Marxist, Center for Science in the Public Interest, considers McCain "a serious problem," Mr. Wonderful views the Senator in a kinder light. Why, you ask, do these two fine gentlemen support McCain? The same McCain who uses the federal government and its battalions of lawyers to crush the legal tobacco industry and who insists that by ignoring our Constitution can finally make political election affordable for the 'common' man*? Sadly both John and J.D. have succumbed to the lure of what a President from Arizona could do for the State of Arizona. What does this phrase 'do for the State of Arizona' engender? What it imagines is that Arizona deserts could be showered with the tax dollars that our federal government, headed by an Arizona resident-president, rips from the wallets of citizens in the other forty-nine states! How sad. ... And then of course, on the chance that McCain does become President McCain, Hayworth and Shadegg may be just practicing C.Y.A. politics . (*By the way, folks, John McCain, while not nearly as wealthy as Governor George W. Bush, is far from being this 'common' man. You won't be soon rubbing shoulders with him (and hundreds of illegal's) at your local T.J.Maxx discount store.)
2/16/2000: Sodomites Squawk of Government in Bedroom !
Bedroom "Arizonans the time has come to make sodomy legal! We want the government out of our bedrooms!" This is the battle-cry of the homosexuals and the Humanists. "We want the government out of the bedroom!" Dummies! You have sex for what, fifteen minutes a day? How long do you work every day? Eight, ten, twelve hours? IRS Worker Doesn't it bother you MORE that the hand of government reaches into your back pocket, caresses your ass and then removes your wallet and steals 50% of your wages?! Doesn't it bother you MORE that they then take the dollars YOU EARNED and spend it on such vital NASA programs as timing the orbiting of a multi-million dollar satellite to occur on Valentine's Day 2000 around a "Manhattan-sized" piece-of-shit rock so cleverly named "Eros?"  Guys, lets crack the tax before they tax the crack!