Mr. Wonderful Talks Politics

02/02/01: Clinton to Chapaqua !
01/29/01: Spanglish for U.S.
01/22/01: Bastard of Jackson
01/20/01: Pardon Me Mr.Clinton ?
01/18/01: McCain's Campaign Finance
01/16/01: Bush Wins PB Recount !
*(click here to restore vanished dates)
01/09/01: Ashcroft Racist ?
01/01/01: Senior's Rx Prices
12/25/00: History Channel's Slander !
12/25/00: Bethlehem Rainbow
12/22/00: WJC Speaks for $100k
12/21/00: GW Like MW
12/18/00: Congress Cut Us !
02/02/01 (11:52AM): Clinton Moves Into Chapaqua Home !
My sources in New York State have emailed to advise me that President Clinton has moved into his 15 Old House Lane, Chapaqua home. And that yesterday he was playing catch with his dog in the front yard. Clinton with another hairy friendPlaying catch and getting more attention from the DeMedia than ever. Why? Because many reporters are absolute illiterate dopes who have the inquisitiveness of a Janet Reno and the pent up drive of Larry King. Hell, here in Phoenix, Arizona our media is caught up reporting that our highway department will be increasing the posted speed limit on a few miles of freeway! In the meanwhile all these journalistic dolts have missed the story of the decade. 'Missed' it because, reporting this news could only have burnished the tarnished image of Republican, Richard Nixon.John DeanThe news is that fellow Scottsdale, Arizona, resident, G.Gordon Liddy, testified in civil court that he believed the famed Watergate break-in was not to tap the phones of Democratic operatives, or to seize the Democratic play book, but to fetch a three-ring binder. A three ring binder that encompassed the photos of a call-girl ring the Democrats hired to reward and entice their supporters. A binder that included the photos of the future wife of the man who actually instigated the break-in, none other than rat-boy, the then White House Counsel, attorney John Dean!

01/29/01 (6:20PM): I Feel So Stupid !
How ignorant, in regards to the nation-wide push for bilingual education I have been. Of course, 'bilingual' translates to a bastardized form of Spanish, also known as 'Spanglish'.Bilingual Logo You and I, we're the little people, and although we do have, as groups of millions of voters, great power, that power cannot be executed if we're engrossed with our football betting pools, our adoration of Tiger Woods, keeping track of the happenings on Survivor II! and the price of an eighteen pack of Bud Lite. We keep ourselves busy (on many things that could wait until we're drooling in a rocker at the Shady Acres Rest Resort) and miss the big picture. And the big picture with illegal aliens, and the children of, is that there is one area of our economy where Spanish speaking illegal aliens and their broods have not overwhelmed. And that area is, any job which requires a working knowledge of English. Huge multi-national food service corporations crave millions of ill educated workers who will labor at the Minimum Wage, not the one, two, or three dollar premiums they are paying now. What better way to open up the doors to putting in place battalions of illegal aliens than to teach all U.S. students how to speak Spanish? Imagine, these corporations could gear everything, including drive-up menu boards in Spanish, to make it easy, not on the customer, but on the thousands of illegal aliens rushing northward from Mexico providing a never ending supply of cheap, ignorant and grateful laborers.

01/22/01 (8:33AM): Jackson Stays while Gingrich & Livingston Folded !
Due to a leak to The National Enquirer tabloid, from inside the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Reverend Jesse 'Proud Black Man' Jackson has admitted to having an affair with 39 year old researcher Karin Stanford, resulting in her pregnancy and subsequent birth of a child. It seems that the affair would have started with the then 38 year old Dr. Stanford as Rev. Jackson endured his own 38th year of wedded bliss.J.J. 'That's a huge ass on your Monica.' W.J.C. 'That's not the end I'm concerned with. Har, har!' Reports indicate that during Jackson's counseling with President Clinton over the Lewinsky affair, he brought the then four month pregnant Ms. Stanford to the White House. Ms. Stanford revealed to The National Enquirer (which under the Clinton Administration has emerged as a legitimate source) from the steps of her newly purchased $365,000 home, that she received $40,000 "moving expenses" from Jesse Jackson's Rainbow PUSH Coalition. The National Enquirer reported that Ms. Stanford receives $10,000 a month in child support, also I would imagine, from the coffers of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. However a Jackson spokesman stated that Ms. Stanford receives only $3,500 per month in child support. Your Mr. Wonderful can tell you frankly that $3,500 in child support is about ten times higher than the highest amount he's ever heard of in court, revealing the payments to be nothing more than hush money. What happened when Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich was found to be carrying on a childless extra-marital affair? He resigned! What happened when House Speaker-Elect Republican Bob Livingston admitted that he "strayed from his marriage"? He resigned. What happened when President Clinton was exposed as having his knob slobbed in the Oval Office? He lied and stayed in office. How will Democrat Jesse Jackson proceed now that he has been revealed to be the father of a love-child and having spent well over $200,000 of the non-profit Rainbow PUSH Coalition's funds to hide it? Hell, after a brief respite at the "I am truly sorry for my actions rest stop" he'll just slide behind the wheel of his big black Cadillac convertible and continue to pound it down the racism highway, his only route to riches.

01/20/01 (1:03PM): Oh My God! Look at Clinton's Pardon List !

Henry Cisneros Henry Cisneros, former Clinton housing secretary facing a 21 count indictment resulting from his adulterous love affair, quarter million dollar payoffs to his former lover Linda Jones (Linda Medlar) and lying to the Senate confirmation committee. Linda Jones was also pardoned by Clinton.

Roger Clinton, the former President's own drug addled and drug dealing brother.

John Deutch, Clinton's former CIA Director under indictment for violating secrecy practices of the organization he was head of.

Susan McDougal of Whitewater fame who pioneered the 'no makeup chain look'.

Tania w/AK47 machine gun & Symbionese flag background Patricia Campbell Hearst Shaw aka, 'Tania', member of the short lived 1974 Symbionese Liberation Army. In the late 1970s she was convicted of bank robbery, but later had her sentence commuted by President Jimmy Carter. I don't know if Carter got a book contract out of the deal.

Howard Lawrence Mechanic, formerly of Scottsdale Arizona who was one of five people arrested in 1970 after a riot in which the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps building on the Washington University campus was fire bombed. He was convicted of obstructing authorities for throwing cherry bombs at police and fire fighters, but disappeared two years later after a federal appeals court upheld his conviction.

Fife Symington greeting Art Bell fan And John Fife Symington III, the finest governor the state of Arizona has known who was persecuted by the Clinton Administration and their union thugs for alleged improprieties involving commercial investments.

01/18/01 (8:31AM): McCain's Campaign Finance Reform Favors Unions !
Understand that your Mr.Wonderful believes that the only campaign finance reform needed is to rescind all the regulations that are now being ignored and reverting to the pre-Eugene McCarthy days, when any individual citizen of the United States could donate as much money to any candidate he wished. McCain's proposed campaign finance reforms allow unions, which favor the Democrat candidate in five out of six elections, to donate as much as they wish with no limitations.Teamster's Logo While contributions from American-owned corporations, which typically give 50/50 to both parties, would be illegal. Democrat Party spokesmen acknowledge that union members, whose dues are forcibly subtracted from their pay stubs and funneled into union coffers, have virtually no say in which political party receives contributions from their union. These spokesman counter with the fallacious statement that "Stockholders of corporations should also have the absolute right to determine to which political party those corporations contribute to." There are huge differences however between a union member and a corporate stockholder. This is because a stockholder can simply sell his stock in a corporation if he or she does not approve of which party is receiving contributions from that corporation. (This is most likely why corporate political giving is split 50/50 between the two major parties.) On the other hand, a union member can hardly quit the union if he disagrees with that unions political spending. (For those of you unfamiliar with how unions function, understand, that union members, even though they appear to be employed by private industry, are in reality employed by and through the auspices of their specific labor union. To quit a union, for most of its members, and to obtain employment outside of the union, sometimes not even possible, would be equivalent to taking a 30% to 50% pay cut or face permanent unemployment. Hardly a choice, eh?)

01/16/01 (8:32AM): Bush Wins First Recount in Palm Beach !
Here's a little tidbit that you can add to your stack of how the DeMedia ignores any news that may benefit any conservative causes. This morning, I searched and searched for information on the first Florida recount of the 'disputed ballots' that liberals were sure would prove Al Gore, Jr. the winner in Florida. In Palm Beach County the Palm Beach Post counted the 10,600 ballots not previously examined by hand and found that George W. Bush picked up six votes on Gore! However, according to a Tuesday January 16th, 2001 article in the way the count was conducted, according to a Miami attorney representing the Florida State Republican Party, was not according to written Florida election law. However, my point is that if Gore had 'won' this particular Palm Beach recount do you think I would've had to invest thirty minutes searching for it? Hell no, it would be above-the-fold news in every major newspaper printed in the U.S. For proof, just wait, I'm sure Al Gore, Jr., will win one or more recounts, and then you'll see the legitimacy of the Bush Presidency challenged (once again) in twenty four point block letters on the front pages of the same publications that have ignored today's Bush 'recount-win.'

01/09/01 (8:55PM): Ashcroft Racist? Or Republican ?
Yes, once again while you are were sleeping in your cozy comforters, the chronically ill Mr.Wonderful was up watching the Sunday morning news shows. The Democrats, at that time, were attacking the nomination of John Ashcroft as U.S. Attorney General on the basis of racism. It turns out that, as a Senator, the Senate was presented with nine 'panels' (groups) of nominees for permanent lifetime appointments to the Federal bench. Of these nine panels presented the Senate approved the appointment of the minority candidate in eight cases. In one case, Ronny White (a minority) was not approved by the Senate, the vote being strictly along party lines, with Ashcroft on the descenting side. So now, Ashcroft is accused of being a racist! Har, har! This gentleman has been a law professor, a state attorney general, a governor of a state and a United States Senator, but yet he is a racist and this fact has not been exposed until January of 2001?

01/01/01 (10:55PM): Senior's Rx Drug Benefit Explodes Prices !
Meridia.Lose fat at $42 per pound! Ahhhhh, a Medicare $8 billion annual prescription drug benefit for our senior citizens. Doesn't that proposal, put forth by members of both parties, just make you feel warm and fuzzy? May I mention the invisible, unknown force labeled 'economics?' Apparently, while most Americans can easily recall the individual team members of every NFL, NBA, MLB team, in the order they were signed, they cannot site or would ever come across the occasion to utter the name of a single economist. The members of congress, well aware of this fact, have been buying votes by mandating benefits for the last one hundred years. While the citizens of this country stand ignorant and only occasionally wonder why government taxation has increased by 1,500 percent and retail prices by well over eight hundred percent. Now we are on the cusp of the greatest price increase in prescription drugs ever witnessed. Let me demonstrate the force of economics. Why are housing prices so incredibly high in San Francisco and New York City? Because there are more buyers, more people with money looking for housing, than there is housing available. Now, in regards to prescription drugs: Let's imagine government injects another $8 billion (of tax dollars collected from you and me that would normally have been spent on everything from toothpaste to toilet paper) in order to purchase prescription drugs for seniors into the billions of dollars already competing to purchase these drugs. Do you imagine drug prices will go up or down? Do you think that the drug manufacturers will lower prices? Or is it more probable, now that there will be more money available to purchase their offerings, that drug companies would raise their prices? Oh, you say "Government will force them to sell drugs at an 'affordable' price." Ok, fine, let's say they do just that. Keeping in mind that drug companies must make a profit or disappear like last year's money-losing enterprises, what happens to buyers of prescription drugs who are outside the 'protection' of government mandated 'affordable' pricing? 'Affordable pricing' that will cut into drug company profits? The buyers outside the government umbrella, you and me, and anyone not 'defended' by the congressional mandate of 'affordable drugs,' with private insurance or without, will witness the prices of our drugs doubling or tripling. Because any proposal will not run $8 billion or $16 billion, but, like most government programs it will run at least triple the cost of their projections. And if you honestly believe that an extra 24 billion dollars available to purchase prescription drugs won't fuel an astronomical rise in drug prices . . . well, you're a typical American.
12/25/00 (9:01PM): Founding Fathers Slandered by the History Channel !
George WashingtonAs your Mr.Wonderful, lay near death, battling a virus that would fell an elephant, I flicked on The History Channel. They're currently running a sometimes excellent four part program on the Founding Fathers of these United States. But when an Amish bearded gentlemen, labeled "Historian" compared the American Revolution to that of Lenin I spat blood! This "historian" assuming his audience to be as unlearned as most college graduates, flat out slandered the brave men who began this country. Slandered them by mentioning Dmitri Volkogonov in the same breath as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. Dmitri VolkogonovDmitri Volkogonov, who because he was a chicken shit, assumed the alias of "Lenin". Did any of these great Americans, even when faced with certain death, assume an alias? No! Did any of these high minded Americans flee to Canada or Mexico to hide the way Lenin scurried off to Razliv, Finland sometimes disguised as a woman? To compare Lenin's 'revolution' and the American Revolution is just another liberal scholar's attempt to reduce the creation of these United States to the bland sameness of any other nation that has ever existed. Always wary of any attempts to tarnish this nation, to lessen the greatness of this nation, your Mr. Wonderful quickly exposes them and begs his readers to become aware of these attacks.

12/25/00 (8:55AM):Rainbow Over Bethlehem !

12/22/00 (2:55PM): W.S.B. to Sign W.J.C. for $1,000,000 ?
Albright & ClintonReading today's email I see where theMadeleine Albright exclusive Washington Speaker's Bureau may offer citizen William Jefferson Clinton the highest signing bonus they've ever offered of one million dollars. Do you think when Bill has to sign away over $400,000 of that he will finally comprehend that income taxes, for everyone, even the 'rich', are too high? What I'm chortling about is that the Jewish Beauty Madeleine Albright also has expressed high hopes of a $1,000,000 bonus from the Bureau! Har!

12/21/00 (10:36AM): GW Much Like MW !
Well, we witness what the Demedia has in store for the first four years of the G.W. Bush Presidency. With the goal of proving G.W. an idiot, they will carve, slice, dissect, hack, segment and cobble together every video or audio moment of this brave man's life to make him appear inept. Your MW knows what GW is facing, because Mrs. Wonderful years ago, in a weak moment, revealed that when others are initially greeted with my presence, because of my demeanor and the arcane words I typically blurt out, automatically assume I am of limited intellectual capacity. Even after years of Dale Carnegie classes and the Presidency of Toastmaster's  I remain, on first meeting, to appear like an embarrassing diaper-wearing three hundred pound retard. Where your Mr. Wonderful regularly benefits from these false first impressions, utilizing its aura to gather data, collect concessions and generally bathing in the undisguised condescension of lesser humans, President Bush will only discover this Demedia campaign, to display his ineptitude, as an untrue and unnecessary forty eight month burden.
12/19/00 (7:31AM): Congress Cut Our Funds !
     I'm sure you've seen the advertisement with the actress/doctor in hospital scrubs who explains that the (evil) Congress has cut funds to hospitals, soon many hospitals may have to cut services to their customers. "Cut services to their customers", that comprise mostly of delivering the babies of illegal immigrants for no charge, servicing ER walk-in's on welfare and taking care of elderly patients who will die within six months regardless.
     Folks this is an open attempt to grab those 'budget surplus' dollars that only exist, as the government itself has admitted, because you are paying more in tax dollars than the feds are spending! An incredible situation I admit. However, this advertisement is a clear example of exactly why we must quickly cut tax rates to 'return' this budget surplus to the taxpayers. (Taxpayers, who being the selfish citizens they are, never seem to have any  sort of surplus.)
     Understand, if our elected officials don't soon design ways to devour these extra tax dollars they've collected, private groups lobbying Congress will. You are probably not aware that these super-sleek modern hospital edifices bathed in glass, mirrors, stainless steel, some even sporting indoor waterfalls, are heavily underwritten with Medicare dollars. Those Porsches, BMWs, Mercedes and Ferrari's in the hospital parking lot, shaded from the blazing Arizona sun, parked within steps of the entrances, are largely made possible by your tax dollars. Your tax dollars that also likely financed the education of the doctors seated behind those leather wrapped Momo steering wheels.
     The medical industry has reaped billions of taxpayer dollars all because they are in the sainted, selfless, and untouchable 'health' industry. They have received thousands of millions of tax dollars for decades and it's still not enough! We pay four, five, six hundred dollars per month for health insurance and the hospital places a lien on our home before we exit the wheelchair! The health care industry is only one of the dozens of corporate entities eyeing these excess tax dollars, like a house cat eyes the family goldfish in the bowl, they have reached out their paw, patting the water, feeling the surface tension. And if we don't scream "NO!" our excess tax dollars will disappear faster than Email from a White House desktop PC.