Steps to a Prettier You

Steps to Breaking the Ugly

Like now we all can't be beautiful like me, it takes a God given talent to be like this gorgeous and stuff. ::Giggles:: So like all you ugly girls out there should like read these rules, maybe you could even read then out loud so I could like hear cuz um I don't know how to read and stuff. ::Flips head from side to side:: He he, I dunno know what they say, but like I'm so sure they totally make sense, eventhough I kinda like don't. I'm not good at this whole like thinking thing, but since your like ugly and have no friends you, I'm so totally sure, will like understand. Okie?

Like Step by Step or Something

Step One

So like um your ugly or something but it's not as bad as it seems cuz it could be worse you could like be, um...okie I don't know what could be worse, being ugly is pretty bad. ::Giggles:: I'm so glad I'm not ugly, cuz like then I'd be not pretty and stuff. Oh yeah like back to my book, so the 1st step to breaking the ugly is Cover Up. Like what this mean is whatever part of you is ugly, like um say your face, then cover it up. ::Cracks Gum:: Like once I had this teacher who like totally was always on my case cuz she was a total hag and I was like beautiful and stuff. She'd tell me that I needed to like read a book and stuff and that I needed to like at least be able to add things. Ha as if, I mean I was only in the 11th grade and she wanted me to add? I was like, "this isn't college." So finally one day I was like, "ya know just because your like totally hideous and have like facial warts, or something, that no reason to flunk me." She like just looked at me, probably wishing she was as beautiful as me, and said, "Britney I failed you because you never did any work....I really don't know how you got this far along in school." I was like outraged and asked, "What do you like mean, ugly teacher lady?" And she said, "Britney, you don't even know how to spell your own name~!" I was so shocked I screamed, "Like I'm the only one~!" and I ran out the classroom. Huff the nerve of like that ugly teacher. But I showed her...a little suckie suckie and I got promoted to like the next grade, and where is she I ask you? ::Giggles:: That's right like still teaching the same grade....who's like smarter now? ::Pokes finger into chest and nods::

Step Two

So if your not too ugly and your like rich or something Step Two is Improve. Like you can totally have plastic surgery or something to improve your ugliness. Nothing is like a total paper bad job. This like reminds me of this time that I like found this homeless puppy. He was a small poodle and he like came up to me one day while I was jogging in the park. He was obviously attracted to my beauty, and he like started to like lick my leg. I of course at first screamed, "Hey get off me, that cost a dime~!" ::Giggles:: But then I like seen this helplessly dirty puppy. I was like so humbled because like I was so pretty and it was so ugly and eventhough it was just a dog I knew it must have been totally jealous of my beauty. Knowing this I had to like kill it cuz I knew it would try and out do me cuz like if someone actually would clean it and give it a good trim it would look cute. I couldn't have competition so I tied some rocks to it's little paws and like threw it in the lake that was near by. I was like really proud of myself cuz like I was so smart to get rid of the leash the little puppy had around it's neck...I didn't know what it was for but I knew it couldn't be good. I was like about to go back to jogging when this woman asked me if I had like seen her dog. GOD~! As if I was suppose to keep track of her nasty dog, what did I look like the ASPCA? Pssh~! ::Cracks Gum:: I swear some people like think they're like sooo important.

Step Three

Step Three, which is Fix Up, kinda like goes hand in hand with Step One. If like your not rich and like you think like your not too ugly then you can fix up your ugliness with like make-up and stuff. Cover Girl is the brand that like I highly recommend and let me tell you why. Like have ever seen an ugly person indorse Cover Girl? No, they're all like pretty, not as pretty as me, but then again most people aren't. So like if the people that like indorse the stuff are pretty then like if you use it it'll make you pretty too. Of course Cover Girl did make one fatal mistake by letting that ugly ho Brandy be their like spokesperson or like whatever. See what happened is like I was suppose to do a commercial for Cover Girl and sing a song or something kinda like Brandy did. But then Brandy, that whore, comes and like actually sings on key and like Cover Girl is impressed or something. Uh as if~! Have you seen the size of that girl's pores? Like the Grand Canyon, Hello~! So anyways they like gave the job to Brandy instead of me but like I'm not bitter or anything cuz a little suck here and a little suck there and guess who's appearing on Moesha for 5 episodes. ::Pokes finger into chest and nods::