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As of yet we know almost nothing regarding personal statistics about Mattie. So please keep in mind as you read this, IT'S ONLY A JOKE! Do not attempt to sue us for defamation of character or some silly thing.

Matthew's real full name is Matthew Rhys Evans, he had to drop the Evans and use his second name, due to the fact that there was another Matthew Evans signed on that listy-thingy they have to join as actors. The other Matthew Evans specializes in impersonating the Queen Mum at supermarket openings, causing no end of hilarious mistaken identity situations for our Matthew R. Evans.

Born- St. Patrick's Day 1974 in the back of a taxi in Cardiff. Mr. And Mrs. Evans, forgetting about the Paddy's Day celebration, mistimed the big event and got stuck behind the parade. Little Matthew's first sight was of a band of drunken Irishmen leaning in the cab windows shouting "Name him Michael Collins! Name him Michael Collins!"

The Evans family was a close knit one, although with 17 children his folks would often forget and call him by the dog's name, to this day Mattie will often try to answer when he hears the words "Bloody Fleabag" At least that's his story, and he can't be budged from it.

Little Mattie had his first major traumatic experience when at the age of 8 he was viciously assaulted with a snowball thrown by a skinny lad with girlishly curly hair shouting "FIYAH!!" followed by "I SAID IT AND I MEAN IT!" Matthew told him to get real and take off that stupid straw hat because it made him look like a dweeb. Matthew's honesty helped forge a friendship that would provide him endless hours of entertainment slagging off this better known, and yet somehow less successful with women, hearthrob.


In later years he and the future hearthrob grew closer, their friendship bonded by a love of the Welsh National Pastime, sheep shag....er, no- that's not it...RUGBY! That's it, the game of rugby. (whew!) The game of the Welsh working class man, and way more macho than soccer, where they actually get points taken OFF for kicking a bloke in the bollox. Go figure, the nancy girls. Matthew was occasionally embarrassed by his friend's actions on the field and had many little bust-ups trying to explain why his mate would suddenly stop and shout "Not the face, boys, not the face!" "He has a face like a mule's arse, Matthew," the other lads would say, "What's his bloody problem?" However, the friendship was tested when his mate was chosen to play in a Welsh soap opera and Matthew was left behind while the other lad got to skip school. But he was consoled when a travelling gypsy fortune teller told him that in a few years it would all equal out when Matthew would be seduced nightly by an incredibly sexy older woman, while across town his mate would be having his shoes piddled on by a bunch of neurotic hyperactive dogs.

His mate left him for The Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts when he was in his last year of school, and he was distraught without his pal. He cheered himself up by having a brief but passionate affair with the school Dinner Lady, just to get in some practice for the older woman thing later on. And he got free chip butties and sticky toffee puddings in the bargain.

The next year Matthew joined his mate at RADA- nearly missing the audition though, due to his mate's ill advised decision to pick up a couple of Swedish hitchhikers on the way from Cardiff. The two told the panel at the school a clever and detailed story of being mistaken for members of Take That and mobbed by crazed fans outside of a Tesco in Reading. The board waived Matthew's audition piece and unanimously voted him in, figuring if someone could tell such a bald faced lie covered with love bites and smelling of pickled herring, then he must be one hell of an actor. Plus a few of them were women and the two of them were just so cute.

The RADA years were not easy ones for Matthew, not only was he consumed with his own studies, but he also had to look out for his older, and yet less sophisticated mate. In his second year he had to take a night job to finance his schooling. He told his family he was working at an all night chippy in Peckham, but we have done some extensive digging and discovered that he was really working as an escort for upper class ladies of a "certain age" in the better hotels of London. He was abruptly sacked, however, when he tried to bring his mate along on a job and the mate said to one of the women "Corr- bet you have kids older than us, don't you? You look like Matthew's Auntie Gert!" At this point Matthew told his friend "Mate- we have to find you a woman."

abseiling away Shortly thereafter his mate did just that, and Matthew had a peaceful few years, his CV growing ever stronger, and although his mate was getting the more glamorous and visible roles Matthew got the juicier ones where he got to strip off and shag another fella on stage, play a drug addict, and get eaten in a giant pie in a film starring another Welsh actor of some stature. He and his mate drifted ever so slightly apart, each involved in their separate careers and love affairs, until one fateful day when Mattie opened his flat door to his mate, who- without a word- strode past him and dropped his mobile phone down the loo. His curly haired friend turned to him and said, "Well, I'm single now. Fancy dumping your bird so we can party and carouse and act like overgrown teenagers in national magazines?" Mattie shrugged. "What the hell?"

And the rest is history in the making...

Little Known Facts About Matthew

(Again- a joke)

soccer ball that moves

He has a tattoo on his right buttocks that says "Go All Blacks," a result of a three day drinking binge with a group of large and neckless lads he had the bad fortune to mistakenly call Australians.

His favorite food is dried squid pizza, a nostalgic bow to a Korean-Italian chef with whom he had a brief and bittersweet love affair. His second and third favorite foods being chip butties and sticky toffee puddings.

His pub and party piece is his ability to swallow his own foot and still drink a pint of lager in 6.3 seconds. And keep in mind, he is more successful with women than his mate. That's not half frightening, is it?

He has a good luck charm that he carries everywhere with him, it's the cap off a bottle of Mexican beer that he got as a souvenir in a bar in Tijuana. He was very impressed with the barmaid's method of bottle opening and has kept it close to his...heart...ever since.

His secret desire is to abseil from the Top of Big Ben. Either that or watch his mate make a complete dork of himself performing in a Boy Band and striking out with Britney Spears.

brilliantly written by Josie from the basement

more pictures of mattie

Official Press Biography

Matthew was born and raised in the historic city of Cardiff - South Wales. He was educated at primary and secondary school through the Welsh medium, which still remains his first language.

At the age of seventeen, he realised that a career in farming or the armed forces were not for him, after playing the lead role of Elvis in a school musical. As a result he decided to apply for drama college, auditioned and was accepted at The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

Upon his application and acceptance to RADA, he was forwarded by the college to apply for the Patricia Rothermere Scholarship' adjudicated by Sir Richard Eyre and Dame Diana Rigg. To his great surprise and joy he won and was presented with the scholarship at the 1993 Evening Standard Awards.

Approaching the end of his third year at RADA, Matthew auditioned for a film called House Of America (with Sian Phillips and Steven Macintosh) and landed the part of Boyo, the son of a dysfunctional family living in the South Wales Valleys. Afterwards he returned to finish his course at RADA, only having to leave again to appear in Back - Up, the BBC police series about the operational support units also known as Hooli Vans.

After three months tilming in Birmingham in and out of police vans, he had a chance to return to Cardiff and act in his own language in the Welsh film Bydd yn Wrol (Be Brave) for which he won Best Actor' at the Welsh Bafta's.

A year of theatre followed for Matthew when he went to the National Theatre in London for Peter Gill's controversial play Cardiff East. It transferred to Cardiff for a short while, which Matthew found a little daunting - having to play to old school friends wearing nothing but a smile and a bad haircut was not easy!

After five months at the National - he moved round the corner to the Old Vic theatre with Geraldine McEwan, under the direction of Dominic Dromgoole. The play Grace Note ran as part of the new writing initiative under Peter Hall. Three months at the Royal Court ensued as part of the international writer's festival and Matthew appeared in two of the three adaptations featured.

In January of '98 Matthew went to New Zealand for four and a half months to star in Green Stone, a colonial costume drama for television and enjoyed "one of the best experiences of his life".

On flying back from New Zealand, he stopped over in Los Angeles to audition for Julie Taymor's adaptation of Titus and was over the moon to be offered the role of Demetrius. Immediately he was flown to Rome to begin filming the Shakesperian tragedy which starred Anthony Hopkins and Jessica Lange. On being given the chance to work with Hopkins, Matthew said ".. it was better than Wales winning the triple crown!"

Returning from Rome in the early part of '99, Matthew travelled to Sheffield to play Tom Courtenay and Lulu's son, Ray for a part in Peter Hewitt's film comedy - "WhateverHappened To Harold Smith?" which was released March 2000.

After more than a year and a half of working away, Matthew was happy to return to Wales to do two consecutive films with Jonathan Pryce. The first was "The Testimony Of Taliesin Jones", a film about a dysfunctional single-parent family in which he plays the elder son, and then he went straight onto Sara Sugarman's comedy - "Very Annie Mary" in which Matthew plays Hobb, one of two gay local shop-owners alongside loan Gruffudd who plays Nob.

Last year he completed filming a lead role in 'Metropolis' a drama series for Granada (on screen in May 2000), about the lives of six twenty-somethings living in London; and `Peaches', the feature film of the celebrated play written and directed by Nick Grosso. Set in London, Matthew plays in the lead role of Frank, a discontented and disgruntled student in his final year.

He finally finished filming his fifth film of last year just before Christmas in the lead role of Carl in Alex Jovy's film "Sorted' about an innocent Yorkshireman who gets seduced by London's club culture with near disastrous consequences.

Matthew will star as Benjamin in the world premiere of the stage adaptation of The Graduate alongside Kathleen Turner from April 5th at the Gielgud Theatre in London's West End.

Although widely acknowledged as one of the UK's most exciting young actors, Matthew is quite adamant he could happily give it all up to play international rugby for his country.

spank me

"We are men behaving relatively badly" ~Matthew Rhys

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