If you arrived at this page from an external link, please begin your journey at the absolutely mediocre Home Page
These are the sites I visit to gather Matty info and pictures
(and other copyright blather)
This is a non-profit site, operated solely for my own amusement and to provide some info about Matty (well SOMEONE has to do it). No copyright infringement is intended, all images were obviously borrowed from these, and other, gracious sites and ultimately remain in their control. That said, I know some of these sites have likewise borrowed pictures from me and to that I say, I'm flattered, and cooperation is a two-way street. If you have ownership to any images I've used and don't appreciate it, I will gladly remove said images.
Thank you,
Laura Joyce
Michael J. Bassett, director of Untitled Great War Project
Jen Riddler's League of Obscure British Actors
Ireland.com and The Irish Times
Data Wales
BBC News
The London Sunday Times
The British Films Catalogue
People News
Rhys Fan Site The newest Matthew Rhys fan site

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