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Long Stories
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Help Me Find My Way

A story I wrote for the sparklyglee challenge inspired by the following prompt.

*Physical location: Somewhere in the middle of nowhere!
*Any major plot points: Set a few years down the line, JC's still involved in the music biz, Justin's had some major crisis/breakdown/tragedy/whatever and lives in the middle of nowhere on his own. JC shows up and "fixes" things even though they've had no contact for some length of time.

© June 2007

Wish of Fate

Josh believes it was a wish of fate that he stumbled upon Justin in his most desperate time of need.

© December 2005

Lucky to be Loved

Justin discovers just how lucky he is when he meets Josh. Although Justin’s life could have been better he realizes just how much he has got in comparison to Josh.

© March 2004

Rescue Me

Josh and Justin are both in a terrible stage in their young lives. Help is what they both need, help to maybe pull them out of their current position. And who knows, maybe they’ll get more than they bargained for. Sometimes beautiful things grow out of the painful experiences in life...

© October 2003

Love to Hate

Josh is rich, cocky and spoiled. Justin works in a hotel and becomes Josh's personal assistant. They hate each other but you know what they say: There is a fine line between love and hate....

© October 2003