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I Can't Save You From Yourself

The downfall of a relationship.

© August 2006

Competitive Trust

Justin and Josh compete to win Maryland's all state bowling tournament.

© August 2005

Believe in Yourself

Justin is a model and he’s not happy. He’s let other people convince him that there’s nothing more to him than being pretty. He’s stopped believing in himself but a new person that comes into his life might be able to change that...

© February 2005

Life on the Move

Justin is always on the move and he doesn’t have a lot of friends. Actually he doesn’t want to make friends anymore. But what happens when someone persists to be his friend or maybe even more. Will Justin let him although knowing he will have to move again?

© July 2004

Be My Slave

Josh has a secret. Justin thinks he knows what that secret is but he isn’t sure and to him there is only one reason to find out; be my slave.

© August 2004


Josh is in a relationship with a rich and powerful girl but finds himself trapped in her love when he tries to leave her. “When you hurt my sister, I will hurt your brother.” Will he fight the demands knowing it could bring his brother Justin in danger or will he allow them to trap him?

© July 2004

Don't Hurt Me

Josh is a thief. Lance tries to help despite all the warnings and threats but will Josh let him? Can he help him? What happens when Josh’s stepfather forces him to betray the only person who cares about him? Will he take the safe way out and obey his stepfather or does his heart get a say in it?

© February 2004

Criminal with a Past

Josh is on his way home from vacation with his two year old son. When they stop at a gas station a stranger by the name of Justin steps in the car and orders him to go as he points a gun in Josh’s direction. What is this man’s story? What did he do? What is his crime and what does he want?

© October 2003

Unwanted Son in Law

Josh is the unwanted son in law in Justin’s family where a poor boy from the wrong side of town is simply not welcome. Especially not when according to Justin’s father he turns their son into a gay son. How far will Howard Timberlake go to keep Josh out of his son’s life and how far will Justin go to keep Josh in his life?

© August 2003

The Accusation

Josh is being accused of rape, see what he deals with when the accusation pops up and in a small town where news travels fast. But the big question is, is the accusation true or not?

© June 2003

Punishable Love

JC is a slave and Sam is a princess, their love for one another is a crime but nothing can change the feelings they have for each other. Not even a jealous sister or a stubborn king.

© April 2003

Surviving at 30.000 ft

Nsync’s umpteenth flight, this time from LA to London started out like any other flight. Nobody could have ever imagined what would happen in those 13 hours of crossing the Atlantic sea.

Incomplete (and will most likely stay that way)

A Dutch Girl's Life

A Dutch girl's life is about a girl who meets a guy in the mall which changes her life and lives of people around her completely. Those changes are not always for the best.

Incomplete (and will most likely stay that way)