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This site has come along away since I first started it, and this page will tell all about that journey that seems to be neverending!

In 1999, I discovered the art of making webpages. I guess you could say I was a little behind with the times! It started on AOL, but you couldn't do anything with that. I came across a webpage maker called "Hot Dog". I was so excited and the first page I ever made was a page about Courtney Cox and her role in the Scream movies. They didn't give you much to work with, but I made the most out of it, and I was pretty proud back then for what I had made. Soon the Scream stage was fading and there was no more reason to have a page for it. I decided to make one dedicated to Marilyn Manson and his then girlfriend Rose McGowan. That lasted for a little bit, but soon I found my real calling. I stopped doing the Manson and McGowan site and started preparing for a Madonna one. Now you'll have to understand, you couldn't make thumbnails or any of that stuff that is simple to me now. The program just didn't offer it. Like I said, I made the most of it though. There wasn't an enter page and the news was on the main page. There was a simple picture because I didn't know anything about photo editing. I think there was maybe 4 sections; Pictures, Lyrics, Quotes, and Opinions. I had about 10 pictures, 4 lyrics, well you get the idea! When I created the page I had one simple problem; what do I call it? Well I was looking at a webpage with pictures of Madonna and I came across one that gave me a name instantly. The picture was from the 1994 Details Magazine and the first thing I thought when I saw the picture was "This is demented". So I named the site Madonna Demented.

Here's The Inspirational Picture

Madonna Demented Moves!
Well, Hot Dog might have been good for some people, and for awhile me, but the time came when I needed something new. I came across Homestead (I can't remember how) and I was very excited at the things I was reading about. Finally, I would have thumbnails. That means I would have more pictures! I enjoyed Homestead because of it's drag-and-drop feature. It was nice because I could put things where ever I wanted. My page was all set and I was happy with everything! I will add, that it did actually look pretty good. Well, soon I was sick of Madonna Demented and searched everywhere for ideas on a new name for the page. The new name came from Madonna's song This Used to Be My Playground. The site was renamed Madonna's Playground, and I had felt I achieved all! Boy was I wrong. The thing about Homestead was you didn't need any HTML. The option was there to use it, but I never even dared. Everytime I saw it I got freaked out! I always thought "that's something I'll never learn." I had a pretty good list of things to go to on my menu. News was finally put on it's own page, along with Pictures, Lyrics, Quotes, Opinions, Filmography, Videography, Awards, and I think that's about it. Once again, everything was perfect, but I always felt that it was never enough. I always wanted to do more, and I still (at that time) didn't have any kind of photo editors. I did do some creative things with my pictures, but not anything that was unique. Well, earlier this year I got some bad news from Homestead; they were gonna start charging for their services! I couldn't pay to have a webpage! I never would pay to have a webpage! What's the point? I mean it's just my way to show people how much I like Madonna, and for other people to have something to go to for news and other stuff that they wanted. So I erased everything on the page and left the news section there. I wrote a thing about how Homestead was charging and the page was moving. The only problem was I didn't have anywhere to move it to...

Here's what the old site basically looked like.

Madonna's Playground Moves!
Well, I was very unhappy about Homestead's decision to start charging. However, I did like what they had to offer. I won't complain about that! Now the search began. Geocities and Angelfire both crossed my mind, but the whole HTML thing always scared me off. I looked everywhere for free homepage builders. I mean everywhere! Of course they were nothing but jokes. No freedom, no space, pretty much nothing that I cared about. Then I decided to give Geocities a try. For some reason it didn't load and everything froze up. I tried it several times and the same thing kept happening. So I came on over to Angelfire. I started experimenting, not knowing where to begin. I found a thing for copying and pasting cool templates and worked with that a little bit. Day after day I built everything up. Soon, I had recovered everything I lost from Homestead and gained even more! Once again the time came when I had to have a new name. This time because I found another website named Madonna's Playground. I wasn't happy because I think mine came first. However, the newest version of this site is named M-ZONE. Don't ask me where I got it, it just popped into my head.

That's where I'm at now. Who know's where I will be going. I am very happy at Angelfire, and I think the only reason I would leave is if they started charging! If you want to make a page I would suggest trying it out. Start at Angelfire too cause it's great! If you need any help or wanna know how I did stuff on this page then feel free to email me with your questions/comments.

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