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QUOTES Updated December 31, 2001

1. "To express yourself deep down inside is important. If you didn't you'd be just like a dead person." - 1984

2. "I always said I wanted to be famous. I never said I wanted to be rich." - 1985

3. "I wouldn't have turned out the way I am if I didn't have all those old fashioned values to rebel against." - 1987

4. "If someone becomes hugely successful the public becomes disgusted with them and begins to wish the star would slip on a banana peel." - 1988

5. "Poor is the man, who's pleasures depend on the permission of another." - 1991

6. "I think sexuality is at the core of everyone's being. Everybody's in a different state of denying it." - 1991

7. "Being a good artist is not about being powerful or rich or well respected by your peers. It's about taking chances." - 1992

8. "Having money is just the best thing in the world." - 1992

9. "I like clothes. But I think everbody should run through the streets naked atleast once." - 1994

10. "People think if you're rich and famous that people always come up to you and say, 'Wow! you're incredible!' But the fact of the matter is, no one comes up to you and says that, because everyone thinks everyone else says it, and so they're going to be the person who doesn't kiss your ass. And then, you go through life hearing nothing from everyone" - 1994

11. "There are moments when I can't believe I'm as old as I am. But I feel better physically than I did 10 years ago." - 2000

12. "I was a football player's nightmare. They didn't go out with me. I only got the weirdos." - 2000

13. "If I'm afraid of it . . . that generally means I have to do it." - 2001

14. "I became obsessed with wearing [Britney] T-shirts. I slept in them, as well. It was like I felt it would bring me good luck. And it did." - 2001

15. "My songs are like a map of my life they all mean something - they are like tattoos. If I listen to them I can go exactly back to that time in my life, what I was doing,
what I was feeling." - 2001

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